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On the evening of June 18, Guangdong University of Technology finally won the coveted championship trophy in Chengdu le dynamic Xiangcheng sports center.

87:83, Guangdong University of Technology defeated the “old enemy” by virtue of its wonderful performance at the last moment. It is also the overlord of Tsinghua University in recent years in the first-class league of Chinese College Basketball League (CUBAL).

This is the meeting between Guanggong and Tsinghua in the CUBAL finals for two consecutive years. In the final of 2022, Guanggong lost by three points to Tsinghua, who was the leader of CBA champion Wang Lanzhen in 2022. One year later, he met again on the stage of the finals. Guanggong did not let the failed script be staged again, but firmly grasped the key of victory in his own hands.

2022 final Guanggong lost to Tsinghua

In this showdown representing the highest level of Chinese college students’ basketball, both Guanggong and Tsinghua University played a wonderful battle. At the end of the game with 13 seconds left, the score was 83-82, and Tsinghua held a 1-point lead.

The No. 8 member of Guanggong, who nearly made receive the ball mistakes in the previous attack, once got into success. Then he took his teammates to pass the ball and threw a three-point “needle” near the 45-degree angle on the left. The key points in this record are destined to be recorded in the history of Guanggong.

Chen Guohao’s “big heart” was also fully displayed at the last moment of the game. He made a steady hit in the last two penalties and finally fixed the score at 87:83. After 38 minutes of appearance, “Guanggong Warcraft”, who scored 30 points, 10 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 cover data, was also successfully elected FMVP. It is 4 points higher than the 985 Tsinghua, and many fans call Guanggong “989 University”.

It is worth mentioning that this competition is also the “Battle of retirement” of Guanggong Chen Guohao and Tsinghua zouyang’s college career. They who are about to graduate may continue fighting in CBA.

Guangdong media live pick-up, Guanggong dining hall plus 50000 chicken legs

Guanggong won the first championship of men’s basketball young pioneer team history after all hardships. This historic event was also refreshed on social media. On Weibo, the topics of “Guanggong champion” and “Tsinghua University VS Guangdong University of Technology” rushed to the top two of Weibo hot search list after the game.

On WeChat, the author’s circle of friends has already been refreshed by the sharing of “Guanggong won the championship. According to WeChat data, the WeChat Index of “Guanggong” has reached 54.43 million by the time of writing. It is no exaggeration to say that Guanggong’s winning the championship has become a hot spot of phenomenon-level communication.

On the morning of june 19, guangdong local media such as nanfang daily had already waited at guangzhou baiyun international airport to greet guanggong men’s basketball with the courtesy of live webcast.

At about 11:20, Guanggong flew to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport on men’s basketball. Hu Qintai, secretary of the Party committee of Guangdong University of Technology and Qiu Xueqing, president of Guangdong University of Technology, led teachers and students to pick up the plane at the airport. At the pick-up site, hu qintai awarded the team a congratulatory letter from guangdong province office of education and a bonus of 300000 yuan, indicating that this was the glory of guanggong, and the team would be rewarded in the future.

Hu qintai said that in order to celebrate the team’s victory, the school canteen prepared 50000 chicken legs for all teachers and students today. He revealed that he hoped teachers and students to learn and carry forward the spirit of basketball players who dare to fight and win, and form a positive atmosphere in the campus.

The Guanggong dining hall hung a banner of congratulations.

According to the pictures shared by Guanggong students on social media, the dining hall has already pulled up at noon, “Congratulations to Guanggong basketball for winning the national championship! Free congratulations banner for sending teachers and students chicken legs. In the window of cooking, chicken legs are also ready.

After the Guanggong men’s basketball troops returned to the Guanggong campus, in the cheers of teachers and students shouting MVP, FMVP Chen Guohao issued a “champion speech”, saying: “We feel your support, only in this way can we work hard on the court, so we brought this trophy back.”

“No basketball, no work”

Basketball has already become one of the business cards of Guanggong.

Basketball is the traditional dominant sport of guanggong. Guanggong once set a feat of “four years and three championships” in the chinese college basketball super league (CUBS) from 2007 to 2011, it is praised as the most successful school in the history of CUBS by the outside world.

Guanggong basketball not only achieved a great record in the whole country, but also sent a large number of basketball talents to CBA. Professional basketball players from guanggong, including yi jianlian, du feng, zhu fangyu, zhou peng, su wei, dong hanlin, hong-fei shi, ren junfei, ren junwei, li yuanyu, ju Mingxin and Zhu Xuhang, etc. After Guanggong won the Cup, these “well-known alumni” also posted articles on social media to congratulate their alma mater on winning the championship.

Yi Jianlian, Du Feng and Zhu Fangyu congratulate their alma mater

In 2023, this batch of guanggong men’s basketball players will undoubtedly become the people of the age in the history of the school. In fact, before chen guohao’s team members, guanggong also had a glorious “golden generation”. They almost swept all the honors of guangdong campus basketball and stood on the national stage more often, it shows the strength of Guanggong basketball.

The “golden generation” of Guanggong, represented by Roger, Zhong Guodong, Li Xiang and Zeng Bingqiang, has repeatedly launched an impact on the highest honor of CUBA (renamed CUBAL in 2022), but unfortunately, until they retired, they still did not bring a CUBA championship trophy to Guanggong.

However, Roger’s “golden generation” of Guanggong also won the title of “CUBA southeast King” in 2016 and 2017, defending the honor of Guanggong basketball. If it weren’t for the injuries of the main players such as roger and zhong guodong at the last moment, otherwise guanggong would have entered the peak period of the national games in three years and two years from 2015 to 2017, they are very likely to bring Guanggong a CUBA championship.

The golden generation of Guanggong led by Roger (first left)

After the “golden generation” of Guanggong, such as Roger, Zhong Guodong and Li Xiang, left the university campus, the former “younger brother” Zeng Bingqiang became the eldest brother of the team. In the period when Guanggong experienced the replacement of new and old, Zeng Bingqiang carried the banner of Guanggong basketball. Fans familiar with CUBA may recall that in 2018, the day before the 20th CUBA Southeast Division 1/4 final facing Ningbo University, Zeng Bingqiang’s mother died of illness.

Zeng Bingqiang, who endured the pain of losing his mother, cut the “super two pairs” data of 39 points and 22 rebounds in the game the next day, and rewarded the mother who supported himself to play with excellent performance. This scene has also become the most touching story in the history of Guanggong basketball and even CUBA.

Nowadays, Zeng Bingqiang has also become a man of the hour in Chinese basketball. At the Jakarta Asian Games in 2018, he and his teammates won the gold medal in the 3x 3 men’s basketball project of this Asian Games, leaving a strong mark on the history book of Guanggong basketball.

Zeng Bingqiang broke through in the competition

Guanggong basketball, not only this. In the 2018 CBA all-star game, zhang jianhao, a member of guanggong men’s basketball, stepped onto the stage of the dunk contest and won the CBA dunk king trophy with a score of two deduction of 95 points. The following year, Zhang Jianhao continued to be invited to participate in the competition and won the dunk contest again, completing two consecutive championships of “dunk king” that even many CBA players could not achieve.

Looking back, we can find that many highlight moments of Chinese basketball cannot be separated from the elements of Guanggong. Now this “late” CUBAL Championship is the best praise for Guanggong basketball.

Dongguan basketball victory

“Chinese basketball watch Guangdong, Guangdong basketball watch Dongguan.” This domineering slogan in basketball also applies to the CUBAL finals.

In the professional competition field, Guangdong Southern Tigers of the home court is located in the Dongguan basketball center is CBA “11 champion King”. On the grassroots basketball court, Dongguan men’s basketball completed its rule over the Guangdong men’s basketball league since its establishment, dongguan grassroots basketball even won the national championship many times. Today, on the campus basketball court, this CUBAL final finally became the “performance” of Dongguan high school basketball “.

Among the 30 People’s Congress lists of both teams, a total of 11 players graduated from Dongguan high school, of which 9 were enrolled in guangdong university of technology and 2 were enrolled in Tsinghua University. Dongguan no. 4 middle school and dongguan guangming middle school are the traditional strong basketball schools in dongguan. Among them, chen guohao, zeng yucheng, zhou zeyuan, cui junchao and others are the graduates of dongguan no. 4 middle school, lu jianhao, chen Weici is a graduate of Dongguan Guangming Middle School.

It can be seen from this that the strength of Dongguan basketball is not only reflected in the professional competition, but also penetrated into every level such as grassroots and campus. Judging from the results, guangdong university of technology, which took “dongguan student gang” as the bottom of the class, defeated the powerful tsinghua university. Their tactical execution and willpower at the last moment of the competition, it is the epitome of Dongguan’s strong basketball.

The prosperity of Dongguan basketball has completely continued into campus basketball. This victory not only belongs to Guanggong, but also the victory of Dongguan grassroots basketball and campus basketball.

Guanggong’s best “enrollment guide”

It is undeniable that this game represents the highest level of college basketball in China today. The strength of Tsinghua University is unknown. They are determined to defend their title after completing three successive championships, but they met tenacious Guanggong and their dream of four consecutive championships was unfortunately shattered.

In the view of big sports students, this hard-won champion will become the most powerful “enrollment guide” for Guanggong “. As we all know, the rise of tsinghua university and peking university in basketball in recent years has nothing to do with its “resource inclination. These two universities are regarded as the highest universities in China, so they also have their own natural advantages in selecting materials.

Wang lanji was elected as the top CBA in 2022

In an interview with xinhua news agency after the CUBAL final in 2022, a senior coach of the college league said that the champions of the first-class league in the last seven years had been won by tsinghua university and peking university, universities like this have obvious advantages in enrollment. It is good for college teams to rotate 7 or 8 people, however, players who have not entered the 12-person list in Tsinghua University may also be the main force in other teams. With guanggong breaking the monopoly of the two universities of wudaokou on CUBAL championship, this may add a lot of points to guanggong’s selection of basketball.

From the perspective of the whole country, the Guanggong diploma, which belongs to “double Africa”, is definitely far inferior to the two universities in Northern Qing Dynasty. However, as far as the employment market in Guangdong is concerned, the diploma of Guanggong is no less than that of 985 and 211 universities in some other provinces and cities. As the name implies, Guanggong is famous for “engineering”. Electronic science and technology, computer science and technology, civil engineering and environmental science and engineering are its dominant disciplines.

For Guanggong, winning the CUBAL National Championship is naturally an excellent opportunity for publicity. On the one hand, the college entrance examination is about to enter the stage of release, and then senior middle school students will face the choice of voluntary reporting. Guanggong won the championship, undoubtedly able to play a famous role nationwide, attracting the attention of some senior middle school students, in order to strengthen their own sources of students.

On the other hand, winning this championship can also become the capital for Guanggong to absorb basketball talents nationwide. Before that, the enrollment of Guanggong basketball was mainly limited to Guangdong province and its surrounding areas, and it was difficult to attract outstanding basketball seedlings from other provinces. Under the same circumstances, basketball seedlings from other provinces will be willing to play in more famous universities for diploma reasons. However, with guanggong winning the championship, this may change the ideas of some parents and students.

Chen Guohao and Zou Yang

Through this championship, it is proved that the abundant supply of basketball events in dawan district has become the biggest guarantee for guanggong to win the championship. Due to the well-developed basketball market in Dawan district, in addition to campus competitions, there are provincial league matches in Guangdong province, Dongguan league matches, many folk competitions and commercial competitions, etc. It is no exaggeration to say that players can participate in endless basketball matches in Guangdong as long as time and physical conditions permit. Through qualitative changes caused by quantitative changes, players naturally have richer competition experience than some college students.

Guanggong and Chen Guohao have experienced great ups and downs in recent years: in 2019, Chen Guohao repeated his study for one year because he forgot to sign up for a single recruitment, so Guanggong also waited for one more year; In 2020, guanggong was punished by the CUBAL organizing committee negative competition because of the selection of opponents; In 2021, Guanggong failed to play in the top eight because of the epidemic; In 2022, Guanggong defeated Tsinghua by three points; By 2023, guanggong finally realized his dream. From the trough to the peak, guanggong has experienced it once.

The reason why this Guanggong won the championship is so touching because it is so ordinary and terrible. There is only Chen Guohao, a well-known player nationwide in the team, and the others are almost all players with “greater strength than Fame, in contrast, Tsinghua is almost a national elite of this age group.

Guanggong’s victory over Tsinghua is just like the hot fire in the NBA finals this year’s victory over Nuggets. Guanggong has created a miraculous myth in front of absolute strength and enrollment advantages. This is the best story template for civilian teams to defeat rich teams in reality.

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