0 1 min 2 yrs

Live Bar, May 8th news today’s NBA playoffs, the sun at home with 129-124 Rick nuggets, the big score 2-2 draw.

In this battle, Booker 18 was 14, 3 in 3 in 4, and 36 points and 12 assists were cut.

Mingkou A- Smith said in the program, “Devin Booker is really genuine. But he is not the biggest reason why the sun can catch up with the series. The biggest reason is Paul’s absence. If Paul played, the pace of the team would be slower, and Monti would not use those substitutes.”

In this game, Samet played at 30 minutes 12 seconds, shooting 6 in 9, 5 in 8 in 3, 2 in 2 in free throws, and scoring 19 points.

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