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[Post-game post] in the eastern semi-finals of the NBA playoffs today, the 76ers beat the Celtics 119-115, and the 76ers led by 1-0.

Key player data of both sides:

76ers team: Harden Harden 45 points 1 backboard 6 points 2 steals, Maxi 26 points 1 backboard 2 Assists 4 steals, Harris 18 points 5 boards 3 points 1 steals, Tucker 0 points 5 Boards 2 breaks, reed 10 points 13 board 2 help, Melton 17 points 2 help 2 hat, Niang 3 points.

Celtics: Tatum 39 points 11 Boards 5 help, Brown 23 points 6 boards 4 help, broghden 20 points 3 boards 3 help, Horford 11 points 6 Boards 3 Help 3 hats, smart 12 points 3 boards 7 Help, White 4 points 3 help, R-Williams 6 points 7 boards.

[-]RaptorsProfessorBeast55 1063 points 4 hours ago


Raptors fans: Beard comes, tremble!

[-][HOU] EruOreki 404 points 4 hours ago

Oh God I missed hearing this

Rocket fans: remember the past, the years are glorious!

[-]WarriorsXaldes 1253 points 4 hours ago


Warriors fans: pay attention to the rocket boarding and returning!

[-]Sunsslysonic7 1864 points 5 hours ago

We’ve been talking about Bubble Murray, but I think we’re sleeping on Vegas Harden

Sun fans: we have been praising Murray in the park, but how can we turn a blind eye to harden in Las Vegas!

[-]76ersABagOfPopcorn 1392 points 5 hours ago

Harden went to Vegas over the week-long break, slapped a guy, and then went back to 2018

76ers fans: Harden went to Las Vegas this week’s holiday, and there was also a beating event, and then…… The status has reversed to 2018.

Related news: TMZ: Harden quarreled with a man outside the Las Vegas casino to push the latter and slap his face

[-]76ersLos_Ingobernablez 1036 points 4 hours ago

I said 36ppg Harden has to comeback for us to have a chance. We got 45 ppg harden.

76ers fans: I once said that we had a chance to win if Harden scored 36 points. He got 45 points!

[-][SAC] DeMarcus CousinsAM00se 428 points 4 hours ago

Imagine trading this dude for ben simmons lmfaooooooooooooooooo

King fan: think again about getting Simmons for Harden, is it happier?

[-]76ersItsKBS 217 points 4 hours ago

As one of the biggest Harden’s fans on this subreddit, it feels absolutely amazing to see this after arguing for years that his playoff choker reputation was overblown

76 fans: as an old fan of Deng Ge, he has been arguing with others over the years about Harden’s poor performance in the playoffs. It’s really comfortable to watch this game!

[-]SuperElection3215 33 points 3 hours ago

Dude was triple teamed at the end of every playoff game in his rockets days

Fans: Harden in the rocket era, which final moment of the playoffs is not allowed to face three-person defense!

[-]SunsHarukiMuracummy 117 points 3 hours ago

Dude drops 30 a game against the greatest team of all time and is called a choker lol.

It’s funny comparing his and Dame’s reputation. Dame always loses in 4 or 5 but ppl remember the clutch moments, Harden goes toe to toe against an unstoppable dynasty

Sun fans: faced with one of the best teams in history, Harden was said to be soft in a game of 30 chapters. I can only ha ha! Taking Harden and lidelad Derby are funny. People only remember several shots at his critical moment when they were eliminated in four or five games. Harden is wrestling with an unstoppable dynasty team!

[-]LakersRabbitWolfie 7055 points 4 hours ago

This may be Harden’s greatest playoff game ever. I’m in awe

Lakers fans: this may be Harden’s greatest playoff game at present, worship!

[-]Knicksnoahjdengler 2622 points 4 hours ago

Easily his best ever, singlehandedly beat arguably the best team in the league without Embiid

Knicks fans: it is the best at present. Without enbyd, Harden led the team to pick the best team in the league at present.

[-]Knicksnoahjdengler 251 points 4 hours ago

and with doc rivers as his coach

Knicks fans: still when the head coach is Rivers!

[-]Australiashittydotamorph 194 points 4 hours ago

With 1 starter taking 0 shots

Australian fans: still in the case of a starting 0 shot!

[-][HOU] Gerald Green-Tell_me_about_it- 384 points 4 hours ago

Only 4 FTs as well. Haters are devastated.

Rocket fans: there are still only 4 free throws! How can Kuroko live!

[-]Sunsuxxoid 580 points 5 hours ago

He was nuts. His first step was looking so quick tonight.Him just missing was the only way he could be stopped.

Sun fan: Harden played really well tonight. His first step of breakthrough looks so fast! If you want to stop Harden, you can only pray that he can’t vote!

[-]TimberwolvesSoDakZak 4630 points 5 hours ago

Well this is detrimental to my arguments as a Harden hater

Timberwolves fans: Well, today’s Harden is really black!

[-]hardenoqueoUfazeleRI 34 points 5 hours ago

Us Harden fans are on the up and up

Harden fans: The climax of our fans is one wave after another!

[-][DAL] Wang Zhizhisuzukigun4life [F] 487 points 4 hours ago

45 points on 56/50/100 splits, including the cluch 3 to give the Sixers the lead for good, to steal home court without Embiid? Legendary shit

Lone Ranger fans: 45 points, 56%,50% and 100% of the three hit rates, and the key three points of anti-overtaking. Without enbide, he won the green army at home! People with culture have to shout after reading it: Hold grass!

[-]CelticsLordHussyPants 106 points 4 hours ago

he’s been so disrespected these last few years, I’m glad he’s still got it. just wish it wasn’t against us lmao

Celtics fans: in the past few years, Harden has not received due respect. I’m glad he can still perform like this. It would be better if we didn’t win!

[-]WarriorsIMovedYourCheese 747 points 5 hours ago

Steph cooking. LeBron cooking. Harden cooking. Butler cooking. Westbrook cooking.

The next generation will have to wait.

Warriors fans: Curry Super God! James Super God! Harden Super God! Butler Super God! Weishao Super God! It’s not that easy for young people to get on board!

[-]ThunderLeavingtheecstasy 14 points 3 hours ago

Harden and Westbrook beating the washed allegations makes my heart warm.

Thunder fans: Harden and Wei Shao’s performance in this year’s playoffs is his own name, which makes his heart warm!

[-]Westasuleiman 1 point 2 hours ago

What about Durant? He looks washed comparing him to his old self. He’s still a great player but not the same KD we all know

Western fans: where is Durant? Compared with himself, he is still a great player, but he is no longer the Durant we know.

[-]ThunderiCarpet 79 points 3 hours ago

Harden in a red jersey

Blink once and you probably see Houston MVP Harden there

Thunder fans: Harden is wearing a red robe. Look carefully, especially like a boy in the city of Hugh, he roars!

[-][HOU] Hakeem Olajuwonlogontoreddit 5 points 3 hours ago

You mean our fat, lazy, washed, not even an all-star James Harden?

Rocket fans: you are talking about someone else’s fat, lazy, sliding, non-All-Star James Harden?

[-]RocketsCheifkeef29457 488 points 5 hours ago

My glorious bearded king!

Rocket fans: eight years off the city eight years King!

Source: Reddit & Twitter

Compilation: Former city owner


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