Today, seven years ago: James is 31 and he has gone downhill.

0 2 min 1 yr

Live broadcast, May 13-today, 2016, the fourth issue of the basketball talk show “Don’t blow or get black” was launched, basketball commentator Yan Hai and former national player Ma Jian discussed the topic of “Who is more suitable for team building between Wei Shao and Leonard” in this program. A segment of the program is still often discussed by fans. The following is the specific dialogue between the two at that time– Ma Jian: when it comes to team building, James will be ranked first in the next three years. Do you admit it? Ji Hai: I don’t admit that James is 31. Ma directed that he has gone downhill. Ma Jian: you are suitable for the youth team and shonentai. You know that the best state of the adult team is between 28 and 35. When will Jordan win the championship? Qi Hai: But do you want Jordan, 24 or 28? Ma Jian: I want 28. Yan Hai: then the future of the team will be short. Ma Jian: you go to cultivate in those four years. After who has finished training, I will buy it with money. Qi Hai: it’s still mine after training. Why should I give it to you.
