0 1 min 1 yr

Live broadcast bar, April 20 -the first round G2 of the Western playoffs, the Lakers lost 93-103 away to the grizzly bear, and the score of the series was 1-1.

After the game, eight villages were interviewed by the media. When talking about how to adjust the end, baicun said: “I think we just need to focus on the defensive end. There is no need to worry about the offensive end. Everyone in our team can score points, so we need to concentrate on the defense.”

The eight villages in this battle played for 32 minutes. The whole game scored 7 out of 12 shots, 2 out of 4 in 3 points, 4 out of 6 free throws, and got 20 points, 5 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 snatch.

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