0 1 min 1 yr

Terrible! Harden 16 shot only 4 points get 13 points 7 boards 9 help 5 mistakes & 3 points 6 points 0 positive and negative value-10 lowest

Live broadcast bar, May 12th news NBA eastern semi-final G6,76 people 86-95 lost to Celtics, with a total score of 3-3 square meters. In this game, the 76-player Harden performed very poorly. In 43 minutes, he only made 4 of 16 shots, 0 in 6 points and 5 in 5 free throws. He got 13 points, 7 rebounds, 9 assists, 3 steals 1 Cap, five errors occurred, with positive and negative values of-10 tied to the lowest in the whole audience.

0 2 min 1 yr

Ma Jian: The heat did not give up the competition for the championship and expected them to have a miracle in G5.

Live broadcast, June 12-tomorrow morning at 8:30 am, the NBA finals G5, Nuggets will play the Heat at home. Before the game, basketball commentator Ma Jian posted an article about the game. The content is as follows: There is no doubt that the Nuggets are the strongest team this season. Judging from the status of the first four games of the finals, the Nuggets will win this year’s championship. But the heat has not given up the competition and expectation for the championship at all. From the eastern semi-final to the Eastern final to the current finals, the heat is the team I appreciate most this year. The appreciation for them is not personal sports talent, not strong body, but the performance of the Heat team on sports spirit; Understanding the details of basketball; it is the wisdom of coach SIBO team & all players in team basketball. I like the talent of superstars, but I appreciate the understanding of basketball and the perfect release of wisdom. Looking forward to a miracle in G5.

0 1 min 1 yr

Skip:KD bukbill three non-self-respecting superstars hug James’s fifth crown hope is more and more slim

Live Bar, June 19 news according to the famous records Shams and Woj, sources revealed that wizards would trade bill to the sun and exchange it back to Paul, Shamet, some round signing and multiple draft signing are exchanged. Skip, a well-known commentator, then posted a comment on the deal, and did not forget his old friend James. Skip wrote: “After getting Durant, Ishbia, the new boss of sun, has completed the second heavy deal. Bill will join Phoenix, which feels so unreal. I prefer the chemical reaction when Paul played the point guard, but at least now Ishbia has three superstars with less self-esteem.” “Now, the hope of LeBlanc pursuing the fifth crown of his career is getting more and more slim. Now there are nuggets, Durant/Booker/Bill, and even Leonard on his head, he will get better after his knee recovers.”


Comparison of substitute scores: 42 points for heat & 17 points for Deng Luo, 8 points for Knicks substitute

0 1 min 1 yr

Live Bar, May 11-today’s NBA playoffs Eastern semi-final G5, the Knicks beat the Heat 112-103 at home, and the series score was 2-3. In this campaign, the scores of the substitutes between the two sides were very different. The Knicks got 8 points (Harten 4 points) in total, and the hot fire substitutes got 42 points (Deng Luo 17 points, Martin 11 points, lorry 9 points, Zeller 5 points).

0 1 min 1 yr

Skip: I like and respect the efforts of both sides, but this is definitely the worst finals in history.

Live broadcast bar, June 13-today’s NBA finals G5, the Nuggets and the Heat played in the second half of the fourth quarter. Skip added: “I like and respect the efforts of both sides, but this is definitely the worst NBA finals in history.”

0 2 min 1 yr

Hood-sifino: The Lakers are chasing the championship and learning from James, one of the best players in history

Live Bar, June 23 -at the 2023 NBA draft conference, the Lakers chose Hood-sifino with the 17th signature, and then he was interviewed by the media. The reporter asked, “you said you were a fan of the Lakers and also mentioned Kobe. What about James and heavy eyebrows? What do you think you can bring to them and how excited are you to be in such a historic organization after they finished fighting in westward?” Hood-sifino said, “I have just been selected. Obviously, this is an organization with a long history. This organization will only get better and better, obviously, because they are competing for the championship.” “For me, if I can be elected there, I will do my best every day, just as I said, try my best to exert my influence and learn from the players there, especially for LeBlanc James, one of the best players in history, AD and other players.” Hood-sifino was born on June 19, 2003. He is 1.93 meters tall and weighs 98 kilograms. He is a point guard/point guard. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NBA draft conference 2023

0 1 min 1 yr

Curry’s total playoff score exceeded Wade & rose to the 11th in history to catch up with Parker

Live broadcast, May 13-G6, Warriors vs Lakers, the second round of the playoffs. By the end of the third quarter, Curry had 26 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists. So far, Curry’s total playoff score has reached 3960 points, surpassing Wade (3954 points) and rising to 11th in playoff history. Next Curry will chase Tony Parker (4045 points).

0 1 min 1 yr


全场比赛还有2分12秒,辽宁队外援莫兰德中路突破,将球甩给了左侧底角的李晓旭,赶在吴前扑防之前,李晓旭从容出手,弹道极正,稳稳落袋。 比分就此改写成105-89,比赛悬念被彻底终结。李晓旭一反常态,他昂首挺胸走到板凳席,狠狠握紧了拳头,吼了出来。 他在最后一分半被提前换下场,但他的出场时间依然达到了40分18秒,接近韩德君和莫兰德的总和。这记三分球让他拿到了季后赛的第二个两双:12分15篮板,还有1助攻2抢断和2盖帽。 在这40分钟里,他的正负值达到了+25,全场最高,而这15个篮板里,有7个是前场篮板,而上一个在总决赛抢到超过7个前场篮板的,是2001-02赛季的姚明——已经是21年以前的事情了。 21年很遥远,就像李晓旭的巅峰一样遥远。没有人怀疑巅峰的李晓旭拼抢前场篮板的本事,因为他曾经在一个赛季里场均抢下5.7个前场篮板——但那是2012-13赛季,距今正好10年。 十年前,李晓旭的巅峰 十年之后,小二哥逆龄生长,这40分钟的奋力一搏,只为了一件事情——“我能回报家乡的,只有篮球了。” 一年前的5月7日,辽宁队赢下了第四场总决赛,以4-0横扫广厦队夺得第二座冠军,在比赛的最后时刻,杨鸣叫出了暂停,把韩德君、李晓旭、刘志轩、郭艾伦和赵继伟一起换上场,这个五人组,恰好是2018年夺冠时的五名国内主力。 李晓旭说,“我当时感觉挺五味杂陈的,里面包含着这几年大家一起打过来,一起训练一起比赛的时光都涌上了自己的心头。” 他也很清楚这一刻意味着什么,退役的日子,越来越近了。 对于官龄33岁的李晓旭而言,这是他所参加的第18个赛季,但实际上,却只出战了16个赛季。让他难以坚持的,并不是漫长的赛季,而是两次意外的重伤,两次足以毁灭运动生涯的大伤不仅让他两次整个赛季报销,也让他丧失了巅峰时的大部分运动能力,跑跳和移动,早已不比当年。 第一次,是在2016年的8月31日,CBA北区体测的球员专项速度耐力测试中,李晓旭在第三组折返跑过程中脚踝意外受伤,他以为自己可以带伤坚持,但发现情况比想象中严重的多,这条硬汉捂着脸倒在地上,不让队友看到他的痛苦表情。这次意外的结果是让人痛心的,李晓旭遭遇的是右脚跟键断裂,直接赛季报销。 在正值巅峰的年龄,李晓旭遭遇了篮球运动员最严重的伤病,没有任何球员能在跟腱断裂后回到原本的水平,国产魔兽也不例外。在漫长的复健期中,李晓旭要从头学会如何行走,平衡两条腿的重量,直到重新站上球场。 从场均11.1分8.7篮板,到5.9分5.4篮板,对家乡的热爱战胜了强烈受挫的自尊,他和队友们战斗到了最后,就在回归后的2017-18赛季,他捧起了至尊鼎,穿上了那件写着“第一”的冠军衫。 重伤之后,必有后福吗?在李晓旭这里,答案是残忍的。在2020年的7月24日,李晓旭在辽宁队和山西队的比赛第三节,右膝受伤,经过核磁共振检查之后,确认右膝前十字韧带严重受损,需要接受手术修复。 他又将面临让人痛苦且无聊的复健期——篮球运动员最不能接受的两处大伤,跟腱和十字韧带,他都遇到了。 而这一次,他的选择依然是,不退! 球队都做好了让李晓旭转型的准备,他们希望二哥可以慢慢恢复,同时转型去当教练,或者进入管理层,还给他准备了副总的位置。他不是没有犹豫,但在认真的思考之后,告诉妻子,“我还想继续打球。” 为辽宁而战,为热爱而战。 他的妻子,他的家人,他的球迷,他的队友,是他最强悍的后盾。 而他只说了八个字:过于执着,过于热爱。 数据永远无法体现李晓旭对于辽宁队的意义,即便有了张镇麟、有了吴昌泽、有了付豪、有了莫兰德,他们都是来给李晓旭分担压力的,但他们也都无法真正取代李晓旭的作用。 过于执着,过于热爱的李晓旭,会在每一次出手之后,全力冲向篮筐,他看到过网友戏谑说的“李晓旭不相信任何队友,谁出手他都要跑过去抢篮板。”但他总是会问自己,我还能做别的事情吗? 其实,这些年,他还真的做了许多。 罚球从来都是短板的他,这些年开始学着投射长两分,渐渐地,对方也不敢给他空位出手的机会。再往后,他的出手变成了三分球,每场投3次,占到全部出手数的一半还多,也投出了超过37%的命中率。 而那些巅峰时从不逊色外援的点抢篮板,也变成了先点到自己的方向,然后冲过去紧紧抱在怀里,再扔给外线的队友。二次进攻原本不是李晓旭和韩德君的强项,巅峰时的他们根本不需要第二次补进,但现在,他们要给对方补篮,在篮筐上面作业,用三四次机会,只为了把球放进去一次。 用队友的话说,当李晓旭全力以赴的时候,他的昂扬斗志和精神面貌,让人感觉不出来年龄和受过的伤病,他的动作显然已经很吃力了,但面对着比他小了差不多十岁的年轻人,他从来没有在任何防守上吃亏,哪怕他真的已经跳不高了。 有时候,甚至也会有一些让人拍案叫绝的动作: 去年的季后赛,他一共打了9场,一共178分钟,也只得到了18分和32个篮板。能让战士倒下的只有年龄和伤病,再次品尝胜利香槟的李晓旭明白,他已经给家乡付出一切了,他还有什么要去证明的吗? 没有了,但不代表他没有追求。他只是告诉教练,如果需要他做更多的任务,他随时都会准备好。 而在今天之后,同样的第9场季后赛,298分钟,76分70篮板,其中28个前场篮板。总决赛第二场,15个篮板,而对方的内线四人组,加在一起也不过15个篮板。 他太渴望赛场了,他也太渴望帮助球队赢球了。这个一直坚毅淡定的葫芦岛汉子,在第二节一反常态地对着裁判抱怨,但嘴里说的却一直是“我控制住篮球了!”抢下篮板是他的生命线,是他整个生涯一直在做的事情,是他给这支辽宁队,注入到骨血魂魄的生命力。 很少有人知道,他在总决赛第一场右手腕挫伤,去了医院治疗,缠上了厚厚的绷带,但他坚持表示没有大碍,绝对可以出场,而带着手腕伤势的他,打了40分钟,打出了自己在季后赛最好的表现。 宝刀未老?重返青春?当#李晓旭篮板#登上热搜,球迷们重新回忆起那段峥嵘岁月的时候,却发现他一直都在,陪伴辽篮走过低谷,攀上顶峰。有那么多动人的故事可以讲给后来的球迷,而李晓旭的名字注定会被写入史册。唯有那句CBA口号可以完美诠释。 不负热爱! 欢迎大家来我们的微信公众号“后厂村体工队”看看,有更多NBA、CBA相关考古、评论和人物内容>> (文/文若)

0 1 min 1 yr

Toha: enbyde knows everyone’s role and knows that everyone has a role at some point.

Live broadcast, April 21 news today, 76 player Tobias Harris was interviewed by reporters after the team training. Speaking of enbide’s growth as a team leader, Harris said: “For him, he ensures that each of us is in a good atmosphere and understands their team roles, and he knew that everyone would play a role at some point. So I think this is a big step for him.” 76 people and G3 of basketable nets will start at 7:30 today.

0 2 min 1 yr

Bao Renjun: The Lakers need Zhan Meihe to cut 50 + to win. The grizzly bear needs Morant to win the series.

Live broadcast bar, April 20 -in the first round of the Western playoffs today, the Lakers 93-103 lost the big score of the Grizzly Bear series was tied to 1-1. After the game, Bao Renjun, a Tencent sports reporter, posted a comment on the game. The text is as follows: 1. The Lakers need James heavy eyebrows to score more than 50 to win. To borrow the basic statement, James is 38 years old, and he can’t support himself. 2. Tillman was a strange soldier, especially in the first half, which exposed that the Lakers had no defense except heavy eyebrows and made adjustments in the second half. 3. Eight village base and Rivers proved that they could play the playoffs, Russell proved in reverse. 4. Young teams are easy to make mistakes, and the Lakers once approached the score. Although it is smoother without Morant, the grizzly bear still needs Morant to win this series. ————– In this battle, the heavy eyebrows 14 shot only 4, 1 out of the 3-point ball 1,4 out of the whole penalty got 13 points, 8 boards, 3 help 5 caps; James 23 shot 12, of which 1 out of the 3-point ball 8, in addition, 3 out of 4 free throws, 28 points, 12 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 steals, 1 cap.

0 1 min 1 yr

Pestering James! US media: Dillon Stephenson appendage is expected to become a new “Zhan blowing”

Live broadcast, April 20-today’s NBA playoffs, Grizzly beat the Lakers 103-93 at home, bringing the big score to 1-1 level! In this campaign, the grizzly warrior Dillon Brooks played well. He played for 23 minutes and contributed 12 points and 3 assists in the 14-shot 5, including the last two records to suppress the three points pursued by the Lakers. During the competition, Dillon was passionate and tried to interact with James many times. American Media ESPN posted the interactive photo of Dillon and James today and the classic blow puzzle of Stephenson, and wrote: “Dillon-Brooks will become a new generation of ‘zhan blow ‘?” Related News >>> enjoy antagonist! Dillon staged “Legend of the Wicked” and tried to interact with James for many times.

0 1 min 1 yr

ESPN forwarded comments from netizens: black seven black eight prove that bubble Park is not a lucky fact?

Live broadcast on April 29 news in the first round of NBA playoffs this year, the Heat beat the Bucks to complete the black eight, and the Lakers Rick grizzly completed the black seven. A netizen named Ryan Rueda commented on Twitter: The Lakers beat No. 2 seed and the Heat beat No. 1 seed. This shows that bubble Park is not a fluke.” ESPN forwarded and asked, “Is it true?” In bubble Park in 2020, the Lakers beat the Heat 4-2 to win the championship.
