0 2 min 1 yr

Live broadcast bar, April 20 -in the first round of the Western playoffs today, the Lakers 93-103 lost the big score of the Grizzly Bear series was tied to 1-1.

After the game, Bao Renjun, a Tencent sports reporter, posted a comment on the game. The text is as follows:

1. The Lakers need James heavy eyebrows to score more than 50 to win. To borrow the basic statement, James is 38 years old, and he can’t support himself.

2. Tillman was a strange soldier, especially in the first half, which exposed that the Lakers had no defense except heavy eyebrows and made adjustments in the second half.

3. Eight village base and Rivers proved that they could play the playoffs, Russell proved in reverse.

4. Young teams are easy to make mistakes, and the Lakers once approached the score. Although it is smoother without Morant, the grizzly bear still needs Morant to win this series.


In this battle, the heavy eyebrows 14 shot only 4, 1 out of the 3-point ball 1,4 out of the whole penalty got 13 points, 8 boards, 3 help 5 caps; James 23 shot 12, of which 1 out of the 3-point ball 8, in addition, 3 out of 4 free throws, 28 points, 12 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 steals, 1 cap.

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