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Heavy! Bill was traded to the sun for Paul wizards and got Shamet and second round, etc.

According to Mingji Shams, sources revealed that Wizards traded bill to the sun.

The specific transaction framework is: The Wizard trades bill to the sun and changes back to Paul, Shamet, some rounds and multiple draft signatures.

TA Qicai reporter Josh Robbins said that Jordan Goodwin was probably also sent to the sun.

Woj then confirmed the news and said that the transaction might take several days to complete.

American netizens also had a lot of discussions on this transaction. The following are some comments from American netizens compiled by the editor.

[-]BullsDylan245 1783 points 4 hours ago

Motherfuckers couldn’t even get a first

Bull fans: The Bastards of Qiwei team didn’t even pick up the first round signing…

Related News >>>>Hart complained about Bill’s deal: The Wizard didn’t even get a first-round pick?

[-]SunsGoodKidMadCity2 843 points 4 hours ago

Suns have no first round picks to give up they gave them away for KD

Sun fans: The Suns haven’t signed the first round at all. They took it out for Durant before…

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[-]Createyourpass1234 378 points 4 hours ago

So you guys gave away your first rounds picks + 2nd round picks…

How will you build out the rest of your team?

Fans: So you Suns have already finished the first round signing and the second round signing, right? Then the remaining rosters, what will you build next??!!

[-]Lakersnamagofuckyoself 567 points 3 hours ago

that’s their secret, they dont

Lakers fans: the brothers upstairs don’t know anything. This is the secret weapon of the Suns to confuse the league!! This secret weapon is called “tianruan array” ~

(Twitter netizens ridiculed the Suns’ bench for the next season)

[-]CelticsSon_of_Atreus 4 points an hour ago

I am stretching out and ready to buy a plane ticket. These motherfuckers need me.

Celtics fans: Brothers, I have started to warm up, and I have bought air tickets! The Suns need me for their unpromising needs!!!

[-]SunsMotivated-to-Improve [score hidden] 17 minutes ago

If Book, KD, or Beal get injured and miss serious time, it’s going to be really bad.

Sun fans: this lineup… If Durant or Bill is injured for a long time, it will be over ~ ~ ~

[-]Hail2TheOrange 5 points 3 hours ago

Why the Lakers are a play in team

Fan: Why do you think the Lakers were reduced to playing the play-off last season?

[-]Heatyrogreg 1 point an hour ago

No defense. No screeners. No rebounding. No rim protection. Jump shooting for days.

I guess that’s one way to do it…

Heat fans: No defense… No cover… No backboard… No protective frame… Day to night can only jump shot… I think the Suns have entered a dead end…

[-]WarriorsBalls_of_Adamanthium 8199 points 4 hours ago

There will be documentaries made about KD teammates lol

Warriors fans: Comrades! Durant’s career, his teammates are shocking, TM can publish a book, ha ha ha!!

[-]KingsKitchenReno4512 4621 points 4 hours ago *

This fucking guy it’s unreal lol. Westbrook, Harden, Curry, Draymond, Klay, Kyrie, Booker, and Beal. All during their primes…

King fans: No! Durant, this boy is so lucky! Ho ho ho ho! Weishao, Harden, Curry, dream chasing, clay, Owen, Booker, now there is another bill! Look! When these people were with Durant, they were all in the peak period of extraordinary youth!!

Related News >>> US media print: KD’s fourth big three Model & average partner star guard combination

[-]BullsYeezyYeezyUp2NoGood 3388 points 4 hours ago

The hardest roadtm

Bull fans: the title of the book is called “The Road to pursue hard drops”!

(Durant: very blue ~~~)

[-]LakersApollo611 472 points 4 hours ago

True hooper

Lakers fans: So, who knows the ball best! We still need to see Durant!!

(Adu: put the safety cap on it. Don’t hit people in the face)

[-]Tampa Bay RaptorsRaptors2017champs 897 points 4 hours ago

Really is considering how he’s only gotten 2 rings out of it.

Raptors fans: I have always wondered why Durant only won the championship twice because he has been “reducing difficulties” all the way?

[-]NetsOrnery_Conference_50 1043 points 4 hours ago

Bron fucked with yall perpestive of playoff success wdym “only 2 rings”

Basketable Nets fans: Lao Zhan was in a hurry immediately after hearing it! What is “only” 2 championship?? Is the championship so worthless??

[-][TOR] Kyle LowrySamiMadeMeDoIt 1992 points 4 hours ago

Lmao the Wizards could have traded Beal for a kings ransom 2 years ago and now they’re getting a washed Chris Paul, sixth man Landry Shamet and a bunch of second round picks for him

Raptors fans: Oh my God, I can laugh to death!! If the Wizards had traded Bill away 2 years ago, they would have been very rich!! Now it’s okay. It’s just a quick-to-scrap Paul, a sixth-person Shamet, and several rounds of signing…

[-]Lakershairyasscheeks_ 3826 points 5 hours ago

That bench is gonna be nasty

Lakers fans: only the old and weak women and children are left in the Suns’ substitute lineup…

(Replacement lineup of the Suns)

[-]PacersXx_FreeWitty_xX 371 points 4 hours ago

Assuming an average of $2m/yr for the remaining players on the roster, Suns are looking at a $188m luxury tax penalty this season

Pacers fans: if the average annual salary of the remaining players of the Suns is 2 million dollars, the Suns will pay 188,000,000 dollars of tax this season!!!

Related News >>>> put all your eggs in one basket! Next season Booker KD bill Elton total salary 0.163 billion Sun tax nearly 0.12 billion

[-]Hershieboy 82 points 4 hours ago

I think Ishbia thinks he’ll have a chance to get some minutes at pg with this depth. Worth 188 million to him.

Fan: Sun boss Ishbia has his own sneaky design. He looks at the team’s current squad depth, which has just passed the ankle, I thought maybe I could get myself a few minutes of playing time in the position of point guard!! These 188,000,000 flowers are worth it!!

[-]WizardsTurbo2x 43 points 5 hours ago

I was already hungover but I’m vomiting again after this trade

Wizards fans: I just woke up with a hangover, and I saw this deal just after a little comfort… Now, I have vomited all the bile left in my stomach…

[-][WAS] Gilbert ArenasWhitticusFinch 2 points 2 hours ago

Wonder when it won’t hurt so much to be a fan. Maybe in my next life.

Wizards fans: I have been thinking, as a wizard fan, when will it wait until it won’t be broken? Now I know, maybe I will wait until the next life…

[-]LakersBernardoDeGalvez 665 points 5 hours ago

Who’s going to defend on that team ??

Be prepared for 135 – 138 games

Lakers fans: I asked, who will defend this Suns now? Wait and see, next, the Suns will have a lot of games lost 135-138!

[-]Sweatytubesock 227 points 4 hours ago

Assuming they’re healthy

Fans: Yes! And there is no injury!

[-]Warriors__spartacus 70 points 4 hours ago

They’ll play healthy on offense, limp their way back on defense

Wizards fans: No one can defend against being alive on the offensive end, and no one can defend against being weak on the defensive end…

[-]RaptorsCheechers23 1634 points 5 hours ago

what the FUCK

How did Phoenix decide the problem after these playoffs was “we need more star power” and not “we need more depth”

Raptors fans: Damn it! What did the Suns think? After the playoffs, they actually thought that the team lost not because the lineup was not deep enough, but because the stars were not enough???

[-]KlaysToaster 1480 points 5 hours ago

KD will never get respect

Fans: Durant has finished the ball in his life ~~~ no one will take a look at him again ~ ~ ~

[-]NuggetsBCLetsRide69 217 points 5 hours ago

all this to try to beat a fat white dude from Serbia

Nuggets fans: everything is to defeat the white fat man from Serbia ~ ~ ~

[-]djkhan23 46 points 5 hours ago

I’ll take bets on Durant asking for a trade a season from now

Fans: I bet Durant will apply for a deal after a season!

[-][LAL] Kobe Bryantmiami2la 3 points 4 hours ago

Demands a trade to the 2024 NBA champions

Lakers fans: he will ask to trade himself to the championship team in 2024!

[-]KnicksSchubes17 41 points 5 hours ago

Huge Chris Paul season incoming. He always thrives the season after a team gives up on him.

Knicks fans: Comrades! Paul is going to explode!! Every time he is abandoned, he will break out in the next season!

[-]Wizardssrbarker15 18 points 4 hours ago

Nah I doubt he even plays a game for us

Wizards fans: No! Because I doubt whether Paul will fight for us…

[-]SunsGratitude15 10 points 3 hours ago

He didn’t say it would be for wiz

Sun fans: The Wizard fans upstairs ~~~~ think again, is Paul breaking out for Wizards?

Source: Reddit

Compilation: River wave end


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