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Live Bar News on May 6 to strengthen the construction of national men’s basketball, China Basketball Association organized short-term training at Qingdao Guoxin basketball training base from May 1 to May 9, 2023.

According to the relevant person in charge, the men’s basketball short training camp will organize two internal friendly matches with Hong Kong Oriental Basketball Club.

Just today, according to the report of domestic media person @ Mai Suifeng, Hong Kong Oriental men’s basketball has arrived in Qingdao and will hold two internal teaching competitions with men’s basketball short training team next week.

In addition, Oriental men’s basketball invited a well-known wild ball foreign aid Billy barbette to participate. The latter is about 36 years old and 196 centimeters tall, he once played for teams such as Bakersfield Jam and Málaga in the NBA Development League, and averaged 7.1 points and 4.2 rebounds in the NBA Development League.

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