CUBAL Northeast Division men’s group elimination competition-Tsinghua University 6 people take the North sports promotion to the top 4

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Live broadcast bar, May 2nd news CUBAL College Basketball League entered the 1/4 elimination match, Beijing Sports University against Tsinghua University, 1/8 elimination match, North sports 31 points won Beijing University of Technology, tsinghua University is crazy Shengshan University of Science and Technology 68 points. When the competition came up, Tsinghua University showed its super strength. Zou Yang led Tsinghua Public to quickly establish a double-digit lead with a wave of 8-0, and there were successive mistakes in the north, liu Qingwen also stood out from the bench and cut 10 points in a single section. Tsinghua University played another 12-3 SmackDown and directly opened the score difference of nearly 20 points. The first section ended. Tsinghua University 34-17 led the North. On the second festival, Guo Zhongyin threw it into three points when he came up, and the North body continued to score points, but Tsinghua University could not help but respond with strong personal ability, zhu Siyu successively pulled the score difference by more than 20 points in front of the internal backboard, and half-time ended. Tsinghua University 56-35 continued to lead the North. In the second half, the hit rate of both sides declined. Fang Jiachen was in good condition and scored points continuously, while yuan Xinglong’s foreign investment struggled to support Beijing University of Technology, however, Tsinghua University still has the absolute advantage of attack and defense. The difference will continue to open. The three sections end. Tsinghua University 73-49 leads the North body by 24 points. At the end of the day, Xie Zhijie finally found the outside line and felt that he could score points continuously. However, Tsinghua University had an absolute advantage in internal line and responded continuously. Yang Xihao could also send out violent buckles when fighting back, the better Tsinghua University played, the better it would score more than 30 points. Finally, Tsinghua University 95-64 took the North sports to the top 4. The semi-final opponent was the winner between China civil aviation and capital ecnomic and trade. Data of both parties Tsinghua University: Zou Yang 12 points 5 boards 4 broken, Fang Jiachen 13 points 4 boards 3 help, Wen song 10 points 5 Boards 2 help, Liu Qingwen 14 points 3 boards, xu Xitong was 10 points, 3 boards were 3 broken, Zhou Ruiheng was 10 points and 2 boards, Yang Xihao was 8 points and 3 boards, Zhou Ziang was 5 points and 2 boards were 2 broken, Shi Kui was 6 points, 3 boards and 4 help, zhu Siyu 5 points 5 Boards 2 help Beijing Sports University: Yuan Xinglong 22 points 5 boards, Xie Zhijie 9 points 2 boards 3 Help 3 break, Pan Ruiyan 5 points 6 boards 4 help 3 break, zu libuhar 7 points 2 help, lu Yi 6 points, Guo Zhongyin 5 points 2 Boards 2 help 2 break, Yang Tengfei 5 points
