0 2 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast on May 6th news today’s NBA playoffs Western semi-final, Nuggets lost to the sun in the away game 114-121, the series score came to 2-1.

After the game, the Nuggets coach Ma Long was interviewed by the reporter. He said: “Murray is really working hard on the Carry game tonight. But he got a lot of attention from his opponent as soon as he played. I think he will see it when we watch the replay. He is playing his performance. Sometimes he would be watched by two defenders. At that time, he had to choose to trust his teammates and spread the ball. I think the opponent’s game plan is to limit Murray’s speed in some way and force him to shoot some very difficult shots.”

In this battle, Jamal-Murray played for 41 minutes. He shot 13 out of 29, 1 out of 6 in 3, 5 out of 6 in free throws, and cut 32 points and 6 boards. 4 help 1 broke 1 hat.

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