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Warriors vs Lakers Game 4:

Curry’s third playoff triple double.

The Lakers have three 20 +, and Lonnie Walker scored 15 points in the fourth quarter.

Jordan Poole scored 0 points in the first playoff game of his career.

So the Lakers won.

Curry rarely has three pairs: he has 10 three pairs in the regular season and 4 are concentrated in the 2013-14 season. It was Mark Jackson’s time, and Curry was used as Nash-Curry averaged 24 points and 9 assists that year.

After that, Cole came to the throne and started his dream. The Warrior only used to play the no-ball threat in Curry, and he didn’t need to control the ball more.

But in the second game against the Lakers, he helped 12; Today, 14 assists.

In the playoffs, there were 31 points, 10 rebounds and 14 assists in a single game. Previously, three people in history played: Wang weishao, single-core three double pairs in 2017, the four-plus-hour battle of jokich against Portland in 2019, and the first three double Kings Oscar.

I forced Curry to compete with these three kings:

This is the epitome of this.

In the second game, the Warriors changed to the starting small ball array to win. In the third game, the Lakers expanded the anti-win game. Today, the Warriors changed to the starting game again: fake green is not small enough, and Peyton is on.

Warriors starting: Two 1.9 meters, three two meters.

Lakers starting: 193cm +196cm plus two 206cm plus a seven-foot giant.

Clear at a glance.

This change was once successful, and the Warriors played the pressure of Nash version of The Sun: Curry’s chasing body three points, Peyton’s chasing body basket, wikins’ chasing body basket. 11-10 lead.

— Then Poole played, and the Warriors were turned 11-16.

In the second quarter, Poole came off, and the Warriors and Lakers beat 38 square meters. Poole came up, 40 to 43, immediately went down, the Warriors led the end.

When Poole played in the third quarter, the Warriors led 73-62. Then he was chased down to 9 points, then Reeves copied the ball and immediately ended up.

In the fourth quarter, Poole didn’t play again, which is good for the Warriors. But the bad thing is: in the fourth quarter of warriors, there was only one change, and Peyton changed Moody.

This is the chain reaction played by Poole: The terrible thing is not that he scored 10 minutes and 0 points today, but that he was reversed as soon as he played, finally driving the Warriors to the fourth quarter, only five people can last the last ten minutes.

The last strength of the warrior is exhausted, and the root is here.

Wikins, Peyton, Moody’s and dream chasing are all worthy of appreciation. Fight, fight, run. Peyton, in particular, played a reduced version of Marion today.

Marion doesn’t have the ability to play singles. How can he score 20 points every year around Nash?” Just watch Peyton today: rely on hard defense to win the playing time, and seize all scoring opportunities endlessly.

It may be a bit strange to say so: little Peyton is not as good as his father, but he may be a better teammate than his father.

As for clay……

After the last game, I said: starting from the second game of warriors against the Lakers, before the heavy eyebrows expanded, in the five-quarter game, Clay’s 23 shots 14 included three-point 16 shots 11.

After the heavy eyebrows expanded their defense, Clay 9 shot 2 in the three competitions.

Today, Clay scored 3 in the 11th round.

That is, since the warrior ball array……

The first five games of heavy eyebrow expansion: Clay’s 23 shots 14 include three-point 16 shots 11.

Seven games after heavy eyebrows expanded defense: Clay’s 20 shots included three-point shots, 13 shots and 3 shots.

And there is also a chain reaction:

Heavy eyebrows expanded their defense to protect three point line. After Clay was at a loss, the Lakers were not afraid of clay chasing Reeves, and they were much bolder when they were on peripheral players.

Today, Reeves went on for 34 minutes and contributed the fire that the Lakers lacked: the Warriors cut the line between LeBlanc and heavy eyebrows. The Lakers could not pass the heavy eyebrows comfortably. LeBlanc could only score three points by himself, reeves was not chased on the defensive end, and the offensive end held up the third quarter.

Then there is the fourth bloody battle.

In the fourth quarter, LeBlanc gave Walker a three-point goal first, found a jump shot by himself, then broke through to attract dream chasing, and fed a heavy eyebrow who didn’t score in the third quarter.

Very old-fashioned commander style: keep everyone’s hands Hot. Old Philadelphia Greer called it “to see which cow has milk, squeeze two”.

When 84 draws, Cole immediately suspended:

He is not much like coach mazula yesterday. He knows this is the moment of death.

Warriors want to push speed, but Walker counterattacks the layup; Then there is the time of LeBlanc’s dealer:

He knew better than anyone that as soon as the warrior fell behind, Curry would come immediately, reoccupy the position, send out the only cover in the audience, and sealed the vault to lay on the basket.

But LeBlanc himself ran out of strength, and the attacking end slipped. Curry got a rebound and reached it in three pairs. Facing the thick eyebrows, he relieve a garrison a high throw to catch up and another one scored four points.

That was Curry’s glorious moment. This wave scored 6 points in a row and was about to overwhelm the Lakers.

Then the Lakers went relieve a garrison in advance, combining heavy eyebrows against Wikins and LeBlanc to pursue dreams.

— Similar to Fan Debiao’s pursuit of dreams in the last match, let Leblanc/heavy eyebrows relieve a garrison go to Curry as much as possible, but after adding relieve a garrison in advance, try to eat the strong investment space in Curry.

From then on to the end of the game, Curry’s long shot did not succeed again: the four-point hit became his last song in the long shot.

The battlefield of the Warriors went out: the Lakers knew very well that Curry was the only source of battlefield fire for the Warriors.

But he could still find a chance: send Peyton a Marion steal, hit the back door of LeBlanc, leading 92 to 90; Chasing dreams delayed Schroeder, schroeder made a back-to-back mistake-but Curry also slipped before. Everyone’s physical fitness is over.

The last light of the Warriors was Curry → Peyton → wikins→clay shooting three points, but LeBlanc’s free throw and Walker’s jump shot took the lead.

At the moment of the final death of the game, the Lakers did not play the game, and directly launched the counterpoint Library. Curry’s two jump shots failed, so the game was actually over-the free throws, copying balls, mistakes, and the last 1.7 seconds back to the watch were all fun.

In fact, the game was over after the two long shots in curry were guarded by heavy eyebrows.

But I can’t blame Curry:

Warriors scored 17 points in the fourth quarter, of which Curry scored 10 points.

Score Top 10 in the fourth quarter of the playoffs this season:

52 points in the tenth PROTONIC, 57 points in the ninth Tatum, 58 points in the eighth Booker, followed by 59 points for Murray and Durant, 60 points for yokki, 61 points for Brunson and 62 points for Yang.

Next, the fault leads:

Curry 109 points.

So Walker scored more than Curry in the fourth quarter today, which is really an achievement.

— Lonnie Walker is also a ups and downs of life: he was selected for four years as a substitute by Spurs. Last summer, he went to the Lakers and played 32 starts first, then found himself out of position: reeves and Schroeder squeezed him out. He scored 17 points in the first eight playoff games this year. After he got 12 points in the last match, he said that he was so excited that he couldn’t sleep for four or five hours and was complained by his girlfriend.

Coach Ham said yesterday that Walker played well because, “he is ready”.

LeBlanc said Walker after the game today, “he is ready.”

So at 15 points in the fourth quarter today, my eyebrows couldn’t catch the ball, and LeBlanc’s strength was exhausted. He came out and cut with Curry.

A digression:

White entered the finals with the Celtics last season. Murray played well in the Eagle this season. Walker saved the Lakers in the fourth quarter today.

The defender who came out Spurs……

So the Lakers finally won a collective victory:

Heavy eyebrow defense. The scheduling of LeBlanc. Reeves’s third quarter, Walker’s fourth quarter.

It is true that heavy eyebrows can’t catch the ball in the second half. There is a questionable choice of three points for LeBlanc, but there are still some of them who can come out.

After the defensive foundation is finished, take turns to find someone who is hot.

The Warriors really didn’t lose on defense today: Moody’s, Wikins, dream chasing and Peyton are all fighting hard, but the attacking end of the Warriors is the one who scored the first in the fourth quarter of this season’s playoffs, forced to take over everything, playing the Oscar Robertson triple double of 31+10+14.

In the fourth quarter, the team scored 10 points out of 17 points. The defensive end was hit by LeBlanc and Walker in turn, and the offensive end had to face heavy eyebrows at last.

Five members of the team finished the last ten minutes.

In this season’s regular season, Jordan Poole has the most time for the Warriors to play, total shooting, total free throws and total mistakes.

In theory, what Reeves and Walker did for the Lakers was what he should provide for the Warriors.

The Lakers are: 23+15 with heavy eyebrows and the ruling defense, 27+9+6 with the scheduling of LeBlanc, following Reeves’s 23 points and Walker’s 15 points-the fourth 15 points, although they experienced ups and downs in their lives, yesterday’s ham and today’s LeBlanc all said Walker, “He is ready”.

Warrior is: small ball array fight speed fight defense, Curry was forced out of a big O level three double, followed by Poole’s 0 points.

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