Past historical achievements of Guanggong: 3 Super Champions 1 Ajou University Basketball Championship champion

0 2 min 1 yr

Live broadcast bar, June 19 -at the 25th CUBAL finals, Guanggong defeated Tsinghua University 87-83 and won the CUBAL Championship, which is also the first championship in young pioneer team history. Guangzhou Daily sent congratulations to Guangdong University of Technology and listed the past historical achievements of Guanggong. The original text is as follows: Guanggong’s high-level basketball team has fought in various major venues: he has won the three-person basketball championship in the Asian Games and the three-person basketball championship in the National Games, and won the 8th Ajou University basketball championship in 2011. He has represented China in the world’s student games for two consecutive times, on behalf of Guangdong, he won two men’s basketball championships and two runner-up in the National University (University) games. He won three championships in the National Super League (CUBS) and seven championships in the southern division of CUBS, the two won the champion of CUBA Southeast Division, and won the Champion of men’s Group B in the undergraduates in Guangdong province games and the champion of the three-person basketball game in Guangdong province in the past 10 years. In the 24th CUBA first-class league last year, he won the Southern Division championship and the runner-up in the finals, refreshing the Young Pioneer Team History CUBA record.
