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The dust finally settled this season. The Nuggets eliminated the Heat 4-1 and won the first championship trophy in young pioneer team history, while jokiki was elected as the MVP of the finals, which is the strongest inside NBA today. The only problem is that yokiki is not the insider with the strongest athletic ability, even the worst, so why can he become the strongest insider? All the answers may lie in his wise brain and his heart that is not attached to glory.

Yokiki is not the insider with the strongest physical quality. Nowadays NBA is full of muscle sticks, and also full of people with superior physical quality, especially inside lines, such as Downs, Ayton, Anthony Davis, Adebayor, etc. They are also outstanding in the inner line group of NBA today, and their muscle lines are much clearer than those of yokiki. They have also made remarkable achievements in NBA in normal times.

Yokedge’s figure is often nicknamed “walking pork belly” by fans “. At the end of the off-season every year, people will pay attention to his body shape, whether he is fat or thin. He didn’t have the outline of his abdominal muscles, and his arms didn’t seem so powerful. He didn’t have the kind of muscle groups that would attract people’s exclamations when he appeared. He and Dong Qiqi, The Lone Ranger, each year’s change in body shape is a topic that people like to talk about.

However, this is not outstanding. Even playing basketball has some illegal body shape, but it is hard to create a wise team player. Yokedge walked through the rivers and lakes relying on his wise brain. Jamal Murray praised him: “You can get 40 points per game, but he is the first to pass the ball.” His passing was unpredictable, and he often sent wonderful stories from impossible angles and directions on the court, but it was extremely reasonable and amazing. Teammates like to play around him. His passing direction is strong, and he often sends out cross-field passes, or sends long passes across the whole field. The small-scale biography in singles is even more wonderful. Everyone who played with him realized that instead of letting him conduct the ball, it would be better to let him take the ball for singles, which would cause less damage to himself.

The effect of jokiki’s singles is also amazing. His figure is not outstanding, but he can always find the gap in the inner line like a mandarin fish and hit the ball. In addition, all his scoring methods are excellent. Whether it is shooting at all angles and distances under the basket, Hook or small throw, or even three-pointer, he can catch it. The diversity of scoring methods also makes up for the disadvantage of body shape. He is almost omnipotent on the court. In terms of this season alone, he averaged 24.5 points in the regular season, with a hit rate of 63.2 percent and a hit rate of 38.3 percent in three points. In the playoffs, he averaged 30 points, with a hit rate of 54.8 percent and a hit rate of 46.1 percent in three points, which is clear evidence.

It belongs to the backboard that the inside is good at, and yokiki is not to mention more. The average number of regular season games is 11.8, and the average number of playoff games is 13.5, which is considered to be an excellent completion of the task. Coupled with the rare assists data among the big insiders (9.8 times in regular season and 9.5 times in playoff), his three pairs are often captured. After Wei Shao, two mogul of jokedge and Dong Qiqi, who took three pairs as a joke, emerged in the alliance. Both of them were overweight types, which had to arouse people’s reflection. They completed tasks that many strong players could not accomplish.

With these weapons, yokiki almost swept through the playoffs this year. As mentioned earlier, Downs, Elton, Davis and Adebayor, the powerful insiders, all lost against yokedge. Especially Elton and yokki became a shadow in his heart. According to the words of the media, they all became the “plaything” of jokiki “.

What is more valuable to yokedge is not nostalgia for honor. After he won the MVP award of the finals, he didn’t cherish it at all. First, he took the initiative to stand at the lowest corner with his daughter when taking photos of the whole team, later, the MVP trophy of the finals was placed in the office of the equipment manager like that, and then I forgot where it was put. Or did the Nuggets stand out to show that the trophy was not lost and kept it in my place. It should be used when winning the championship parade. When it comes to winning the championship parade, jokiki was even more impatient. He only wanted to go back to his motherland to play horse racing. Later, he really experienced it and had a good time.

He is like an excellent student in every subject. For him, the exam is to clock in. After getting excellent results in the exam, he lost the certificate of award, thinking about where to play, and even feeling bored with the celebration banquet. This is the real student bully.

In a word, NBA once again verified the importance of wise brain with this year’s championship. A strong body size is important, but a wise brain is beyond it. At the same time, this year’s NBA finals also verified once again that people who are light on the championship trophy can often get the final praise, and jokiki is a typical example. In NBA, he is not the highest dancer, the fastest runner or the most explosive, but he is the strongest insider in NBA. In the jungle of muscle, yokedge made a way by virtue of his excellent brain and mentality.

(Mao Mao dad/supine support)

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