0 1 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast, May 11-NBA playoff round G5, the Knicks against the Heat at home.

Before this game, the Knicks were 1-3 behind, and this game was a battle against each other. During the game, Walter Fraser, the Knicks celebrity, appeared in the front row of the stadium to cheer for the mother team. The two championship rings were very conspicuous.

Fraser was born on March 29, 1945in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He was selected by the fifth Knicks in the first round in the 1967 NBA draft. Fraser won the NBA championship with the Knicks twice in his career, the NBA best team for four times, the NBA best team for two times, the NBA All-Star team for seven times and the NBA All-Star MVP in 1975, he was selected as the best defensive team in NBA for seven times.

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