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The Nuggets won the first championship in young pioneer team history. The leading role in the circle is not only FMVP yorkich, who has been avoiding the camera, but also the big boss of the team Stan kerenke.

The title-winning speech was output crazily to the female journalist’s ears.

This is his fifth league championship in the past year and a half. Previously, there were the Super Bowl champion of the Rams (2022) and the National bag Hockey League champion of the mammoth team (2022 & this year is the runner-up), the Stanley Cup champion of Avalanche team (2022) and the call of duty league champion of Los Angeles Guerrillas team (2022).

Over the years, the billionaire’s style of acting was much lower than that of jokedge, but with the Nuggets all the way to the top and his success in the past year (the appreciation of sports assets was 3 billion US dollars), karen is destined to become one of the most discussed figures in the World Sports in 2023.

From a small village in Missouri with only 23 people, he walked out of such a Sports overlord with a price of 13 billion dollars, but until today his family history is still full of mystery, crenke’s life story is somewhat surreal.

Because his father runs the timber business, he has to work and do chores since he was young, and he is also responsible for managing the account books. Grandpa and father are baseball fans, but he has a special liking for basketball. He played in the school team in high school and once had a performance of 30 points in a single game. But from then on, he found that he didn’t like the feeling of being noticed very much. For example, he would not be able to control his leg shaking and then play out of his mind.

He himself almost never accepted media interviews, and the public’s understanding of his early life was extremely limited. A big reason may be that he is very sensitive to his marriage problems-in 1974, kerenke married Ann Walton, the female heir of Wal-Mart Group, and became a rich son-in-law.

Ann Walton and crenke

But Karen hated being told that he relied on his wife and father-in-law. He always emphasized that he started from scratch and tried his best to downplay the change that Wal-Mart had made in his life: “When I first dated her, the retail business of her father (James Walton) and her uncle (Sam Walton) is still very small. They are all strivers with special efforts and later achieved great achievements, but at that time, it was really not”.

We can only talk about this with data. Crenke and his wife met in 1971. Wal-Mart was listed that year, during the period of rapid expansion, with an annual turnover of 78 million US dollars. By the second year of his marriage, the turnover of the group was 0.34 billion dollars.

Before getting to know his wife, kerenke did show his business acumen. In college, he borrowed thousands of dollars from his father to run a clothing store in partnership with others, the money he earned was said to be enough to support his tuition and living expenses, and he made a small profit when selling the shop, so he could meet his wife in a ski resort in Colorado.

But there is no doubt that Karen could become a rising real estate tycoon in the 1970 s and 1980 s, basically relying on the capital of Wal-Mart Group. The first big project he started was to develop shopping centers and Wal-Mart supermarkets.

In 1975, the second year of his marriage, kellenke gave up the opportunity to continue reading Bo and began to accept the guidance of Walton family commercial real estate development partner Raul waters. He went up very fast, and the two jointly developed more than 20 commercial projects throughout the Midwest of the United States. However, in 1985, crenke and Waters had a serious conflict on the issue of equity distribution, and then went to court. The lawsuit lasted for several years.

In the 1990 s, he cooperated with St. Louis real estate developers and friends, and the business became bigger and bigger. Although the two eventually broke up in displeasure, returning to his hometown Missouri gave him the opportunity to show his hands and feet in the sports field.

In 1993, NFL decided to expand, and St. Louis, the second largest city in Missouri (and the only independent city), became one of the candidates. Kellenke contacted Roger Goodall, the later president of NFL, and filed a bid at the last moment, but it failed.

But only two years later, he helped St. Louis run an NFL team, which was Los Angeles Rams.

At that time, the Ram boss was the NFL Lady frantier. Because she was dissatisfied with the conditions of Los Angeles’s home court, she hit it off with Karen, and by allowing Karen to take a stake of 80 million dollars (30 percent of the shares), move the Rams to St. Louis. In 1999, Ram won the Super Bowl, and kerenke also set up his own sports operation company KSE in this year, starting to build his own sports empire.

When he was young, crenke often went hunting with his father-in-law and Sam Walton, listening to their entrepreneurial history and absorbing business knowledge and experience like a sponge. Like the Walton family, kellenke’s own entrepreneurial history is also an American tycoon story of fire oil. Now he is indeed confident that he does not rely on his father-in-law, because his wealth has doubled in the last five years, it has far exceeded his wife and any Wal-Mart heir.

* * * *

Looking at kellenke’s sports management from the champion of nuggets, he may not know much about it, because kellenke himself almost never intervened in the daily operation of the team. However, the ups and downs of the two teams, Rams and Arsenal, can definitely show the business skills of Karen incisively and vividly.

What a heroic feat it was to bring the NFL team to his hometown, but in the end, crenke betrayed St. Louis without hesitation, betrayed his name (his big name Enos and middle name Stanley were all taken from the fame of St. Louis Cardinals).

No one knows when crenke started planning to move the Rams back to Los Angeles, at least before the big boss frantier died. Frantier died in 2008, and two years later he wholly acquired Rams (on the way, he repelled the quotation of American Pakistani businessman Shehid Khan, who is currently the boss of Fulham Football Club).

At that time, there was already a rumor in St. Louis that he would move the team, and he promised to the fans again and again, “I grew up in Missouri and will always be from Missouri. Everyone knows that I am trustworthy, I will keep my promise…… I will do my best to leave the Rams here.”

But at the same time, he began to look for legal loopholes. For example, the terms of the 30-year lease signed between RAM and the home stadium included maintaining advanced venue conditions, as long as he tried every means to reject St. Louis’s renovation plan (even if it was close to 1 billion dollars), he could win the arbitration lawsuit, amend the lease agreement and loosen the conditions for the relocation team in the future.

In 2014, he spent more than 0.1 billion dollars in Los Angeles to buy land, which once again aroused vigilance in St. Louis. Old friend Goodall covered for him, saying that crenke’s move had nothing to do with NFL business. By 2015, kellenke had been building in Los Angeles and claimed that the market in St. Louis was no longer suitable for Rams. He listed many economic data that were not conducive to St. Louis. However, many media verified that these data were not out of nothing, it is also extremely one-sided and misleading.

Rams fans revolt

Of course, NFL is willing to push the Rams back to Los Angeles. In early 2016, the decision was passed by a vote of 30-2. At this point, kellenke became the public enemy of St. Louis, and the local municipal government also took him and NFL to court. Finally, he won the case and got 0.79 billion dollars in compensation, one third of which should be borne by other NFL bosses.

Angry St. Louis people bought an advertisement in the Super Bowl in 2016 and scolded Karen, “Stan, is it not enough for you to have a net worth of 8 billion dollars? We just want to say that the law is on your side, you are rich and willful, but this does not mean that what you do is justice.”

At that time, kellenke’s sports empire had begun to take off. He dug deep into Colorado, acquired the team and developed the stadium project in parallel, and also built a television network and ticketing company, monopolizing all the operating chains of his own team.

When it comes to his TV station, fans outside Colorado may not know that in the past three years, most local people have not seen the regular season matches of teams such as nuggets and avalanches on TV, because Karen’s “Plateau TV” monopolizes broadcasting rights, he has not been able to negotiate a relay agreement with cable TV networks such as Comcast.

There is also a petition to put pressure on Comcast online.

Although it is definitely worse than the St. Louis fans, the Nuggets have not been stabbed by the boss’s back. After they broke into the Western finals in 2009, they found that little kerenke (the family manager in charge of team operation) had rented the home court to WWE to earn extra money, he never thought that his team could go that far in the playoffs.

To this end, WWE president McMahon ridiculed the old crenke crazily and played a good play in the competition forced to change to Los Angeles.

McMahon said that Karen didn’t deserve to be the boss, but in fact, the love of the fans for the team was obviously very different from the “love” of the boss for the team. In this regard, Arsenal-fan should be the group with the deepest understanding.

* * * *

Up to now, no one can prove that kellenke loved football. It is said that the first time he noticed the Premier League was on his way to Hong Kong to talk about business. He found that the local newspapers had extremely professional and detailed reports on this league and instantly felt the global development potential of this sport.

When scudmoore, chief executive of the Premier League, announced that football had become a global capital game “unstoppable”, kellenke seized the best opportunity to become one of the earliest American bosses to enter European football. In 2007, the British branch of KSE Group acquired 9.9 percent of Arsenal’s shares, which immediately attracted Peter Hill-Wood’s vigilance.

“You can say I am old-fashioned antique, but we just don’t need kerenke’s money or shareholders like him. Our goal is to make Arsenal always belong to the British. I don’t know whether he will launch a hostile takeover against our club, but we will resist it with all our strength, “said the Arsenal chairman. “Americans only see money. They don’t know anything about our football. We don’t need such people to participate in the club operation.”

Kellenke did want to annex more equity, but he was not in a hurry, unwilling to add fuel to the fire and anger these old British money, triggering a cultural war. His approach is to first PR Arsenal-fan Trust, which is basically no different from government lobbying in terms of means: to be patient and reasonable, let the other side trust his emphasis on Arsenal’s long-term interests (it is a fact that he has never sold any sports equity he holds). He also invited the relevant person in charge of the agency to visit Denver for a delicious reception, and let the British see what the sports empire he runs looks like.

In addition, Usmanov, the once richest man in Russia, continued to buy shares (he could really buy one share today and two shares tomorrow), and bought Arsenal’s board of directors in a panic-in order to keep the British background, they didn’t want Usmanov to occupy 25% of the shares, and kellenke naturally became an appropriate check and balance piece.

In some descriptions of Arsenal-fan, this seemed to be a Faust-style cautionary fable, in which the sinner Dane sold his soul and Arsenal’s soul to the devil. By 2011, kerenke had really acquired the equity of feisman and Braswell, and it was too late for Arsenal-fan trust to oppose it.

In 2018, kerenke completely merged Arsenal into its sports empire and became a “subsidiary”. Arsenal-fan trust wrote in a statement full of grief: “After Stan kerenke privatized the club, fans will no longer own shares and cannot continue to protect the club’s business values…… Kellenke’s behavior will completely disintegrate the voices and participation of fans, which is actually a legal theft to relieve the holder of equity from supervising the operation of Arsenal.”

Arsenal-fan shout to get Karen out of the club

It is a pity that these complaints are too weak and far away to resonate in markets outside Britain. After a Russian oligarch and an Uncle Sam (perhaps Sam’s son-in-law is more appropriate), is there really a difference for the Arsenal-fan who have been taken away from the equity? From the greedy desire to play Kingyuan football at the beginning to the European Super League led by Karen, it was also a kind of blessing.

For a long time, kellenke was sprayed with nothing by Arsenal-fan. After the epidemic, he reduced the salary of the team, and then his own assets continued to increase by hundreds of millions, which made them angry. However, it was unknown that Americans had long been accustomed to it. This seems contradictory, but it conforms to the actual economic operation rules: no matter how grand the narrative is or how bullish the market is, it has nothing to do with fans or even team employees. This seems to be the powerless reality faced by many individuals in this great era. Looking at the later Brexit from this perspective, it seems easier to understand the simple choice of the public.

Just for a boss like crenke, the rules were written for him at the beginning, and the later rules were written by him. Neither of them would prevent him from continuing to make big profits. As long as the team wins the championship, the winner will be the king, and the black history will naturally be written off (he was also anonymously selected as the worst boss in the league by LS executives this year).

If a Trump card like yokki doesn’t become the ambition of kellenke, his free attitude towards this commercial game may be the real wise move.

In contrast, as early as seven or eight years ago, LeBlanc was the “good friends” of little kerenke. When they were on vacation on the luxury cruise ship of old kerenke, little kerenke took out a customized No. 23 Nuggets jersey and invited him to join him. LeBlanc later complained, “Our relationship is very iron, but this matter has not been considered I am.”

There is a reason why LeBlanc did not consider the Nuggets. Crenke, who plays long-term business and does not fire a coach in seven or eight years, is not a person along the way. Michael Malone mentioned the word “organic” more than once, saying that what the crenke family pays attention to is “letting nature take its course”; many people who have dealt with Karen also said that his vision of pursuing “long-term success” is very unique.

These comments are not false at all, but there is no subject in the most critical conclusion, which makes it easy to misunderstand who these “long-term success” belong.

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