0 1 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast, April 29 news today’s NBA playoffs first round G6, Warriors home court 99-118 defeat the King, the series was dragged into the grab seven.

When it comes to losing, the warrior insider Luoni said in an interview: “I think we played hard but not smart enough. We didn’t carry out the game plan. We know what we need to do to win, that is, all the small details, defense back, card position and mistakes when being converted. We have not implemented these different aspects.”

In this game, Luoni played at 27 minutes 24 seconds, shooting 3 in 6, free throw 2 1, scored 7 points 13 rebounds 1 assists 2 steals data, the Warriors team made 18 mistakes, the opponent scored 23 points by making mistakes.

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