Senior media person: there will be no variables in the general direction of Li Kael’s domestication to catch up with the World Cup

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Live broadcast bar, June 20th according to media person @ director where am I lying, NBA player Carl Anderson has acquired Chinese nationality, and he will wear Chinese team jerseys to play in the World Series. Senior media person Li Shuangfu update social media said, “I just talked to a friend of the basket and his agency about the domestication of Li Kael, and they all said that they were still in the process, the formalities have not been completed, and others are still in New York and have not arrived in Shanghai.” “Even if the domestic procedures are completed and the process is completed, the FIBA registration will be reported (the further one is IOC approval), and then the competition will be held on behalf of China’s men’s basketball. However, there will be no variables in the general direction of this matter. According to the expected plan, he can catch up with the World Cup at the end of August.” At the same time, Li Shuangfu also said that China will go to Europe to practice in men’s basketball. Li Keer has acquired Chinese nationality and will play for China men’s basketball
