The average annual salary exceeds 50 million! Barbecue sister: Bill likes to have a hot fire because there is no income tax in Florida

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Live broadcast bar, June 15th according to a joint report by The Athletic Shams and The Wizards team Robbins, many sources revealed that ruoqicai decided to rebuild in The near future, the team and Bill will work together to seek deals for the latter, and the Eastern champion heat is Bill’s potential leader. In this regard, the media person “barbecue sister” Lu Yinqi said: “Bill’s favorite next home includes Miami Heat, mainly his university is also in Florida, and he is often there during the off-season, he himself also likes the tropical climate. The most important one is that Florida has no income tax. For Bill’s contract of around 40 million a year, it is very cost-effective, in particular, if NBA players deduct insurance fees such as brokers after tax, they may not have half of them. The Miami Heat chased bill before, but it didn’t work at that time. However, the desire is the desire, and whether you can go is another matter.” Bill signed a five-year 0.251 billion-dollar contract with Wizards last year. The salary for the next four seasons is 46.74 million dollars, 50.2 million dollars, 53.67 million dollars and 57.13 million dollars respectively. The last year is the player option.
