Marbury: winning the championship is a long process rather than a short-distance dash

0 2 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast bar, April 26 -cba playoff semi-final G1, Liaoning beat Guangsha 100-88 at home, with a big score of 1-0 leading. The head coach of the North control team Marbury wrote in an article: “It is very important for everyone to maintain the same frequency in the playoffs. In this way, the fans can fully support the players, and we can see the best players shining on the court with their own preparation for the match and the energy from the fans. As a player, you thrive with the support of fans. They will become the most important component after figuring out how to get more points than their opponents. “The playoffs are built for those players who constantly challenge themselves during the offseason. At the same time, they have clear short-term and long-term goals in mind in order to achieve the success of the season. The process of winning the championship is a long marathon rather than a short-distance dash.”
