Letter: no failure in sports beauty: the first round of the number one seed was blacklisted eight this is failure
Live broadcast, April 29 News The stag was eliminated by the heat in the first round with a big score of 1-4. When asked whether the Stag failed this season, brother Alphabet said: “There is no failure in sports. Jordan played for 15 years, only 6 crowns, and the other 9 years were all failures? The Bucks did not win the championship in 50 years from 1971 to 2021. all our 50 years were failures?” NBA reporter and host Kylen Mills said: “I like the idea behind Yannis’s remarks & it is a fact, but I still think there is a failure in sports. The first-ranked team was blacklisted in the first round. This was a failure. They didn’t even approach the goal of winning the championship. This was a failure that failed to meet expectations.”