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Warriors return to home to defeat the King and bring back a city.

Curry got 36 points, but today the brightest one is not his basket.

The king had only 97 points today.

In this season’s regular season, the King didn’t score 100 points in only four games.

Moreover, Warriors still lack dreams and Peyton.


At the beginning of the first round today, Clay carried Barnes close to his body. Looney was waiting for Sabonis in the penalty area. Curry chased Hert’s ball-free move-forced the king out of the border.

This ball sets the tone for the whole game:

Chase without balls, lock the restricted area, recompaction space.

After playing for nearly two minutes on both sides, it was still 0 to 0. Fox pushed back. Curry called clay to make up his position. He turned left from Murray’s body. Fox passed the ball. Curry copied the ball from Murray’s right, starting long passed to Poole: Warriors lead 2-0.

Fox once again took the ball in the left rib, and Curry turned round to make up the position. At the same time, he pointed at the bottom corner of his finger to greet Luoni to turn round to prevent the three-point ball.

Xiao Sa pushed forward with the ball, Curry pointed at Xiao Sa, called Clay to block it, and went to Fox by herself; Xiao Sa saw that he had no chance to pass it to Fox, and was forced to do one more action to get rid of clay — Poole immediately copied the ball, clay chased three points.

At ordinary times, the on-the-spot rotation of Warriors is the command of chasing dreams; Today, chasing dreams is not there, Curry command:

He saw the whole audience at any time and knew what to do at any time.

On the other hand, Fox has not been able to focus at any time: in the next round, he won’t watch the ball. Curry took the opportunity to start and hit the first three-pointer in the game.

Of course, Fox was angry. In the next round, he burst into Wikins. Curry emptied Murray to delay the resistance. Murray was also smart and quickly cut in. “Fox, let’s copy the back door of curry!” But Fox was broken by Curry’s delay and made a mistake in passing the ball.

The king only got 10 points in half of the festival by turning with the command of curry.

Fox’s first two mistakes were all made by Curry.

Cole’s rotation adjustment today: Curry went down in half a day; Poole was matched with clay, Luni and dicvencenzo for a while; Clay’s basket, Luni’s transfer ball, the pace of devenzenzuo’s move is OK.

At the end of the first section, Curry came to the end: walking on the ground to pick up the rebounder cunningly-just in front of Ryan, Ryan could only stare blankly-then divenzenzzo broke through a flirtatious ball and put it on the basket.

Cole used to let Curry follow the rotation time of 12-6-12-6. This season changed. As a result, Curry was absent in the first and third quarter of the game, and the Warriors were taken away by Fox and Monk.

Today, Cole changed: Curry plays half a festival, rest, and then comes up: make sure that every festival is finished by Curry.

In the second section, Curry’s players began to show on the offensive end.

Cut out three points, 34 to 27; Break into making free throws, cooperate with the Warriors on unlimited relieve a garrison: get serious.

Luni fell to the backboard of the front court. Curry three point line the external ball. At this time, Poole on his left was asking for the ball, and Fox and Herter were rushing in front of him.

Curry didn’t pass the ball to Poole. One started and passed Fox and Herter directly.

-Because Hull and Fox didn’t communicate well, they all went to Curry’s left, trying to cut off his passing route to Poole.

— Curry saw through it at a glance, so he went through it directly.

The King began to put pressure on the periphery and rotate quickly. Curry was stirring up again:

One fluttered and hollowed out Herter, So Poole → crai→wikins’s transfer ball hit out; Barnes found Wikins missing from the bottom corner and hurried to make up the position, and Luni made up the rebound in the front court.

Then Curry chased gemunk and counterattacked the three-point foul; Sabonis Just got the rebound in the front court. Curry copied the ball behind him to counterattack, and Poole shot the second ball in the game; Curry scored another three-point ball, warriors lead 53-41 in half.

Attack and defense ends, top basketball IQ.

Not afraid of not knowing the goods, just afraid of comparing the goods.

So Cole wants to finish every section of Curry. What matters is not only that Curry is responsible for finishing, but also that Poole is not allowed to finish with the ball……

Today, Poole 13 voted 4. The two balls in the first half were all quick breaks after Curry copied the ball and let him go over the basket.

In the second half, Curry and Poole had a moment to show that the master brought his apprentice.

At the beginning of the second half, Curry pointed out the direction of Luoni to Poole, and then gave the ball to Poole to start. Luoni cut and assisted Wikins to lay the basket inside the back door.

But in the next round, Poole hardened himself-eating a hat.

Then Poole scored the first battle goal in this field: Curry crossed the air with him. Poole raised his ability to accelerate the bending of Monta Ellis level, forced the bottom corner to wipe Sabonis and lay down the basket! Awesome!

But in the next round, Curry has a simple give and go, which is a good layup; After that, an empty section is against Sabonis, and only one emergency stop, he will get rid of Sabonis and layup.

— Curry: Breaking through the layup is not that complicated, and it can be solved without acceleration……

— It seems that it was a bit difficult for Poole to accelerate and break through the curve before. It was really a bit difficult to circle around the boss……

Well, hard work.

For many things that can be done lightly by the ball dealer, vision and rhythm, Poole has to do difficult work-and still can’t do it.

So there is a comparison.

In the second half of the third quarter of divenzenzuo, a breakthrough assist was first made, and then it was intercepted, so that clay could catch up with three points: Warriors 79 to 63.

In the next round, Curry broke through and scored three points. If you pay attention to Diwen’s position, he is:

First run to the wing side, see if the library is going to arch top one-on-one, then go to the bottom corner and help him empty; Look at the moment when the library breaks through, Diwen directly cut the bottom corner inside, make sure you are at a comfortable passing angle in Curry.

That is, in these moments, no matter what the library does, Diwen guarantees that there is more than one option in the library.

In the next round, Diwen himself pushed forward in the middle road and watched Kuili push forward on the left. Diwen immediately slanted the right rib and followed Kuili with a give and go. Let Kuili go to the bottom and feed the ball to the basket: moody made a foul.

Curry began to cooperate with Diwen, but Diwen’s basket was unstable and lost. Immediately, he did not stop and copied the King’s long-pass counterattack ball back:

No matter you can’t enter, Diwen has been trying to do the most correct thing at that time.

After that, Curry lock went online, Herter copied the back door and cut inside. Curry and Luni grasped Herter’s trap and copied the ball; Turned around with a three-pointer, 93 to 77; The next round, diwen completely copied the play of library and copied Fox’s pass: in fact, the game was almost the same.

When the Warriors led 103 to 83, the king went online to attack curry, curry spread Diwen, Diwen wrote a 12-meter oblique pass, clay was comfortable in winning the vote-“cashing his opponent into the empty basket in the curry”, which was previously dream-driven, and today is Devin’s work.

A digression.

At the beginning of this season, Di wenzenzuo, who arrived at the Warriors, scored 9.4 points, 4.5 rebounds, 3.5 assists and 1.3 steals in 26 minutes and 7.5 shots.

At the beginning of nine years ago, I went to the warrior igodala for an average of 32 minutes and 7.3 shots, scoring 9.3 points, 4.7 rebounds, 4.2 assists and 1.5 caps.

Of course, Divin is different from igodala. When he has no ball, he still smells like Danny Green. The ability is not the top, and the players and diligence come together.

Therefore, according to the data, 36 points for Curry, 20 points for Wikins, and 13 points for Moody’s substitute, are the key to this game.

But in the foundation, the basis of the Warriors today is the command at both ends of Curry’s attack and defense. It is the positive activity of Luni’s 20 rebounds, including 9 front rebounds and 9 assists, as well as the active 7 rebounds, 8 assists and 4 steals in 26 minutes, coupled with Wikins’s efforts, won the ball.

Wikins interfered with 14 shots today, including 9 three-point shots; Rooney’s 13 shots included 12 two-point shots. Curry and Devin have the highest 5 interceptions in the team.

So the King only got 97 points.

The most important secret here is the details of Curry’s attack and defense choices today, greeting his teammates, turning the ball, repairing the cover and fighting back. Each section ends steadily and never allows the king to start.

Fox made four mistakes today, and the first two were made by Curry.

A high IQ player who knows how to master the rhythm can not only make his own party stand up, but also make the other party unable to stand up; it can even give on-the-spot guidance to Poole, who was not enlightened in the first half-it’s just that Curry took Poole and Divan’s rounds respectively in the third section, which made people feel more or less……

Curry: eating grapes does not spit grape skins. Do you understand this tongue twister?

Diwen: I see. If you don’t eat grapes, spit grape skins.

Poole: I choked.

Curry: What’s the matter?

Poole: Isn’t it not allowed to spit grape skins?

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