Maxi: Today, I hit the shooting early. Enbyd & Harden always encouraged me to shoot more shots.
Live Bar, May 10-76 people beat Celtics 115-103 in the battle of tianwangshan today, and the big score was 3-2 to get the series point. In an interview after the game, Maxi was asked how he felt different in today’s game. To this, he said, “I hit the shot early in this game. In addition, the team leaders (enbied, Harden, Toha) have been encouraging me to continue shooting.” In this campaign, Maxi performed well, obviously better than the previous games. He made 10 of 21 shots, 6 of which were 12 in 3, 4 in 4 in 4 in the other free throws, and scored 30 points, 7 rebounds and 3 assists, at the end, he scored 12 points, 2 rebounds and 1 assist.