I won the MVP! Xu Jingyu: enbide’s personal performance is comparable to that of Harden Curry

0 2 min 2 yrs

Live Bar News on May 3rd according to previous reports, enbide won the MVP of this season’s regular season. Xu Jingyu posted a comment on this matter. He wrote: “Congratulations to enbide for being elected as the MVP of the regular season, 33+10+4, with a real hit rate of 65% and winning the scoring champion at the same time, as far as personal performance is concerned, it is as worthy as Harden Curry. “When watching the video, Renzi cried when he heard the award? Not surprisingly, Durant, Curry, brother alphabet, many superstars cried bitterly when they got the MVP. After all, this is the largest NBA award, and whenever they get this award, they usually celebrate the whole team collectively, this treatment is also top-notch. In contrast, fmvp is usually carried out without too much team celebration. The difference is really obvious. “I hope enbyd and Harden, this pair of MVP flower exploration combination can achieve this year.”
