Tatum: I have always believed marzula and I have told him many times that I will support him.

0 1 min 3 yrs

Live Bar, May 12-NBA playoff Eastern semi-final G6, celticic 76 people, drag the game into Grab seven. After the game, Tatum was interviewed by reporters and talked about coach Ma Zula in the interview. Tatum said that he had always believed in mazula very much, and he also said: “I told mazula many times, and I said to him: ‘Hey, I support you, we are on the same boat. ‘” In this game, Tatum finished his self-salvation in the last quarter. He scored 16 points to lead the team to reverse. In the whole game, he made only 5 out of 21 shots, including 4 out of 11 points, 5 out of 5 free throws, 19 points, 9 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 steals, 2 cap.
