Manu push: Welcome to San Antonio Homa Thorn @ wenbanyama! This will be fun!

0 1 min 2 yrs

Live Bar, June 23 -at the 2023 NBA draft conference, the Spurs selected the French super star Victor-wenbanyama from the French metropolis 92 with the first prize. Spurs legendary Manu-Ginobili posted: “Welcome to San Antonio Homa Spurs @ venbanyama!! This will be very interesting!!” Wen banyama is 2 meters 26 tall, weighs 103 kilograms, and has an arm span of 2 meters 44. Last season, he was able to cut 21.6 points, 10.5 rebounds and 3.1 cap in the French court. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NBA draft conference 2023
