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1 to 3 behind, on the edge of the cliff, the Warriors stopped and were not eliminated by the Lakers.

The sea of vicissitudes and heroes are true. Today, Wikins and dreams are standing out.

Warriors have always had two postures. One is that the clouds and flowing water are lightness smart, and the other is tough and tough. The former is face, and it is a colorful three-pointer in the collection. The latter is Li Zi: everything that the Dreamers, Bogut, Luni, Peyton and igodala did when they rolled all over the ground.

Since Cole took office, the Warriors have faced the battle of life and death elimination before, winning 7 and losing 2-losing twice, one is the seventh in the finals of 2016, and the other is the sixth in the finals of 2019.

You can’t win a life-or-death battle just by shooting. You can only rely on hard work.

In the playoffs last season, Poole averaged 21 points to the Nuggets, 18 points to the grizzly bear, 16 points to Dallas, and 13 points to the finals-one round was lower than one round.

Wikins averaged 14 points for the Nuggets in the first round, 15 points for the second round, 19 points for the Dallas rival Lucca, and 18 points and 9 rebounds for the final rival Tatum-a round higher than a round.

Some games are suitable for light clouds and light winds, and some games are hard to fight.

The wind knows the grass.

Today I am at the edge of the cliff again.

The first goal of the Warriors today: the front rebound captured by the 193cm Peyton, the first three-pointer in the dream series.

Very hard.

Then I lost a dream shot and Wikins made up another three-pointer.

It is the so-called setting tone:

“You all think that there is no basket for chasing dreams, and you don’t want to defend him-you have to vote for one to show you!”

“At the beginning of the third game, heavy eyebrows against Wikins in order to help defend Curry at any time-then pull thick eyebrows to three point line when his face is hard shot!”

Then, Curry asked Wikins to remove the block, set the heavy eyebrows to go online, and then asked for a dream-chasing basket to play three points.

The Lakers went online to attack Clay, empty Peyton, and pursued dreams to find Peyton in the bottom corner to shoot three points. TNT narrator shouted out today’s warrior’s play:

“Let the Lakers pay the price!”

Empty for dreams? I vote.

Empty Peyton? I vote.

Let heavy eyebrows take care of Wikins and be observant and alert at the same time? Wikins cast.

Is LeBlanc looking for cover? Bypass the cover, but don’t let him walk under the basket comfortably.

Heavy Eyebrows go online to take care of the three-point ball? Peyton internal cut, dream internal cut, Wikins internal cut, all the baskets!

Don’t wait for the Lakers to fall, don’t wait for heavy eyebrows to go back to the basket, Rush!

After chasing dreams and pushing the rhythm, there were two mistakes in just two minutes; Curry and Peyton were unwilling to lag behind, and half a warrior made four mistakes.

But it means:

Mistake, throw, all right, no fear; Step on the accelerator and sprint all the way.

On the defensive end, Warriors also gamble. Dream chasing participated in the extension resistance Schroder to vent his heavy eyebrows: you can vote, don’t go to the basket. So today, the eyebrows scored a lot, but the Lakers could not continue to kill.

Fate encourages active self-help: 24 seconds to finish running, Moody takes the initiative to cross the weak side to take the ball, and makes a strong shot; After running fast attack, actively find the bottom corner, three points.

Coach Ham already felt that he was not right. After the first quarter, he said that he would survive the storm.

But the storm came.

LeBlanc once took a small ball array to overturn, and then he confronted Curry. Wikins immediately went back to an inner section to lay the basket; Then Curry looked for Wikins to block and remove it, and his heavy eyebrows overstretched and attacked the basket; when the Lakers led by another 3 points, Wikins broke through with the ball, then turned to face LeBlanc and played three points. Play three points for another passing with an insider eating and chasing dreams.

Wikins scored three points and turned the game.

The Lakers began to scruple him, so Wikins broke out and could find Peyton’s internal cut. After Curry’s one-stop raid, the Lakers did not know who to deal; finally, when LeBlanc and the eight villages wanted to double the breakthrough of Wikins, Wikins helped Poole and Poole scored the first three-point goal since he entered the first game of the series.

Next, Wikins arch top faced a three-pointer against LeBlanc, and TNT narrator said another sentence:

“Let the Lakers pay the price!”

Just when the inside line of the Lakers was already in a mess, Clay finally could take advantage of his heavy eyebrows and put a three-pointer; Curry ended the first half.

At the beginning of the third quarter, the Warriors had the highest momentum: The Warriors put pressure on them, the Lakers made mistakes, and the dream was accelerated. The Attack basket attracted Wikins and LeBlanc to retreat. Wikins followed up and took off behind the heavy eyebrows and succeeded.

From then on, the Warriors firmly took the initiative, with a score difference of 18 points. In fact, they won more than half of the game.

That is, at the end of the third quarter, Poole + Devin led the team, giving the Lakers the momentum of reversal; Ham coach used relieve a garrison, combined with Schroder to eat Fan Debiao all the time to follow the Warriors’s small lineup, try to match Peyton’s presence Time (Schroder may start directly next time, which may become the key to the next time).

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the Lakers tried to reduce the score difference to a single digit, but the Warriors still maintained the two-digit score difference by speeding up and attacking the basket internally-Peyton was dazzling in this period.

Heavy eyebrows then appeared, and the chance of the Lakers fighting back disappeared. In the fourth quarter, six and a half, when the heavy eyebrows got up and walked to the dressing room, the fans were crazy. They fully understand what heavy eyebrows mean to the Lakers.

The following paragraph can only reflect the tenacity of the Lakers: they still want to end today. Coach Ham yelled at the whole team to speed up when he paused, and everyone looked for cover shots, but Curry didn’t give a chance and took over continuously. Finally, Wikins played the third 2+1 in this game, and the game was over.

The Lakers still didn’t let the Warriors hit the three points of the storm. Clay and Poole added up to 26 shots and 8 shots-in the past two, they made 38 shots and 10 shots-but the Warriors won.

But the tough side of the Warriors won.

Curry curated the whole audience and took charge of finishing. But today Warriors win in pursuit of dreams and Wikins, and in Peyton and Moody’s.

Especially dream chasing and Wikins.

Dream chasing today 20+10. The last time he scored 20 points in a single game was the king’s Mount Tian. The last 20+10 was the first away match for the Blazers in the West finals in 2019.

Wikins’s highest score in the playoffs was 27, which was the first away match in the Western games against Dallas last season. The second high is 26 points, and the final of last season is tianwangshan.

At the edge of the cliff today, 25 points. 8 out of 12 shots in the restricted area. Buckle, attack basket, hit three points.

They played out the routine that Warriors needed.

The defense of heavy eyebrows is extremely tough, but in this series, Warriors tried every means to make him pay the price:

Lack of space? Fake Green won the second game in the first line.

Thick eyebrow expansion? Upper Peyton further expands the space.

Wikins? Today, Wikins chased the thick eyebrows, Curry adjusted the thick eyebrows to the periphery, and chased the dream to take the opportunity to cut inside.

In this way, Curry pointed to the east and west, and the opening three points, speed-up and internal attack basket of chasing dreams made the Lakers pay the price.

But in the end, the best is Wikins, right?

In the third defeat of the warrior, he and Curry were the last to give up. Even if he lost, he also dunk in the third quarter in a magnificent way and tried to summon up momentum for the last time: in the past, igodala was responsible for dunking the Warriors. Now, relay baton is handed over to him.

Today, he threw 13 second scores, 12 of which were within two meters from the basket. Three 2+1.

This is what warriors really lack:

Besides curry, there is another tough ball holder that makes the Lakers afraid. He is afraid of his breakthrough. He can empty Poole’s three-point goal, and he can also hold the ball to break and find Peyton.

Curry and dream-chasing guide the Warriors to speed up + internal bombardment of the Lakers inside, Wikins integrated into it, the real arrow.

In the second section, two 2+1 seized the initiative, and in the fourth section, the 2+1 ended the game.

A patch is behind the thick eyebrows.

Three 2+1, two hit on LeBlanc.

It is blood gas and talent.

Heavy eyebrows were the No. 1 in 2012, the most powerful life in history; LeBlanc was the No. 1 in 2003, the strongest high school student in history.

The number one means pure talent that can crush the opponent’s efforts and skills-for example, the dominant defense of heavy eyebrows in the past series of shape shifting and shadow changing, and LeBlanc’s career in the past two decades: numerous slight jumps, relying on talent alone can make the opponent’s flash turn into a bubble.

Today, when Wikins took off from behind his heavy eyebrows and sprinted forward to LeBlanc, did his heart flash suddenly?

“In other words, I am also the number one!”

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