Clumsy Girl became MVP

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When the sun sets, a shabby stadium appears empty and lonely in the sunset. A breeze blew, bringing some coolness to the stuffy air, but it also raised dust, as if putting on a gray coat for the stadium. It was getting late, and there was only one thin and tall teenager left on the field. He rubbed his eyes invaded by sand, bent down and continued to shoot the basketball in his hands. His skill was very rough, but I am very happy. Every time I shoot, I will shout “Kobe!” The boy’s name is Joel enbide. Before he was 15 years old, he knew nothing about basketball, but now enbide has become the NBA MVP. “My basketball journey is like a movie.” He said. (Text/coin) Enbide receives the MVP trophy 01 the teenager who was beaten and cried by his teammates Enbide, who had just arrived in America at the Basketball Hall of montward College in Florida, was driven out by the coach when he took part in training here for the first time. Because enbide can do nothing except dunk. The coach did not know that enbide started playing basketball only three months before receiving the invitation from the college. Compared with the vast majority of NBA players, his basketball enlightenment was eight to ten years late. Before that, living in enbide, the capital of Cameroon, Yaoundé, life was occupied by study and football. Enbide’s father is an officer and has strict requirements on children’s education. Enbide goes to school from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day, and continues to study until late at night after a little rest. The most popular sport in Cameroon is football, but his parents refused enbide to go to the football field, fearing that he would be injured when he was young. Enbide will use his parents to run out to play football one hour before they get home from work, and calculate the time to rush back for desk reading. Enbide fell in love with basketball. It was the 2009 NBA finals played on TV at the age of 15. He was deeply attracted. “Howard, Gasol, Odom, and the great Kobe.” Enbide recalled, “I have never seen such a game before. I feel that it is the coolest sport in the world. Especially Kobe is great. He is the reason why I choose basketball.” Enbide, who is addicted to basketball, participated in the training camp of NBA player Luke Richard Barmote, who also came from Yaoundé. At that time, enbide had already been two meters and eight meters. Although the basketball skills were almost zero, the players from the other side were separated when they participated in the training competition for the first time, and they were qualified to participate in Basketball Without Borders. Two months later, he got on the plane to Florida and started the basketball dreamway by one. This trip was not smooth. Enbide’s basketball skills were like a blank sheet of paper. Those high school students passed enbide easily like bypassing a stake. The first time I took part in the training, enbide was blown out by the coach because he was weak. “I went back to the dormitory and cried a lot. I even wanted to give up and go home. But suddenly, the desire for competition poured into my heart. They said I couldn’t do it. I just wanted to prove them wrong. As long as I train crazily, I will do it, just like Kobe.” Frustrated enbide began to search for teaching videos on the Internet and also received a collection CD from olajuwang sent by a coach far away from Cameroon. Enbide practiced shooting with videos every day and watched the CD study “fantasy footsteps”. He made rapid progress, and the head coach of the University of Kansas, Selfe, was surprised when he watched enbyd play on the spot for the first time. “His offensive skills are very similar to olajuwang. I have never seen such a young player have such a level of footsteps and projection skills. At that time, I said to the teaching assistant, ‘this child’s basketball talent has never been seen before, be sure to get him. ‘”Saif said. 02 belief process On the night of March 12, 2021, Anna was watching the live broadcast of the match between 76 people and wizards. In the picture, her fiance enbide received the empty pick-up dunk from her teammates, but her left knee twisted when she landed, lying on the ground in pain. Just as Anna was worried about enbide’s injury, there was a cry from her son Arthur. Arthur, 6 months old, usually slept until dawn. This time he suddenly woke up and cried. “I think he has telepathy with Dad. Dad is injured, and he seems to know something.” Anna said. The name “Arthur” came from enbede’s younger brother. Shortly after enbede became a talent show in 2014, his 13-year-old brother died of a car accident. The two brothers had a very good relationship. After his younger brother left, enbide decided to name it “Arthur” when he had a child “. The arrival of his son changed enbede’s pessimistic attitude towards his career. Enbede was once a Twitter duster and looked optimistic and open-minded, but what happened after entering NBA, he has been hitting his positive mood. After being selected by 76 people, he was scrapped for two years due to foot injury, and finally began to show his talent, but he often suffered injuries at the critical moment of the playoffs. The Eastern semi-final in 2019 was enbide’s most painful experience. He led the Raptors 2-1 with 76 people in the first three matches, but fell ill with upper respiratory tract infection before the fourth match. He received intravenous injection before the match, as a result, only 11 points were scored in the 7th vote and 76 people lost to the Raptors. Enbide heard boos from some fans at home. In the seven battles of the series, Leonard beat the whistle and killed 76 people. Enbide collapsed. He cried bitterly in the player channel when he withdrew. He didn’t go out for three days after returning home, I smashed my favorite video game machine. “I stared at the ball and hit it on the rim. I thought it was going to hit the time, but it suddenly jumped in and my whole body seemed to be shocked.” Enbide said, “three days after that match, I will cry as long as I think of that goal.” The birth of his son is the best spiritual antidote for enbide, which relieves the negative effects brought by unfavorable factors such as injuries. Enbide once again strengthens the idea of “believing in the process” of team building. After Arthur, enbide faded out of social media and spent more time on personal training. Senior trainers Harlan and Babcock formed enbyd’s private training team to help enbyd improve endurance and confrontation while improving technical details. CIC is the biggest step in enbide’s progress through special training. He originally had basic skills of CIC, and a lot of exercises strengthened the output and accuracy of CIC. In the 2020-21 season, enbide was one of the players who shot more than 5 times in the NBA three games and shot more than 49 percent. Different from the general projection big man, enbide can create opportunities in the middle distance by fengshui ball. In downtown, it can be used as a receiver-type pitcher to completely eliminate dead spots. 03 walking out of comfort zone Enbide gave cover at Arch top. Harden used cover to get rid of the attack from defense to the penalty area. The Celtics chose bag clip defense. Harden scored the ball to enbide at downtown on the left, ENBI started from Devondale to freethrow line, not only did he score in the middle pitch, but also made a foul to complete the penalty. Then it was the split between enbide and harden. The cooperation of the two attracted the Celtic defensive forces. Tucker had a vacancy in the left bottom corner. Enbide held the ball to hold two defensive players, assist Tucker into three points. This was the attack scene that took place on April 5, 2023, the fourth quarter of 76 people and Celtics in the first world war. Enbide killed the four sides in this game and scored 52 points, 13 rebounds and 6 assists to lead the team to win. The Celtics were the Eastern champions last season, with the best relieve a garrison team in the league, but they had no choice but to take enbyde this night. “I think the whole league is trying to find a way to limit him, so if you come up with it, you ‘d better tell us.” Celtics defender Derek White told reporters. Enbide averaged 33 points in the regular season of the 2022-23 season, dominating the scoring list for the second consecutive year. Matched with the high score, enbide gave a new hit rate for his career, and his attack entered a stage of high yield and high quality, this advance is closely related to the change of enbide’s style of play. In addition, enbide has greatly increased his proportion of participating in the block and split in the attack. He is the player who has the largest number of rounds in the block and split field as a cover in the 2022-23 season. Most of the superstar-level centers don’t like blocking and dismantling. For example, O’Neal and Howard in those years, because the big man is in the ball-free mode during blocking and disassembling, whether he can get the ball after blocking depends on the choice of the ball holder, therefore, the mid-level centers like O’Neal and Howard in the peak period prefer to attack with the ball on their backs at a low level, which makes them more active. The traditional Ming-Star center of Enbi Derby has increased the middle distance. He has a large number of balls to mine at the offensive end. This way, Enbi DE’s offensive skills can be demonstrated, but there is a disadvantage, the game is easy to play in a single-core mode. Once it encounters bag clip, it lacks a way to crack it. Harden’s joining is an improvement in the auxiliary level of teammates for enbide. Harden’s playing level does not lose enbide’s former teammate Ben Simmons, his projection level in the normal state is far above Simmons, and 76 people have the second core that can be combined in the attack end, but it also means that enbyd should find the right way to cooperate with Harden. Block and split, this is the answer given by enbide. He went out of his comfort zone with the offensive characteristics of his teammates. Harden is a master of blocking and dismantling. He can play the role of Terminator and attacker in tactical cooperation. Enbide, who has the ability to deal with the ball from the middle distance, you can also switch different identities during blocking. Compared with the effectiveness of the rocket, Harden reduced the proportion of individual shots, and more often, as a control guard, participated in the dismantling and feeding enbide the ball. Enbide responded to Harden’s feeding ball with his inner and outer versatility on the offensive end. He won 8.2 points first in the league in the 2022-23 season, you can get 1.23 points per round. Enbide is easy to break down. He can “eat cakes” one by one, and can also bring the defense to his side to deliver shells to the shooters such as Tucker. The effect is that enbide has two consecutive scores, harden’s NBA career was the second time to be crowned as an assistant king, and 76 people played the third offensive efficiency in the league. “I think we have done better in terms of offensive balance,” enbide said. “I know when he wants to take the ball for singles, he also knows when to hand the ball to me.” 04 get what you want, then? In the MVP competition of the 2022-23 season regular season, jokki got the start. He once rode out of the dust. Enbide came to the top and set off a rage after the All-Star weekend, in particular, during the eight-game winning streak, the field-averaged 36 points with a hit rate of 63 percent laid a turning trend in the MVP battle. Jokedge’s supporters believe that the fall of MVP is purely the aesthetic fatigue of voters, and they refuse to let the “about teacher” MVP Sanlian Zhuang. Jokedge leads the Alliance with various high-level data, and the Nuggets are the first in the West. Why can’t the MVP Sanlian? Enbide’s fans believe that “the great” is the scoring king and has a better defensive performance than yorkich. Although 76 people are the third in the east, the 54-win record is better than the 53-win one of the Nuggets, enbide deserves the MVP. The answer to the question of who is stronger than enbide and yorkich is different. However, winning the MVP means that enbide has moved to the peak of competitive level and psychological level, and officially ranks among the MVP giants. The last 76-player who won the MVP was Iverson in 2001. Iverson brought 76 people to the finals at that time. The last Center to win the season’s scoring king and MVP was O’Neal in 2000. “shark” led the Lakers to win the championship that year and started the three successive championships dynasty. In contrast, since enbide entered the NBA, the floor of the company has not been touched. 76 people have changed their star teammates around him again and again, from Butler to Simmons, to harden now, there is only one goal-to fight out of the Eastern League, but they always seem to be OK, but they will encounter bottlenecks in the playoffs. In the first round of this year’s playoffs, 76 people swept basketable nets to become the first promotion team, but enbide sprained his right knee in the third game of the series. This can’t help recalling the playoffs of last season, when 76 people eliminated the Raptors in the first round, but enbide suffered a fracture of the right orbit and a tear of the right thumb ligament in the series, as a result, he missed the first two games of the Eastern semi-final, and 76 people lost those two games. Although enbide returned in the third game and led the team to win two consecutive games, 76 people finally went out 2-4. In order to speed up the recovery after this injury, enbide received platelet-rich plasma treatment, which shortened the time of recuperation and returned in the second game of the Eastern semi-final, but his physical condition was far less than full capacity, explosive force and moving speed are still limited. Harden lost the target star after the outbreak of the first game of the Eastern semi-final. In the second and third games, he made a total of 28 shots and 5 shots. 76 people lost the total score of the two games 1-2 behind the Celtics, although enbide received the MVP trophy in the third game and got 30 points, 13 rebounds and 4 cap. 1-2 is not a dead game, but it is also on the edge of danger. The Celtics have the offensive ability to blossom more points and the defense level with no difference of relieve a garrison, which are all aimed at the attack and defense system of 76 people, enbide, who averaged 36.8 points in the green field in the regular season, was originally the strongest weapon targeted by 76 people, but knee injury restricted his athletic ability. Harden set up difficulties for two consecutive Iron games. If 76 people go home again in the eastern semi-finals, enbide, who finally broke the game in the MVP battle, will fall into the second round of magic spell. Bad luck, pain, disease, infighting, these barriers that once stopped enbied from advancing in the regular season, have been broken by him with an MVP trophy, but now the ravines on the road to the final goal of the playoffs, it is a new round of challenges. Enbide has no choice but to fight, just as his idol Kobe once did. Seven years ago, kobe returned to his hometown philadelphia for the last time to fight against 76 people. Enbyd, who was still recovering at that time, arranged a room for the team and chatted with kobe for a while. At the end of the conversation, Kobe stood up and patted enbide on the shoulder, leaving encouragement in a very “Black Mamba” tone. “Young man, please remember, continue to work hard, no matter what difficulties you encounter, don’t give up!” Enbide believed what Kobe said.
