Media person: Tianjin wants to create a young-centered class base to quickly complete reconstruction

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Live Bar, June 21, according to a report by media inspector Zhao ball ring, Jin Xin & Meng Zikai will join Beijing control men’s basketball. Shao huaqian, a reporter from Sports Weekly, talked about the transfer of the two players. The original text is as follows: Jin Xin and Meng Zikai moved from Tianjin to Beijing control. Although there is no official announcement yet, it seems that it is only a matter of time. I am think so. I. I support the flow of all the people in the CBA league. The running water is not bad, and it is important that more transfers and transactions can make the CBA league more exciting. There is no doubt about this. Second, my feeling is that the success of Chouzhou in Zhejiang province and the great breakthrough of Qingdao team last season have inspired many CBA teams including Tianjin team. In order to give young people more time and opportunities, I can send off some players who still have the power to fight the First World War. As for the Tianjin team, the results last season were not ideal. Even if the training of new people is the main factor next season, the results may be improved. Third, Tianjin team put Jin Xin mencikai, a player who is still at the peak or at the peak tail, to earn more salaries in other clubs, and I don’t know how many players who want to go can’t envy, at this point, you have to praise the Tianjin team. He can leave these players in the team and put them on the shelf. You don’t have to let you go, but they don’t. Finally, Zhang Qingpeng took over the team halfway last season. After half a season’s in-depth understanding, he already had his own ideas on the development direction of the team in the future, jinxin mencizikai and Tianjin team are not completely in line with their pursuit of play. Separation can be said to be a win-win situation, and if someone leaves, Tianjin is not without a supplement, the team management has been looking for young players who are more in line with the team system. Whether through transfer signing or draft, Tianjin team hopes to build a team with young people as the core, quickly complete the team’s reconstruction and character building. This summer is still long, let the bullet fly for a while. In the 22-23 season, Jinxin played 37 games with an average of 21.8 minutes, scoring 6.8 points 4.2 rebounds and 1 assist; Mencius Kai played 37 games with an average of 24.6 minutes, scoring 8.8 points 4.2 rebounds and 1.2 assists.
