Warrior official pushed yesterday to show the poster of Poole & the latter was viewed down by trading fans today

0 2 min 1 yr

Live Bar, June 23-before the draft conference began, Warriors and Wizards reached a heavy deal. Paul and Poole exchanged bosses. Warriors also paid Rawlings, Baldwin, protected first round in 2030 and second round in 2027. It is worth mentioning that 19 hours ago, the warrior official posted a poster of Poole, which was the course of the latter along the way. The accompanying article was “along the way, this is a long journey for the No. 3 player.” About three hours later, Mingji reported the deal. This dynamic has also become a good place for Yong Mi to “rate” the transaction, but hot reviews have always looked down on this transaction (arranged by likes): “Now you use him to trade a 38-year-old man” “You really traded him after sending out his poster” The stupidest deal in history” (Before the transaction) “give Poole a year to save himself. Stop trading his words. You are all following the trend” “You exchanged young stars for a 38-year-old man in the same position”
