Nas: I want to build a team of 76 people who can’t lose the chain at the critical moment.

0 1 min 1 yr

Live Bar, June 11 -76 new coach Nass recently accepted an interview with the media. In the interview, he talked about the future of the team. When asked what he thought the future of 76 people would be, NAS said, “I can really feel that there is an incredible tradition here, but it doesn’t have much to do with the task we will finish next year. Whether good or bad, there are too many great traditions here. “Then I was carrying the small mission of breaking through the second round of the playoffs, but it didn’t even cause a ripple in my mind. I was just thinking about how to make our team play the best basketball at the really critical moment. I don’t think there is anything to do with the future of the team last year, the year before, 10 years ago, 20 years ago.”
