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The first game of the CBA league finals this season will be held on May 8th, which is the first time that the Zhejiang Chouzhou team reached the finals from Liaoning men’s basketball away. It should be mentioned that the Zhejiang Chouzhou team is the champion of the regular season this season. While they have more home court advantages, the team is younger and aggressive. In the finals, Liaoning men’s basketball will face a tough battle and must continue to work together.

Like Liaoning men’s basketball, the Zhejiang Chouzhou team also fought five times in the semi-finals to eliminate the Shenzhen team by 3:2, and entered the finals historically. The finals will adopt a 4-win system of 7 games, and the main and away games will be set to 2-2-1-1-1. The first two games will be held at the home of the Zhejiang Chouzhou team.

Although it was the first time to reach the finals, the Zhejiang Chouzhou team has made continuous progress in recent seasons, reaching a high level a year, and frequently creating the best result of Young Pioneer team history. The team’s best result before was the 2020-2021 season. They once reached the semi-finals, but lost to Liaoning men’s basketball with 0:2 and missed the CBA finals.

In the 2018-2019 season, in the 12th and 8th stages of the playoffs, the Zhejiang Chouzhou team lost to the Zhejiang Guangsha team with a total score of 1:2, without the top eight; In the 2019-2020 season, the Zhejiang Chouzhou team lost to Liaoning men’s basketball in the 1/4 finals of the playoffs and missed the semi-finals. Last season, the Zhejiang Chouzhou team won the fourth place in the regular season, and the 1/4 finals of the playoffs, lost to Guangdong men’s basketball with a total score of 0:2 and missed the semi-finals.

Against the Zhejiang Chouzhou team, Liaoning men’s basketball will face the disadvantage of one less home court. In addition, the inner line of Zhejiang Chouzhou team is much stronger than that of Zhejiang Guangsha team-foreign aid rakosevic and Wright both have good ability to protect baskets, while Yu Jiahao is taller and younger than Xu Zhonghao. When the two teams compete inside, Morland and Han Dejun will encounter a lot of pressure.

On the other hand, in the case of Guo Allen’s injury, the outside line of Liaoning men’s basketball will have no advantage. The strong points of Liaoning men’s basketball primary attack are Guo Allen, Zhao Jiwei and Xiao foreign aid Fuge. However, Zhejiang Chouzhou team is stronger than Liaoning men’s basketball in the back court. Apart from Wu Qian and Cheng Shuai, there are also Lu Wenbo and Wang Yibo who have been selected into the national team. Outside line competition, Liaoning men’s basketball is also under great pressure.

For the fourth consecutive year, the experience will be a great tool for Liaoning men’s basketball. They need to stabilize their mentality, spell words and be flexible, make good use of Zhang Zhenlin’s attack point in terms of skills and tactics, and activate other young people in the team.

It can be predicted that the finals will be an unprecedented hard battle. Liaoning men’s basketball needs to sacrifice the weapon of winning-to fight together, never give up, and dare to win!

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