There is a big gap in comparison! Sun replacement cut 40 points & among them, Shamet 19 points gold nuggets total only 11 points

0 2 min 1 yr

Live Bar May 8th news NBA playoffs Western semi-finals, the Sun Home Court beat the Nuggets, the big score was 2-2 draw. In this game, the main players of both sides are all in the world, but the difference in substitute contribution is very obvious. The four-person rotation of the Sun substitute (the fifth Craig only played for 7 seconds) scored 40 points in total, and the positive and negative values are all + values, among them, shammette personally scored 19 points, with positive and negative values of +15, Landale and Terence-rose both scored 8 points, with positive and negative values of +16 and +9 respectively, warren also got 5 points, with a positive and negative value of +8. However, the rotation of three Nuggets substitutes only got 11 points, 8 points less than Shamet himself, and the positive and negative values were all-values, of which Bruce Brown and Jeff scored 5 points each, the positive and negative values are-11 and-16 respectively, Braun 1 point, and the positive and negative values are-10.
