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In the top eight of the Shou-gang men’s basketball team league, this summer is doomed to be calm. Whether the acting head coach Lyden will continue to lead the team has become the first problem to be solved.

According to the performance of the team leader, Leiden is qualified enough, but the problem is that the performance of the team leader this season does not fully reflect Leiden’s coaching ability. It is not easy to say whether he is really suitable for Shougang. According to some information sources, it is not very likely that Lyden will continue to lead the team as the head coach of Shougang next season.

After Xie Libin finished class, the Shougang team achieved a 6-win and 1-loss record in the 7 regular season matches taught by Leiden, and the 4 playoff teams had a 2-win and 2-loss record.

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