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With the official announcement of the draw rules for the men’s basketball World Cup in 2023, China men’s basketball, the 27th place in the world, decided to fall into the sixth gear, and will share a room with the second, fourth and eighth teams according to the new regulations. Combined with the principle of avoiding the same continent, this means that the eighth opponent in men’s basketball will only be one of the three African teams of Cape Verde, Egypt and South Sudan.

The eighth grade is the existence of the world ranking in the top 32, and it is undoubtedly the basic requirement to defeat african rivals if you want to be ashamed of the previous session and achieve the goal of the team’s graduation in men’s basketball, at least men’s basketball four years ago did not capsize Ivory Coast.

Compared with Angola, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Cape Verde, Egypt and South Sudan are more mysterious and unfamiliar to men’s basketball. Although we have the necessary confidence in strength, when we analyze the three one by one, you will find that they are specific to different opponents, the fault tolerance rate of men’s basketball soldiers is still different from the vigilance they need to maintain.

Blue Sharks occasionally show their sharp edge this year’s historic entry into the “Blue Sharks” Cape Verde, which is recognized as being responsible for sending warm fish brisket among the top 32. Even just two years ago, this tiny island country located in the westernmost part of Africa entered the semi-finals of the non-championship, but the lineup with an average age of 32 inevitably makes people sleepy. In this regard, Cape Verde declared to everyone with the results of killing Nigeria and selecting Ivory Coast in FIFA World Cup qualification: We deserve more respect.

Looking back on Cape Verde’s promotion to the final match, it seems that 6 wins and 4 losses are not convincing. It is true that Cape Verde is not a dominant offensive and defensive team in the low-quality African region. The offensive efficiency is only 83.7, and goal difference in 100 rounds is only mediocre +4 points; From the perspective of stadium performance, most Cape Verde players have rough skills and rely more on their original talents to play.

However, what is remarkable is that cape verde can implement the advanced concept of positional warfare on the basis of developing its own sports advantages (grasping the conversion of attack and defense), and advocate the attack choice of more than three points and more impact rim. Unfortunately, cape verde’s projection level is really not flattering. The proportion of 40 percent of the outside shots is only converted back to 29.6 percent of the three-point stars. If it is not by virtue of fierce aggressiveness in the basket, it is difficult for them to become the team with the second (52.8%) real hit in the continent.

Cape Verde’s biggest weakness is not shooting feel, but communication control. It is more shocking than the total 15 assists and 21 mistakes made by Jeff Xavier and Anderson Correa (Anderson Correia), it is the internal and external dual-core Tavares (dy Tavares) and Ivan Almeida (Ivan Almeida) who undertake the most offensive scenes, each with an average of four ball rights. The whole team made more than 20 mistakes, and the overall help-loss ratio was 0.7. The obscure attack of Cape Verde was evident.

A lot of low-level mistakes

Pictures are easy to fight back

The roughness of the battle is comparable to that of the middle and lower reaches of the CBA team.

The reason why Cape Verde can occupy a place on the list of the main match depends on their achievements in the defensive end: the rotation speed of the team’s ground combat defense is not slow, and the player’s single defense hardware is generally good, anti-blocking and dismantling is not limited to keeping the big one under the basket. Real madrid center tavares, the best defensive player in the two champions league and the height of 20 meters, is the unshakable soul figure of the team.


You can roughly regard him as Zhou Qi of Cape Verde.

The basket is very deterrent

Although Tavares people are tall and big, the action is not heavy, and the frame is relieve a garrison caught. As long as the system is built around him, Cape Verde’s defense has a lower limit guarantee: 10 games FIFA World Cup qualification, the team suppressed the opponent’s hit rate in the Middle and Near basket to less than 40% of the horror. If there is anything else to improve cape verde’s defense, it is nothing more than that the retreat caused by too many mistakes is not timely.

The conscientious Tavares became a father and a mother in the national team, bearing the offensive load outside the scope of his ability. You should know that he was originally an End center with a single skill, the opponent always focuses on Tavares’s technical shortcomings and strictly bag clip him, making the latter miserable. If it weren’t for his “Butter Hand” (average 4.4 mistakes), the average hit rate of 15 points 12 boards and 2 caps was 73.2%, which could be called FIBA beast.

In addition to Tavares, Cape Verde has two famous veterans: former Polish MVP Almeida and former Portuguese men’s basketball core Betty Neo (“Betinho”).

The 33-year-old Almeida now works for Benfica men’s basketball in Portugal. He is a standard Feng Wei swing man. Breaking through the ball is his strong point. He is good at killing and is the No. 2 figure in Cape Verde. He averaged 12 points, 7.6 rebounds, 3.6 assists in African qualifiers (but only 36.7 percent hit)

The strategic value of 38-year-old power forward Betty neo Gomes should not be underestimated. It is most likely to be the X factor of Cape Verde in the World Cup. His three points are more than high quality: in FIFA World Cup qualification, the three sessions were shot 8.7 times in 26 minutes, with a hit rate of 38.5%. If Betty Neo and Tavares started together, the pressure on Tavares would be greatly relieved.

In the early years, Betty neo had played in Portuguese jerseys. With the gradual revival of Cape Verde basketball, the Portuguese Basketball Association opened up against Betty Neo, which enabled him to represent his motherland.

In a word, this “blue shark” is probably the best opponent to deal with and the opponent that the Chinese team wants to draw most-their strength is obviously inferior to the old friends of the Chinese people, Angola and Ivory Coast, and their lineup is more unbalanced than that of the Chinese team, the team is also older (especially several cores). The ball wind wins by defense just like the Chinese team. The attacking end not only does not have a superior offensive talent, but also has low level of positional warfare and discipline, the strongest point is still a blue collar whose attack ability is not enough to play the main attack on the hard top.

Therefore, if men’s basketball can be drawn to Cape Verde at that time, who can force more mistakes and get points with more conversion attacks will have an advantage. Therefore, the Chinese team may be able to refer to the previous playing method that dragged Iran to death, and at that time, the depth and physical strength of the Chinese team (after all, the other side is older) should be the winning card in the hands of jorgenich.

Nine years have passed since Hanhai gan searched for camels, and Egypt, an old African basketball team that has been declining for a long time, finally stepped onto the world stage again. In sharp contrast to the shining record of the non-Championship (5 gold, 6 silver and 6 bronze), once this team leaves Africa, it will be as deep as a Desert: From 1959to now, egypt played 64 games in the World Cup and the Olympic Games, winning only 2 of them.

Having said that, Egypt’s performance this year is still commendable. They remind fans of the glorious past. FIFA World Cup qualification 8 wins and 4 losses, Egypt pushed the two strong enemies of Tunisia and Senegal behind him and became the winner in the encounter that decided the fate of the three parties.

As an uncompromising civilian team, unity and diligence are indispensable qualities of Egypt’s men’s basketball. Although they do not have a stable winning logic and are very on the spot, their attitude is always impeccable. In the 76-43 crazy game of killing Senegal (opposite NBA center Gorgi Giang was still present), Egypt forced 27 mistakes from its opponents; At the end of February this year, 71-67 beat Tunisia, it depends on the 22 offensive rebound.

Most of the Egyptian players play in local clubs, which seems to make the team a unique tacit understanding. They can handle the ball smoothly on the offensive end, and they often use the shield wall set by two inner lines of askim-Marei and Anas Mahmoud as the axis when they start the battle, when the inner line card position requires a ball, the small man is interspersed with the edge line and the bottom line to find the killing machine.

Although Egypt relies heavily on their inside, it does not exclude solving the problem directly from the outside line. Once the players get a vacancy, they will make decisive shots. The fixed-point shooting, which accounts for nearly 22%, is the highest among all teams in Africa, there are few free throws made through breakthroughs. The advantage brought by the simple playing style is that Egypt can control the mistakes at a very low level, so as not to get into a mess-of course, “don’t score” makes such benefits look pale, after all, the three-point hit rate of 28.7% is unacceptable anyway.

Main attack? All are main attacks!

Three passes and two leads will come out, and the fight is also very firm

In FIFA World Cup qualification of 12 games, Egypt lost 75.6 points in 100 rounds, which is one of the teams with the highest defensive efficiency in Africa. The team often puts up 2-3 joint defense to protect the basket, the center will not easily hand over relieve a garrison when facing the block and split initiated by the opposing defender. Correspondingly, there will be a lot of vacancies.

The defensive tacit understanding is very high.

Use more squeeze instead of relieve a garrison

At present, foreign aid of the korean league changyuan falcon askim-marei is egypt’s top hero, with an average of 12.6 points and 9.1 rebounds in fifa world cup qualification games. 1.9 steals 0.8 cap, holding up half of egypt’s sky. Marley has had the experience of NCAA and European league, and has been selected as an all-star in BBL league in Germany. His ability to protect the frame is general, and he is better at grabbing the board. He is a mobile and flexible short rebounder, it is the double-material rebounder of the League of Lithuania and Germany.

Last month, Egypt men’s basketball also welcomed good news: Former NBA player Abdel Nader promised to play in the World Cup.

The strength of Nadir is certainly not enough to gain a firm foothold in NBA, but the skill points are fairly balanced. Sudden investment in low-level games can be handled, and his joining will significantly improve the thickness of Egypt’s front line.

In short, in terms of style, egypt is venezuela in africa (but its strength is much worse). The prospect of egypt in this world cup is not necessarily more optimistic than cape verde-for china men’s basketball, this is harder than cape verde, A younger, more average and harder team may not be the best choice, but in general, it seems that there is not much difference between drawing them and drawing them to cape verde.

It is an irrefutable fact that south sudan ravaged fifa world cup qualification when the black horse hovered over the 11th victory in the 12th battle of africa and the 17-point net victory in 100 rounds. Before last year, everyone just regarded the team coached by Rolle Deng as a potential stock. Nowadays, no African team dares to stabilize them, “World ranking 62” has become meaningless in South Sudan.

There is no denying that the lack of competitiveness in africa has resulted in the dominant situation in south sudan. Looking at other teams in Africa, Angola (average height 194cm) and Ivory Coast (average height 195cm) are slightly inferior in size. Cape Verde is old and rough, and Senegal is young and rough, nigeria usually can’t get the strongest lineup, egypt is in the standard cut-off scores… in contrast to south sudan, the spider man with slender limbs in the array is not one or two, and the average height is 2 meters 02, the average age of 27 is at the peak, and the fast break can fly up.

If God is envious of eating, then the “soft power” shown by South Sudan is more worthy of learning from African colleagues. This block-and-tear driven team has stable transmission and control, and the ratio of help to loss is not the best (1.3 to 1). The team’s “metronome” and the main force of NBL Adelaide 36 people (Sunday Dech) deeply trusted by coach Rolle Deng, he is one of the few numbers in Africa. He sorted out the team’s attack in an orderly manner, and only 1.7 mistakes were made at the same time when he sent nearly 5 assists per game.

At the same time, South Sudan is not short of a good pitcher, and the flanking group is full of talents. Kuany Ngor Kuany, Bul Kuol, and Peter Jok took a bow and arrow in the qualifier. They felt hot, total 121 votes 56.

You can think that Kool’s resume shows that he is purely extraordinary, but kooani and York were originally players who made a living by shooting, what’s more, South Sudan also has an inside line, Nuri Omot, which can be pulled out. When encountering such superior projection resources, Tongzhou opponents had to accept them. As mentioned above, Cape Verde’s real hit rate ranks second in Africa, and the first is South Sudan. Their figure is, which is 4 percentage points higher than Cape Verde.

Playing Egypt, it was very easy to find space, and he won 20 points in both matches.

In addition to the high offensive efficiency, South Sudan also did not fall behind the defense. Rolle deng played an important role in shaping and training the team. He did not choose to remain unchanged. In the match, anti-blocking and dismantling strategies such as relieve a garrison, sinking bottom, and delay were used in combination. From time to time, the whole game was pressed tightly, it’s like rehearsing for the World Cup in advance.

There is a widespread view that “Australia is grateful for the rise of South Sudan”. Indeed, there are many players on the South Sudan’s roster who are related to Australia, these players made a leap through the exercise of NBL, and then they had technical poverty alleviation in non-preliminary matches. However, South Sudan is more international than most people think. NCAA, G League, Europe and even CBA all have South Sudan’s national players. Among them, Chinese fans are most familiar with Jo Acuil, a foreign aid from Tong XI this season.

In the same year, in order to avoid the war and leave home, achur moved to Australia with his family and was excavated to the United States to fight NCAA. After starting his career, achur continued to make progress. In the 2021-22 season, he has grown into the core center of Melbourne United and was named “NBL First Center. Nanjing Tongxi brought achur, who had no NBA experience, into his command, which was an affirmation of his strength, and the data that was close to 20+10 in the game was not a failure. The complete South Sudan cannot be separated from the escort of achur. He will be the person responsible for carrying the team’s internal offensive and defensive in the World Cup.

The “dark horse” of South Sudan is eye-catching. Its strength is definitely more than the eighth gear. It can even be said that from style to strength, it is a little restrained from the Chinese team. If they are drawn, it will be absolutely signed.

Although men’s basketball does not have no chance to win against South Sudan, the suspense may be much bigger than the other two teams combined.

Conclusion: sign Cape Verde (there is a gap of +15 points), sign Egypt (about +10-15 points) and sign South Sudan (about-10 points).

Finally, I wish the Chinese team a good luck tonight.

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(Text/basket cancer advanced)

Special topics for reporting the men’s basketball World Cup in 2023

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