0 2 min 1 yr

Live broadcast bar, April 28 news yesterday, the stag lost to the heat at home, and the league was out in the first round of the black eight.

Today, The Athletic Shams talked about The situation of stag coach Budenholzer in The program. The details are as follows:

Budenholzer’s position as the head coach of this team (Bucks) is very unstable. The whole team and the whole dressing room questioned him. Looking forward to the future, I was told that Budenholzer still had a contract of $16 million for 2 years. He is the champion coach, and he led this team to win the NBA championship in 2021.

Questions about him include (the following three):

I. Lack of adjustment, especially when facing Butler. We saw adtokunbo, who said yesterday after the game that the team had not made enough adjustments to Butler. The best player in your team and the cornerstone of your team have said so. I think this is very direct.

Another one also mentioned was that it was called pause. It was not called pause before the end of the regular time, and so was the last moment of overtime. When you (Bucks) need a shot, you (Bucks) do not finish the shot before the end of overtime. This (the last attack timed out) cannot happen, which is unacceptable.

Then you give up five rounds to get Claude, and he has no stable playing time in the whole series. In the first round of the playoffs, Claude had only 10 minutes of playing in each game, and one game did not play.

In my opinion, on the whole, there is a feeling of shock and embarrassment in the stag team. I think it’s in the dressing room, because they don’t want the season to end here.

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