How can we evaluate the heat of the 2022-23 season?

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The heat bus slowly headed for Celtic home. The day before yesterday, from 0-3 to 3-3, in the north shore Garden stadium, people increasingly believed that Celtics were about to create a unique miracle in NBA history. Pierce and Rondo booked the front row seats, and Isaiah Thomas was about to go to the competition Room. They even invited Kevin Miller, a red socks-star residence in Boston-in 2004, miller’s red socks team played a big show of 0-3 Jedi turning and defeating the Yankees in four consecutive games. They had reason to be so sure that ESPN was still firmly on Boston’s side at 0-3. Horford and Butler verified the pause gesture to kill people one after another-in the last game, Butler made 5 shots in 21 and adbayo made 4 shots in 16, dragging the team’s hit rate to 35%, it looks like a piece of burning energy and finally entering the time of the sage. Home fans are looking forward to the established miracle. At the end of the conflict, they cannot wear roonyx, even if this arrow still bears the hearts of Celtics. According to the hot tradition, Kevin loafers and Hasham will discuss the impromptu speech to be delivered on the bus, but this time, they did not open their mouths. Loafers said, “as you can see, these people are all ready.” So the bus slowly drove into the stadium with silence. This is the most critical moment of the heat, but it is also the favorite moment of the heat. So far this season, they have fallen into this kind of adversity and even desperate situation countless times. The eastern runner-up Eagles once forced them onto the cliff, leading 24 points at one time, making Butler’s 34 points empty. Butler said bluntly after the game: “We must remain confident.” In fact, he did the same thing. Facing the season opening battle, he beat his bulls, and the Heat unlocks the skill of “fighting back against the water” as usual. Butler and stoules scored 31 points each, stepping on the playoff train that was about to close, the reverse hand locked the Eastern opponents in the carriage, and then a meaningful smile of Hannibal was revealed. As early as 2021, league executives agreed that the heat of Butler and coach Sibo was born to match the game system of life and death in the first world war: “If there is a team Born for This elimination system, it may only be the heat.” But this year, the Heat dragged down by the injury was only 44 wins. At the moment, the East did not realize the seriousness of the problem. The Bucks also sent Zhu holerdi, who was not enough to cover Butler. So Butler scored an average of 37 points in the game, and six people scored double points in the heat. The Letter elder brother who returned from the fire line could not block 45% of the hot rain, coach Buden, who is never anxious or impatient, can only hold his hands twice to suspend farewell to the handsome position. It was not until here that people recalled the fear of being crushed by the hot copper peas. Soon, they would also sigh the magic of the hot fire going to the east three times in four years and two times. This team can play the inverse offensive efficiency of the league in the regular season, almost relying on one bite of defense. However, it can always trigger passive skills at critical moments. In 14 games, it only narrowly wins the opponent within 3 points; the fourth-to-last three point of the regular season league was the first in the league in the playoffs. They shot through all the defense lines in the east with the right space. The drop-off talent shows followed butler to take gun medicine one after another until the finals, only in front of pure talent shows the original shape. During these four years, the heat has already turned the last battle into a part of the team culture. The same culture is also the body fat rate regularly tested, the old tires that keep rolling, the spirit of self-Nirvana inward with the blade, I am keen to dig out scouts one after another from the soil, watch the shooters practice hard for three minutes and a whole hour on the court, and then go to the other side to watch the internal line practice block and remove the spoiler and riley for another hour…… The Whampoa Military Academy of the talent show (the interview of Kaleb Martin and the only call received by Duncan Robinson from NBA coach have all become the thick soup base of hot brand chicken soup), team basketball in the post-three giant era, big and little O’Neal complained all the way about the devil training method so far (after the contract with the Heat expires, little O’Neal will not return, than the boys who took the initiative to break up), the SBO coach who was stricter than the Popovich baby army, and of course, Jimmy Butler, who was born for the Heat, was saved into a familiar and unfamiliar Heat team. Yes, there are too many “dogs” in this team. Under the guidance of Riley and Sibo, “dogs” have become their best chicken soup and mental stimulant. The next dog has nothing, and if you want to reverse the attack, you have to fight for it. The next dog longs for the name, and it is their favorite narrative plot to make the world marvel by efforts; The next dog is fearless, not to mention the gain and loss at the critical moment; The dog hates being looked down upon but also expects to be looked down upon. The more adversity is, the more excited it is. Only in this way can the loudest slap be played. This is a more original motivation than “I fight against the world” and an important prerequisite for heat, a military academy team, to become a basketball utopia. As Duncan Robinson said, “every day here will not be wasted. Every day you will appear in the team’s plan. There is no going through the motions. Good days are superimposed day after day, soon you will see the results.” Their will, execution, every defensive effort, and every opportunity come from this. “This team is different from other teams we met. They are ruthless and will do their best at that time.” Xiao PROTONIC said. This is the basis for the achievement of heat, but from a certain point of view, it is also their ceiling and limiter. The upper limit that can be reached by hard work and training is often the lower limit for talented players to start. Butler is 18cm shorter than Leonard’s arm show, and cannot rely on cunning judgment, the familiar view of the overall situation and the restraint of the shooters make up for it. Under the intentional “indulgence” of the Nuggets, Adebayor’s 45 percent hit rate cannot kill anyone. Although loafers is still telling the young people: “We have been reminding the boys not to relax and stick to it.” He even moved out of his history of reversing the championship from January 1 to March 2016, but the Lakers have proved that in the face of pure strength, any trick can’t stop the crushing of strength. Now, the heat once again proves that in front of pure talent, no matter how strong the will is, the gap of dissatisfaction with strength will be filled. From another perspective, a team has reached the Division Finals three times and the finals twice in four years, which is already a great honor. The honor of the chief runner-up may be a bit illusory, but the playoff tickets, advertisements, exposure and surrounding income are real benefits. From this perspective, the lower limit of the performance of the Heat team is also an unreachable upper limit for many teams. If the goal of the heat is not the champion, but “the sword refers to the east and the goal is always decided”, then they have already achieved success and will continue to succeed until Butler completely loses the magic of the playoffs, until they made the same mistake five years ago. Five years ago, the heat of the post-three giant era discovered the 13-point controlling leader Josh Richardson, Whiteside eliminated by CBA, and the confident Superman Vitesse with the second spring. They hold 70 million contracts in their hands. In addition to Bosh’s 25 million, role players beat out the annual salary lock-up salary table, making the team more and more mediocre and falling into the middle-income trap step by step. By next season, Croal and Duncan Robinson will take 45 million together, and Vincent and Strous will also re-sign the contract in the summer. The heat is bound to lose a lot of contract dividends (which is exactly the necessary resource for all teams competing for the championship). How much money will they take up, how much space will the Heat take up, and what kind of potential transactions will they trigger, it is all about the great goal of the heat “ambition in the general decision. As for the deal, Butler was 34 years old, and the new “spirit hot fire man” seemed to have not appeared yet. The 19 DOUBLE HEROES were busy carrying guns to walk birds, and even the older generation of stars couldn’t stand the hot involution atmosphere, not to mention the stars of the new era. The attraction of the dog culture, which the heat is proud of and depends on, to the stars may also limit their potential ceiling. Several dark clouds appeared in the sky over Miami, but the Heat did not care. Whether it is “Cheng Ye Xiao He” or “Jun Xing”, they are always cultivating their own side of the world, digging and cultivating dogs in various ways, indulging in them until the abandoned children in the soil blossom and bear fruit, like-minded people go in two directions. “They always pay attention to the performance of the players and sincerely promote their growth. This is a kind of mentality. It permeates every corner of the team, and few teams can do this.” Bill Duffy, a well-known agent, said. Patient cultivators will eventually gain gains. The heat is like this, the Nuggets are like this, and most NBA championship teams over the years are like this. Not every team has the luck to pick up yokiki, nor does every team have the courage and perseverance to become a hot fire. In the NBA world where talent is rampant, this dog team will stick to the old words of “hard work and struggle” and bite off every opponent who is light before being defeated by real talent. They will stare angrily and spit out two words with blood to their opponents: Not today! Welcome to our wechat public number “Houchang Village sports team” to see, there are more NBA, CBA related archaeology, comments and character content>> (WEN/Pan Zhili)
