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2022-23 NBA league officially ended. Welcome to this season’s live broadcast bar season inventory. Looking back on this season, many players have contributed countless unforgettable moments to us. Today, we will make a set of ten classic moments:

10. Playing is a teammate! Gobel broke the defense and directly threw a fist at Li Kael.

9. James saved the ball and turned over the audience. The fans fell to the ground and stood up to escort him back.

8. Poole was too far and three points. Curry was so angry that he fell tooth socket and was expelled.

7. Get drunk! Morante and strippers interact at a large scale

6. The Legend! James leaned back and jumped to crown the historical scoring king.

5,Hard! Butler lay flat, empty, no flat stag!

4. Tatum killed again ah ah ah ah ah!White: Hmm?

3,‍♂◆ Xiao Sa threw his legs down!Chase Dreams and step on people directly!

2. James was beaten by Tatum. He was angry and jumped to his feet. He was depressed and knelt down.

1,Strength +++++! Dream chasing, punch down Poole!

2022-23 season summary and inventory

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