0 1 min 1 yr

Yang Ming: We have shouldered the expectations of the whole Northeast to observe Allen’s situation every day.

Live broadcast bar, May 3 -cba playoffs semi-final G4, Liaoning beat Guangsha 100-80 away, with a big score of 2-2 draw. After the game, Liaoning coach Yang Ming was interviewed by the media. Yang Ming said: “In fact, there is nothing to say. All my team members have performed very well, even better than I imagined. We have carried great pressure and shouldered Liaoning, even the expectations of the whole Northeast for our team did not disappoint all the fans. Thanks to all the fans for their support and thanks to all the fans now. Fortunately, the game can continue, and we strive to play every game well.” When talking about Guo Allen’s situation, Yang Ming replied, “we observe every day.”

0 1 min 1 yr

Curry series ending battle record is 21 wins and 11 losses average 28.7 points 6.9 board 5.5 help!

Live broadcast, April 29 News at 8:00 am today, the first round of the playoffs G6, Warriors against the King at home, at present their total score is 3-2 leading. According to statistics, Curry’s career series ended with a record of 21 wins and 11 losses, with an average of 28.7 points, 6.9 rebounds and 5.5 assists, with three hit rates of 45/42/89% respectively, total positive and negative values +124.

0 1 min 1 yr

Bloody! Clarkston got 18 points and the whole battle enbied & the cumulative 2T was expelled

Live broadcast, April 21-today’s NBA playoffs, basketable Nets home court 97-102 lost 76 people. Basketable Nets player Claxston performed efficiently in this game. He played at 27 minutes 37 seconds in the game, scored 8 out of 9, scored 2 out of 3 free throws, scored 18 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 snatch, plus or minus value +13. During the playing period, Claxston had been fighting against enbyd. He crossed enbyd after a gap of 2+1 and got a technical foul when he caused the conflict, after that, the strong isolation buckled enbide to take another T of provocation, with a total of two T being ejection.


Son of Uncle Huo: My father told me that he once played for magic and I could adapt to the team like a glove.

0 2 min 1 yr

Live Bar, June 23 -at the 2023 draft conference, Magic selected the son of “Uncle Huo” Zhu Wan-Howard, Jeter-Howard with the 11th sign. Jeter Howard said in an interview: “To be honest, I think I can adapt to the team like a glove because I have the ability to open space and hit the vacant shot. During high school and college, I always played with other excellent players, so I think I will get along well with Magic teammates.” The reporter mentioned that Zhu Wan Howard once worked in magic, and Jett said, “I forgot, yes, he just told me that this meant everything. In the past few months, my father has been pushing me to some situations that I have never adapted to before, and I have also seen that my efforts have been rewarded. This is a wonderful moment, and I sincerely praise God.” Juwan Howard once played for Magic in the 2003-04 season. He played 81 games and averaged 17 points, 7 rebounds and 2 assists. In the following 2004-05 season, he switched to the Rockets and became a teammate with Yao Ming. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NBA draft conference 2023

0 1 min 1 yr

Rooney: as a rebounder, I will also enter a state of no self, just like curry and clay throw three points.

Live broadcast, April 21 -nba playoffs first round G3, Warriors beat the King 114-97 at home, with a total score of 1-2. In this game, the warrior center Luoni played a crucial role in the internal line. The first game was 31 minutes, 6 Middle 2 got 4 points, and 20 rebounds (9 of which were in the front court) also sent 9 assists, plus 1 steal, positive and negative values are +21. In an interview with reporters after the game, Luoni said: “as a rebounder, sometimes I will enter a state of no self, just like curry and clay cast three points.”

0 1 min 1 yr

Single-core Deng! Harden scored 16 points and 7 points in the first section of 10.76 people were 7 points behind the Green Army.

Live broadcast, May 2nd, NBA playoff round G1,76 people away against Celtic. Enbide was absent. Harden led the team alone. He played 7 out of the first 10 shots, 2 out of the third 4, and scored 16 points and 2 assists. However, 76 people fell 7 points at the end of the first quarter.

0 1 min 1 yr

At least 300 points in the first 10 games of a single playoff, 100 boards and 75 help! The second person in the history of jokiqicheng

Live broadcast, May 10-The Battle of tianwangshan in the Western semi-finals of NBA playoffs today, the Nuggets defeated the Sun 118-102 at home, and the score of the series came to 3-2. Yorkich 20 12, 3 3 2, get 29 points 13 Board 12 help. According to statistics, in the first 10 games of this playoff, yorkich got at least 300 points, 100 boards and 75 help, becoming the second person in NBA history. Oscar Robertson did this in the 1963 Playoffs.

0 1 min 1 yr


本赛季NBA结束,约基奇带领丹佛掘金击败热火,夺得队史首个总冠军,个人也荣获总决赛MVP,再加上之前的MVP两连,可以说是已经登峰造极。而在即将开始的篮球世界杯上,约老师的塞尔维亚也是夺冠热门,只是让人有些感慨的是,如果前南斯拉夫不解体,他得到的助力、取得的成绩原本可能更多。 图注:约基奇将带领塞尔维亚向冠军发起冲击 前南篮球有多强? 今年的男篮世界杯,一共有32支球队参赛,其中来自前南斯拉夫地区的,就有塞尔维亚、斯洛文尼亚和黑山这三支球队,占据欧洲全部12队的1/4,而前两者都在第二档,因为拥有约基奇和东契奇,也是本届赛事的夺冠热门。 而在男篮世界杯的历史上,包含之前的男篮世锦赛,前南斯拉夫也是头号赢家,一共5次夺冠,和美国男篮并列最多!分别是在1970年(第6届)、1978年(第8届)、1990年(第11届)、1998年(第13届)以及2002年(第14届)——后两冠是南联盟拿到的,FIBA都合并为前南斯拉夫的冠军总数。 尤其是上世纪80年代末90年代初,可以说是前南篮球的巅峰时期,他们先后夺得了1988年奥运会银牌、1989年欧锦赛冠军、1990年世锦赛冠军,阵中更是巨星云集:迪瓦茨、库科奇、彼德洛维奇、拉德加等等,原本是非常有机会在1992年奥运会上挑战美国“梦一队”的,可惜的是在1991年,南斯拉夫解体了。 图注:迪瓦茨(右一)和佩贾(右二) 2002年,是前南的最后一个世锦赛冠军,当时的南联盟依然有着迪瓦茨和佩贾-斯托贾科维奇内外线两大球星,三分王佩贾正值巅峰,还有一直拒绝加入NBA的博迪洛加。1/4决赛面对保罗-皮尔斯、雷吉-米勒、小奥尼尔、迈克尔-芬利领衔的“梦五队”,迪瓦茨“老夫聊发少年狂”,上半场就狂砍16分,最终通过加时以81-78三分险胜美国男篮,再次震惊整个世界篮坛! 2003年,南联盟更名为“塞尔维亚和黑山”,2006年解体为塞尔维亚和黑山两个国家,塞尔维亚主要继承前南篮球的衣钵,2014年世界杯输给美国屈居亚军,2016年奥运会再次负于美国,获得银牌,当时特奥多西奇、博格丹-博格达诺维奇、别利察们还在欧洲打球,没进NBA呢。 约基奇+东契奇,你敢想? 如今的NBA赛场,依然有着众多来自前南地区的球星。名气最大、实力最强的当然还是尼古拉-约基奇,刚刚率领丹佛掘金夺得队史首冠,打出统治级表现荣膺总决赛MVP。 而除了约老师之外,塞尔维亚还有亚特兰大老鹰的博格丹-博格达诺维奇,迈阿密热火的尼古拉-约维奇,雷霆的波库舍夫斯基,以及NBA身材最高之一的博班-马扬诺维奇,绝对是世界杯的夺冠大热门。此外,特奥多西奇等人也曾在NBA效力。 图注:约基奇和东契奇前南双子星 现役NBA的另一位前南的代表球星,则是达拉斯独行侠的东契奇,本赛季他虽然表现不如以往那么出色,但在国际赛场还是神一般的存在,去年欧锦赛场均28.8分7.9篮板7.5助攻!除此之外,还有成为自由球员的德拉季奇,约基奇的掘金队友钱查尔,等等。 黑山的头号球星,是芝加哥公牛的尼古拉-武切维奇,此外还有西蒙诺维奇。而在没有进入今年世界杯的克罗地亚阵中,则有洛杉矶快船的祖巴茨、底特律活塞的博扬-博格达诺维奇、雷霆的萨里奇。波黑也有波特兰开拓者的努尔基奇,等等。 试想一下:如果前南斯拉夫不解体,该有多强大?约基奇和东契奇一内一外,撑起球队;外线是萨里奇、博格丹和博扬。两位MVP级别巨星的个人得分能力就足以carry全队,更何况他们还都能传球组织,形成真正的双核,可以打出极其流畅的进攻,让射手们尽情发挥,三分如雨下。 再加上替补席的武切维奇、努尔基奇、祖巴茨们,这套阵容足以跟NBA的最强阵容掰一掰手腕。 可惜的是,这终究是“试想”,前南斯拉夫已经解体30多年,约基奇和东契奇肯定不会在同一个国家队打球了,若想他们并肩作战,只能看看未来在NBA有没有机会了。

0 1 min 1 yr

The strategy is obvious! Qicai has been using the top 15 in sequence for nearly 4 years, and won coolibali this year.

Live Bar, June 23 -at the 2023 draft conference, the Wizard selected jarace Walker with the 8th sign and exchanged with the Walker 7th sign to get coolibali. According to statistics, in recent years, the flank players selected by wizards in the top 15 are as follows: 2020: afdia (the 9th ranking, the rookie season averaged 6.3 points) 2021: Corey kispend (15th in sequence, the rookie season averaged 8.2 points) 2022: Johnny Davis (the 10th ranking, the rookie season averaged 5.8 points) 2023: coolibali (seventh in sequence) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NBA draft conference 2023

0 1 min 1 yr

Difficult savior! Wikins played the Lakers series with an average of 32.5 minutes, 15 minutes, 5.3 board hit rate of 45%

Live broadcast bar, May 13 -nba Western semi-finals, Warriors lost 2-4 to the Lakers, ending this season’s journey. In this round of series, Warrior player Wikins played 6 games, contributing 15 points and 5 points in the 32.5-minute playing time. 3 rebounds 2.6 assists 0.6 steals, and the three hit rates are 45%, 33% and 78.9% respectively.

0 1 min 1 yr

Fame: Trent will negotiate a long appointment with the Raptors for the 18.5 million player options next season.

Live Bar, June 21 today, according to the famous Chris Haynes report, according to the agency, Raptor defender Trent chose to execute the player option worth 18.5 million dollars next season, this also means that Trent will become a complete free agent next summer. But according to Chris Haynes’s follow-up report, Trent hopes to stay in the Raptors and the two sides will be committed to reaching a long-term contract. Last season’s regular season, Trent played 66 games for the Raptors, with an average of 32.1 minutes, 17.4 points, 2.6 Boards, 1.6 help and 1.6 breaks, with a three-point hit rate. ****************************************************************************************************

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Eight villages: We are fully prepared for G3. I like those important competitions and critical moments.

Live broadcast on April 22 News the Lakers player eight village team received an interview after training today. Speaking of G3, baicun said: “Mentally, I am ready for this moment. I just like those important competitions and critical moments. I will use this as the source of energy, I know there will be more physical confrontation, I know it will be more intense, but I am fully prepared.” “We did very well in training and we were really focused.” Eight villages said. The Lakers are currently 1-1 flat with the grizzly bear, and G3 will go to war at the Lakers home at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.

0 1 min 1 yr

Reddick: G5 lost Thunder and the 3-1 leading rocket was reversed, which had nothing to do with the players’ cooperation.

Live Bar, April 20 news recently, Reddick talked about former coach Rivers in his own podcasting program. Related reading: Rivers once coached Clippers: that team will never win. We don’t get along well enough. Reddick said: “I can tell you that we still have 11 points ahead when we have 4 minutes left in our G5 defeat against Thunder. Losing has nothing to do with the cooperation between players. We had a 3-1 lead in the rocket and finally lost, which had nothing to do with cooperation. That was not the reason why we lost.” In the West semi-final of 2014, the Clippers lost Thunder 2-4; In the West semi-final of 2015, the Clippers were reversed by the Rockets in the 3-1 lead.
