0 2 min 2 yrs

Butler kicked and caused a three-point foul

NBA rules stipulate that when shooting, offensive fouls are as follows: if the attacking player’s feet are kicked to the defender at an abnormal (abnormal) angle or range, the referee can punish the offensive fouls.

After watching the video of Butler this morning, the referee decided that Butler’s kicking action was “natural (referee’s original words: natural)”, so Butler was not an offensive foul.

Moreover, since Butler’s action is “natural”, Gordon’s physical contact with Butler is that Gordon violated Butler’s cylindrical space, so it is a defensive foul.

After reading the rules, we can know whether this “natural and normal” requires the referee to make a certain subjective judgment. If it is normal or not, it depends on the referee’s judgment at that time.


Popper’s Hatter to Strous

The original text of NBA rules says about the integration of players: the confrontation between the attacking players on the ball is compliant (The following figure is the original text of the rules).

The ball pop hit the palm and wrist part of Strous. The referee thought that Strous was hit just on the ball, so the ball did not play foul.

Details of basketball rules

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