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The Lakers and Warriors played 4th game. At 1 minute 57 seconds before the end of the game, the Lakers fell 1 point behind 98-99. How will the Lakers play the key offensive round?

Zhan Mei’s combination block was split into a starting type, which was just bait. Lonnie Walker IV was the one who really carried out the attack. In the face of Stephen Curry’s defense, Walker first made a cross-leg dribble and then connected to the direction. After a set of consecutive moves, he immediately stopped to hit the jump shot freethrow line.

In the whole game, Walker got 15 points all from the fourth quarter. His outbreak was the key for the Lakers to win the series with 104-101 dangerous Warriors at home. LeBlanc James sighed with emotion that “He can’t win without him” and held him in his arms for a long time after the game.

In the interview, Walker repeatedly mentioned “confidence”, “spirit” and “willpower”. Walker mentioned these keywords, not simply because he was abandoned by Ham several times before and experienced a low tide period. If you know how he overcame the shadow of his childhood and how to face the scar that cannot be smoothed in his heart, you can understand why Walker is so “hard”.

During the off-season in 2020, Walker suddenly updated a video sent by social media. When entering the league, Walker with a weird hairstyle of “broom head” cut off “broom head”, he also bravely shared the unknown childhood nightmare. Walker explained why he left “broom head” for the first time “.

Walker was sexually abused in the fifth grade. At that time, he didn’t know anything. He was just a kid who was easily deceived and curious about everything. He didn’t know what the real world was like. After suffering this nightmare, Walker developed a mentality of “My hair is something I can control”, so he left “broom head”, he called this move “the stealth device installed for himself”.

In Walker’s heart, childhood shadow formed a very big black hole effect, devouring a lot of things. Walker had a strong feeling of inferiority, leaving a strange “broom head” was a protective shell for him to a large extent.

In those years, Walker fell into endless torture. His heart was dark and he was in the deep sea of depression all day long. After a long time, emotional distress was no longer as hot as the original, so heartbreaking, but it became endless. Pain and depression penetrated into every cell of his body, and it was difficult for sunlight to shine into his life again.

This kind of Walker can only seek the help of psychological experts. Since high school, Walker has found Dr. Rick Neff, who is a sports psychologist and works in Villanova University. Psychological trauma is difficult to heal, but Neff can help Walker adjust his attention through meditation. It is no exaggeration to say that Neff changed Walker’s life track.

“He is one of the most important people in my life,” Walker once said. “He helped me truly understand the power of the subconscious mind and how powerful it is, and what you can do with it.”

How should people face the scars in their hearts? Looking for the answer to this question, most of the time we can only rely on the passage of time. When we reach a certain point in life, we may suddenly realize it.

During the off-season in 2020, Walker came to this node. He decided to make his painful experience public and cut off “broom head” from scratch. In addition, Walker kept his meditation habit. He would find a quiet cabin to meditate before every game, and it was the same after coming to the Lakers.

“Once I finish my meditation and leave cubbyhouse and walk into the dressing room, I feel that I have become a different person.” Walker said.

During the off-season last year, Walker joined the Lakers with a mini middle class of 6.5 million dollars a year. At the beginning of the season, he experienced a honeymoon period with the Lakers. He not only started, but also had good data, even his teacher Spurs in Popovich baby praised him for “making great progress and beginning to understand the spiritual content of the competition”.

However, the sudden invasion of tendinitis in the left knee made Walker take a break for 14 games. When he returned, Troy Brown, who was more excellent in defense, had already taken the lead. Before the end of the deal, the Lakers upgraded perfectly. Eight villages, De Angelo Russell, Malik Beasley, van der Bilt and other combat capability joined. The Lakers have greatly upgraded their backcourt and front line, walker is even more difficult to enter rotation.

Walker never lost his confidence. In his own words, “I am a person who has seen what hell is like in the process of growing up”. This setback can no longer knock him down. Walker kept himself in the state of “Always Ready” every day. He went to the strength room to practice his strength and practiced in the training ground, between the two matches, they will run to play against other players who are not in the rotation lineup. These Hamms are all in the eyes.

Therefore, in the key battle between the Lakers and Thunder on March 25, when Russell was absent due to injury, Ham put Walker in rotation and gave him 24 minutes to play. Walker used 20 points, 4 rebounds, 3 steals and a key victory paid off Ham.

Therefore, after the second Lakers fiasco in the Western semi-final, when Ham looked for the variables of the third game, the first thing he thought of was Walker, who informed Walker that “be prepared, and you will enter the rotation in the third game”.

Before the third game, Walker had insomnia and didn’t fall asleep at four o’clock in the morning. Walker said: “It seems like a dream. I am so happy. I have been looking forward to this day for too long. I have long been eager to play the playoffs.”

In that game, Brown and Beasley all stepped aside. Walker became the key figure of the substitute. He not only scored 12 points, but also completed the important task of chasing and defending Clay Thompson. Before the game entered the garbage time, the Warriors scored only 87.2 points in the 100 rounds when Walker was present. Even Hamm, who didn’t trust Walker’s defensive ability at the beginning, changed his mouth and said, “he is a player with both attack and defense”.

In the fourth game, Walker scored 15 points in the last quarter. The last player who scored at least 15 points in the last quarter of the playoffs was Kobe Bryant 26 years ago.

In the two matches, Walker scored 27 points in total. At the same time, he will Curry (5 Middle 2), Thompson (3 middle 1), Poole (3 middle 1), Wikins (3 middle 1) the four warriors outside main scorers are limited to only 5 out of 14 shots, with a hit rate of only.

“I am proud of myself. This competition not only proves my ability, but also proves how strong my spirit is.” Walker said excitedly. James also recognized the little brother. During his long career, he had seen too many young players fall out of rotation and collapse, but Walker was not the kind of person who was easily defeated, this alone is enough to make James look at Walker differently.

Walker wrote “long-term goal is to be elected as the fastest progressive player of the Year Award” and “short-term goal is to become the best of the week and lock in the starting” on small blackboard of his home. Walker is doomed to fail to achieve these goals this season, but Walker was not in a hurry. He only wanted to try to do everything right now and use these short-term and 1.1 drops of efforts to change a better future.

“Now I have to make more sacrifices, but my career is not coming to an end now. I can play another 5-10 years in the league! Every year when I come back, I hope I can come back with a stronger attitude. I hope that one day everyone in the league will know my name.”

The world knows that “let everyone in the league know my name”, and Walker has achieved this goal.

After the 4th game between Lakers and Warriors, when Walker was surrounded by James, Davis and other teammates, Walker had a crazier goal:

“I am an ambitious person. I am eager to be a star like James and Davis.”

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