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On June 11, the first-class women’s basketball finals of the 25th China College Basketball League closed smoothly! The new king of Huazhong University of Science and Technology ascended the throne women’s basketball, defeated the strong enemy Beijing Normal University at 66:58 and won the national championship! Beijing Normal University won the national runner-up women’s basketball. Peking University defeated China Mining University women’s basketball 69:58 and won the national third place! China mine University won the Army!

[Beijing Normal University 58-66 Huazhong University of Science and Technology]]

At the beginning of the game, Chen Yuzhen put on the basket as the opening of China University of Science and Technology. However, Liu Yutong gave a response by relying on the physical advantage of the internal line to beat 2+1. Then he zhouze threw three points into the outside line to feel hot, A wave of 11-3 small climax of Huazhong University of Science and Technology directly established a double-digit leading position. Wang hanhao finally stopped the decline for Beijing Normal University, but Huo Juntong could still give a response to the basket one after another. The first quarter ended, huazhong University of Science and Technology 23-13 leads Beijing Normal University.

On the second festival, Zhang Mao was thrown into the three points when he came up, and Liu Yutong’s internal Hook was also in the middle. A wave of 7-0 in Beijing Normal University quickly got close to the score. He zhouze finally stopped bleeding after playing the basket for 3 minutes, after Huo Juntong’s investment hit Liu Bei’s bottom corner, he pursued three points and then stabilized the situation. Later, both sides made mistakes and the offensive end of Huazhong University of Science and Technology fell into stagnation, cao Boyi successively tied the score with the inner-line pull rod. At the end of half time, Beijing Normal University 32-32 tied the central China University of Science and Technology.

When Yi was fighting again, Chen Yuzhen broke through the basket and scored points one after another. However, the attacking ends of both sides were a little confused and mistakes occurred one after another. Beijing Normal University was even in a shortage of scoring, and only got 3 points in the past 6 minutes, liu Yutong, who was restricted, finally stopped the bleeding, but Huazhong University of Science and Technology still seized the opportunity to lead to double digits. Hu Xirong three points stopped the bleeding urgently, however, Yang Tan Yiying responded again after fighting against the layup 2+1, or Liu Yutong stood up to build a strong inner line to kill and cut down 6 points to stop the decline, and the three sections ended, huazhong University of Science and Technology 51-45 again leads Beijing Normal University by 6 points.

In the final decisive battle, Chen Xiaokun was thrown into the three points to catch up with the difference of 3 points. However, Huazhong University of Science and Technology successively seized the opportunity to stabilize the situation again. After Chen Yuzhen broke through the basket and entered, Liu Yutong quickly responded to the internal line, the physical strength of both sides has reached its limit. Chen Yuzhang pulled the difference into double digits again in succession. Liu Yutong’s internal line 2+0 continues to maintain suspense, but Huazhong University of Science and Technology firmly maintains its leading edge, there was little time left. Finally, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 66-58 Leck Beijing Normal University won the championship.

In terms of data, Chen Yuzhen of Huazhong University of Science and Technology scored 16 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists, 5 steals, Huo Juntong scored 12 points, 9 rebounds, 4 assists, 3 steals, Liu Bei scored 12 points, 8 rebounds, 7 assists, 3 steals, he zhouze 13 points 2 rebounds 2 assists; Beijing Normal University Liu Yutong 25 points 9 rebounds 3 Assists 2 cap, Tang Ziting 10 points 9 rebounds 6 Assists 2 cap, Wang Hanji 13 points 7 rebounds 2 assists.

[Chen Yuzhen won the most valuable player in the finals]]

On the 12th, women’s basketball, Chen Yuzhen led Huazhong University of Science and technology to defeat the enemy Beijing Normal University after a bloody battle through excellent series organization ability and offensive ability, and won the first championship in Young Pioneer Team history! MVP deserves its reputation!

[Peking University 69-58 China mine University]]

At the beginning of the game, the two sides were evenly matched in the opening stage, and the score was very tight. Liu Xiaojun responded quickly after the three points of Wang Xiaoxiao, and then the two sides fell into a stalemate, china Mining University suddenly exerted its power to blossom inside and outside, and made a 11-4 offensive to get ahead. Liu Xiaojun quasi-pressure whistle three points helped China Mining University lead 18-12 to end the first quarter.

In the second section, Dalian, China mine, got 4 points for penalty, but since then, the attack has completely stagnated. Peking University struggled to fight back, and the attack climax of 15-0 has blossomed more than the score, wang Yiru made up the basket hard to break the wilderness. Peking University continued to exert its strength to keep its advantages in blooming inside and outside. In half a battle, Peking University exceeded the score 34-28.

In the second half, Peking University firmly took the initiative on the field, and the 9-3 offensive with penalty even pulled the score difference to double digits at one stroke. China mine University caused continuous killing through free throws and struggled to break the famine, wang Ziyi helped Peking University finish the 6-0 climax with two goals in succession and entered the final quarter with a lead of 52-36. The whole team of China Mining University only scored 8 points in this section.

In the fourth section, Peking University First took 4 points to expand its advantage to 20 points. China Mining University took turns to impact the internal line and even cast a penalty to support it. Wang Zhen stole and fought back successfully, china Mining University exited the points to continue the hope, and Peking University made a strong attack on the inside line to keep ahead of the killing penalty. China Mining University struggled to catch up with no results. In the end, Peking University defeated China Mining University 69-58 and won the third place in this competition.

In terms of data, Peking University Tang Juntong 19 points 9 rebounds 7 assists 3 steals 2 cap, Wang Jia painted 13 points 12 rebounds 6 Assists 2 steals, Li Meitong 8 points 5 rebounds 5 assists, wang Ziyi scored 6 points and 7 rebounds; Chinese mine King translated Ru 14 points and 6 rebounds Chen Sirui scored 7 points and 8 rebounds 2 Assists 2 steals, Li Xintong scored 8 points 2 rebounds 3 assists 3 steals.

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