CUBAL Northeast Division men’s group elimination match-capital ecnomic and trade take China ocean to advance to the top eight

0 3 min 2 yrs

[China sea University 75-96 capital ecnomic and Trade]] At the beginning, the poor state of Haida was suppressed and robbed by the first economic and trade commission for many times. Song Liping Ren Xiaopeng made three consecutive rounds to stabilize the situation, but still could not solve the problem of high error rate under the oppression of the first economic and trade commission. But immediately Wu Hongyu Wang Xiaofei gave the answer with accurate three-point ball, and the score difference was reduced to 2 points. The first economic and trade exchange was adjusted, and Yan taohao scored three points again. The first game ended with a score of 22-27. In the second festival, Ren Xiaopeng’s score difference was reduced to 2 points again. However, the first economy and trade continued to exert pressure. Deng Wenjie hit 2+1 under the basket and hit Xue Haihai’s three points. The difference opened again, and Hai da called out to suspend. After the suspension, Haida changed into Zhao Jiahui again. Wang Haotong turned back and jumped into Zhao Jiahui. Zhao Jiahui stepped forward and grabbed the rebound and scored two points. The first economic and trade department called for suspension. After the suspension, the first economic and trade feel broke out, and yuan Shine’s three-point continuous hair quickly expanded the difference. The first half ended with a score of 37-51. Yi Bian fought again, Haida felt that it was difficult to score points when the power was cut off. The first economic and trade firm and steady expansion of the score difference, and the last moment was Yuan’s clean three-point shot to expand the score difference. The score of the three-day battle came to 50-76. At the end of the quarter, azawa Xue Haihai went into the basket continuously, and the score difference expanded to 30 points. Hai da called out to suspend. After the suspension, Hai da three points felt powered on. Wang Xiaofei sent three points in succession, but he had no choice but to lose too many points in the early stage, it was hard to chase back. The game ended with a score of 75-96 and capital ecnomic and trade wins.
