Letter brother forwarded Kobe’s remarks and wrote: success requires the accumulation of one step at a time.

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Live Bar, May 11 news today, deer star letter brother tweeted and forwarded Kobe’s previous remarks about failure. After being blacklisted by the heat, brother alphabet was asked by reporters whether this season was a failed season, and he was excited and gave his own answer. Related news: Failed season? Letter emotional excitement: Jordan’s 15 years, 6 crowns, and the other 9 years are all failures? Today, the letter brother tweeted again, he wrote: “success requires the accumulation step by step.” At the same time, the following video is forwarded. In the video, Kobe said: “There is no failure in sports. If I fail today, I will learn from it and continue to work hard and try. Only when I decide not to continue working hard after failure can I really fail, so there is no failure in sports.”
