The status is a little late! Batum 10 middle 7 cut 19 points 6 Boards 2 help 2 Break Last Section 3 points 5 Middle 4

0 1 min 9 mths

Live broadcast bar, April 26 -nba playoffs first round G5, Clippers away game 130-136 lost to the Sun, series game score 1-4 was eliminated. Batum’s performance in this battle recovered. The whole game played at 25 minutes 36 seconds, 7 out of 10 shots, 5 out of 8 out of 3 points, and got 19 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists and 2 steals. In the last quarter, Batum scored 4 out of 5 points and scored 12 points and 3 rebounds.
