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The warrior finally took the script similar to the grizzly bear. The beginning of the nightmare couldn’t get into the three points. Although the situation was stabilized for a while, you still knew very well that you couldn’t catch up. Warriors don’t seem to be ready for G6, which is not too surprising. Looking back on the first round of grab 7, Warriors actually used up their strategies and relied on their hard work. 23 out of 62 players outside curry, curry scored 50 points, plus 10 front panel shells delivered by Luoni, and passed the King in a stiff posture.

At that time, I said, I don’t like this way of winning because it is difficult to copy, especially against the Lakers, it is too difficult to get 50 points if you want to have a heavy eyebrow on the opposite side — 26 points out of the 50 points of curry’s seven are two points, with or without balls and more than inner and outer line means, however, Curry can’t hold his heavy eyebrows as if he had been a little SA. It is very difficult to play the two-point ball. Besides, Curry’s three points in this series are not allowed.

If warriors want to win the Lakers, they must play a game with a sense of “design” from beginning to end. Curry’s personal score serves to drive the team. G2G4G5 is such a game, but G4 did not win. However, when G6 goes away, Warriors must face the strong counterattack and strategic adjustment of the Lakers, as well as greater psychological pressure. Once the established strategy is disrupted and there is not enough time to adjust it, it is natural for the team to enter the mode of Competition + robbery, and Warriors cannot rely on this Lakers who have more advantages in winning talents.

Of course, the Warriors robbed more rebounds, and the players had their efforts. It seemed more deadly that the Splash Brothers could not score three points. However, Thompson has already had three consecutive games, and his performance in this year’s playoffs is not reliable enough. Curry G4G5 played an excellent role as a whole, but he owed the three-point quasi-star. He had already entered the period of hand feeling adjustment, and no one could say it correctly when he felt warmer. If you catch up with the Lakers’ three points online, the Warriors who have already suffered from internal aggression will not have to fight.

So what’s the problem with Warriors?

Later, I will give a special article to talk about some problems at the level of Warriors team building. First, I will talk about this round of series. A very passive situation of Warriors is that losing G1 leads to the early overdraft fault tolerance rate and falls into the situation of passive catch-up. The reason why 1-3 lag is difficult to turn over is that even if you find a way to win, you can’t bear the ups and downs of hand feeling or the outbreak of X Factor, while the Lakers almost have X Factor in the game this year. Hamg1 went all out to win the home court advantage, which made the Lakers always hold the Warriors in a position, while G4 Walker’s intrusion made the Warriors lose the expectation of taking back from Los Angeles, this has actually decided the result of this round of series.

It has to be said that the design sense of the series presented by the Lakers in this year’s playoffs is to be far better than the Warriors. Hamm is better than the Warriors. What games do you want to go all out and what game is more powerful. On the other hand, the Warriors failed to defeat the king as soon as possible in the first round when the strength was dominant. The result of the G7 was that the second round did not have enough rest time and preparation for the game, and fell behind at the beginning, it has been passive.

Leading relaxation, lack of sense of urgency, use of excessive rotation, all kinds of unforced mistakes, unnecessary bizarre fouls, etc. are all common game contents of warriors, and they will also be seen in the playoffs, and can hardly be eliminated. In the past, Warriors could win with these minor problems because they were strong and had enough fault tolerance rate. Even in 17 years until they won the championship, the Warriors were not completely full. However, the warriors of this season are obviously no longer at that level. Even compared with last year, the perception of warriors in the regular season has a qualitative difference:

In the 21-22 season, if the Warriors lose a very contemptible ball, the next time they meet, Cole will completely defeat his opponent with amazing adjustments;

In the 22-23 season, Warriors can no longer play revenge by adjusting. Even in the continuous turnover at home, Warriors winning is so thrilling. Even in the face of some rotten fish brisket teams, Warriors can also be defeated continuously by opponents.

The decline of absolute strength makes Warriors wrong this season. Many times, Warriors seem to find a direction in self-motivation, believing that as long as they tighten up, the situation will be different immediately. Then it will enter the cycle of pulling up slightly. In fact, the situation of Warriors finishing at the critical moment has been quite common in the past. The reason why this problem is particularly prominent this season is that after losing the fault tolerance rate, these fatal mistakes are even more intolerable.

To put it bluntly, warriors are not strong enough this season. If they are not strong enough, they cannot bear misalignment of hand feeling, wrong employment, unexpected explosion points of opponents, foul troubles, and losing shots of small scores. The Warriors can hold up from the first round of the 7th World War to the second round G6. for a team that only hit the 6th division in the regular season, it is actually a good result. Even from the perspective of team building, playing these playoffs more often further exposed Poole’s problems to the sight of team managers in the league, which further aggravated cuminga’s anxiety about the uncertainty in the future, this is not necessarily a good thing.

But what can I do?

The Warriors paid a large amount of tax, and they didn’t try their best to go far in the playoffs. I’m sorry to invest. Even if the team’s strength can’t come to the division finals this year, the Warriors have to set their goals and slogans as winning the championship, this general direction cannot be changed.

The problem is that the Warriors did not serve this big goal in their operations last leave allowances and this season-for Warriors, the most important five-small lineup puzzle, the PROTONIC with both body shape and projection left the team, and Miles never filled in this deficiency. Miles just took back little Peyton to try his best to approach last year’s winning lineup. Peyton finally proved his value, but the lack of PROTONIC is still Irreplaceable. Even don’t check the space-type inner line with some ability to deal with the ball, and Warriors can’t find a substitute. The starting line-up of chasing Lu at the same time can play well in regular season or playing a team like King who can’t protect the basket. However, facing the basket with heavy eyebrows, Cole can’t continue to use it. Jia Green, Di Vincenzo and Poole also have their own problems as the last card. In a word, Cole does not have a team with both space and body shape, so he has to choose between them, which is bound to suffer a loss soon.

Not only is there no perfect unique lineup, but the overall rotation is too small. The injured rib of Wikins resonates with the warrior’s soft rib. After G6 perfectly exposed the warrior’s persistent defensive problem this season-Wikins could not resist James, the aggressive difference between the Warriors and the Lakers was further enlarged, and the line could not stand. The inside line also had to take into account the thick eyebrows, and naturally both inside and outside were lost. G6 can well reflect the reasons for the Warriors to decline in defense this season:

Is it because the outside line cannot be kept, causing the internal line to be under great pressure?

Or is the inner line protective basket not good enough to wipe the outside line?

The answer is to magnify each other’s defects. The inside line is too busy to protect itself. Warriors need these strategies of shell and joint defense, and rely on correct strategies and execution to protect the paint area. There are three things to be afraid:

First, the opponent opened three points and the contraction was punished;

The second is that there are many fouls. The opponent does not need to score goals in the basket, but only needs to rely on the advantages of body shape to make contact and can also reach freethrow line;

Third, if physical fitness, mentality, discipline or concentration are defective, defense will easily collapse across the board.

This is the result of neither the front line group nor the large center, and the warrior knows that he does not have these puzzles and does not make up for them, it is because Warriors have these two positions of Gao Shun’s rookie-warriors have left training space for cumingka and Wiseman, and they also hope that their growth can solve the lack of these two key roles of warriors. As a result, as we all know, Wiseman could not be raised and was sent away. Cuminga made progress in the middle and late stages of the season, but did not reach the level of playoff, and was eventually abandoned by Cole.

Even so, the Warriors still have quite strong fighting capacity. Their Team integrity and superstar ability can bring the team to a position close to the Western decision-Poole’s decline is the last straw to crush the Warriors.

At the beginning of the season, the warrior took out the joint plan of the Poole + Wiseman block split as the main part, and declared bankruptcy after just a few games. Even after that, Cole split and started, making dream chasing/Luni, wikins went to help Poole lead the team, and they also found a very regretful fact-Poole did not make progress, he did not have the ability to independently drive the team to attack, and even he regressed, as the second or even third threat on the court, it is not enough.

In the playoffs, Poole didn’t help, so Curry couldn’t afford to rest. Curry played for 37.9 minutes. When he was present, the team won 47 points. The Warriors could not bear the short 10 minutes when he was not present. During this period, they lost 49 points in total. How to survive the connection segment of Curry’s absence is actually the old problem of warriors. The Rise of Poole makes Warriors think they have found the answer, but unfortunately there is only one season.

There is no number 4 with both projection and body type;

No large center;

There is no qualified substitute engine.

The three difficulties ended the Warriors season together, and these problems were already seen by everyone as early as the end of October and even leave allowances last year.

Why not do targeted reinforcement?

There are many reasons why warriors are not strong. One sentence and two sentences are not clear, but the greatest motivation for Warriors to do so is still because:

If you cultivate a rookie of Gao Shun, it is consistent with the type of puzzle that your team needs to pursue performance. It is difficult for you not to imagine a blueprint that has both the present and the future.

Who doesn’t want to win?

The blueprint rippor and Wiseman block split attracted three people’s defense. Moody’s left bottom corner grabbed a defender of the ashtray, and cuminga sneaked into the bottom line to catch Poole on the ball to complete the air-to-air storm buckle. Poole and Wiseman unlimited block and split in the connection section to establish advantages. The former can become five small puzzles when Cole wants to burst into vitality, while the latter becomes a secret weapon when Cole needs to protect baskets and eat cakes, and cuminga is the best candidate for balanced five small.

It’s so beautiful.

Unfortunately, it was in a dream.

Wiseman has been sent away, no need to talk about it. Cuminga is an extreme blank that requires a lot of time to polish, but the time he got in two years is not as good as Mobley’s one season. Moody’s is a plug-and-play type. It can be used in the playoffs, but it can only be used at a certain level. It is too bad to prevent big and small defense. Poole lost himself in the unstable state and playing time while playing with the team’s mentality. What these people need is at least two 82 games with less than 20 wins, but what the Warriors need is at least 44 wins to guarantee tickets for the playoffs.

Therefore, of course, Cole has reason not to practice newcomers, because he is responsible for the team’s playoff first. With the completion degree of Warriors young people and the risk of warriors entering the playoffs this year, there is a slight mistake and they may have already taken a vacation.

Where are the veterans? Tang zhudu has reached the contract year. How do you want them to give up their positions to young people? That punch has already shown his attitude.

Of course, Poole, who has already taken a big contract, looks like a mess, which is another story. We’ll talk about him later.

Warriors this season, a lot of things have not been done well, which simply comes from unrealistic goals. Trying to solve the puzzle gap with the rough rookie, but not giving the rough rookie time to exercise. However, I don’t want to push all the pots to the management. Every step of the management’s choice has antecedents and consequences. It is not a matter that can be said clearly. We will discuss it in detail later-in short, warriors have a lot of helplessness. Heaps of money cannot cure the sequelae of the dynasty. In front of human feelings and humanity, they cannot easily realize the theoretical optimal solution like playing 2k. Warriors need a little luck to help, such as the unexpected rapid progress of newcomers, just like last year’s Poole, this year’s Reeves, let the team have another rookie bonus. This kind of good thing can not be found.

The dynasty finally had gas numbers, just like the super-far three points that Reeves put into half court. I had a premonition two months ago that such a thing would happen to Warriors, even the protagonist guessed right. Now I think it is that there is God in the dark. Just like last year’s finals, Poole was able to cast the logo of the pressure Whistle. When the time came, it could not be stopped. However, when the time went, it was awkward to do anything.

Fortunately, Curry continued to prove his unique competition value and let the management see that he can still do it. After G6 was out of the game, the team immediately revealed the possibility of continuing cooperation with Tang chase, and Tang Chase also made the management have greater counter-offer confidence at the negotiation table. I am not saying that Warriors can definitely renew their contracts with these two people at the price of cabbage, but these signals imply one thing:

The story of Warriors is not over yet, and they can continue.

Curry once said that no one wants to meet us next season. After that, the Warrior won the championship and Curry won the first FMVP trophy in his career. Since then, Warriors fans have no regrets. There will be some noise these days, so don’t worry about it. Temporary failure can’t take the glory of curry, which doesn’t even need special emphasis or a sensational article to comfort everyone. Warriors fans have seen it before, and this confidence should be there.

At present, Warriors have a more difficult salary structure than two years ago, and Curry is also two years older. However, NBA has been proving over the years that there is no boundary between the management’s operational imagination and the upper limit of the superstar’s peak age. Therefore, I believe that warriors still have the opportunity to make a comeback.

The Lakers reversed their luck and returned to the West after two difficult seasons. Congratulations to Lakers fans, you can continue to enjoy the home team’s playoff game.

I would also like to congratulate the Warriors fans, who finally took off the burden and came out of this chaotic and tired season to enjoy the fun of the competition with a purer mind, I am excited about the next situation and opportunities-we will be fine.

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