0 2 min 1 yr

Three points, 42, 21! Cole: This shows that we got a good seat and didn’t force ourselves to do it.

Live broadcast on May 5th news today’s NBA West semi-final G2, Warriors 127-100 defeated the Lakers, the big score was 1-1 flat. After the game, Cole was interviewed by reporters. Speaking of Clay’s outbreak, he said, “This is the best version of clay. When he really enters the attacking state, his shooting will be very accurate. This is what I like tonight. I think our shooting is very good. 21 out of three-point 42, obviously this hit rate is very high, but I think this hit rate reflects that we got a good chance to shoot in the open space, and they didn’t make a reluctant shot. The ball has been shifting all the time. They spread the ball to the vacant place. Obviously, clay can become very hot, but when we transfer the ball like tonight, it is more likely to happen.” In this battle, Clay feels hot. He played for 32 minutes in the whole game, made 11 shots in 18, 8 out of 11 in 3 points, got 30 points, 3 boards and 1 help, and punched in and got off work in 3 sections. The positive and negative values were +28.

0 1 min 1 yr

Lakers media show the prediction of the expert group before this round of series: 13 out of 15 people are optimistic about the Warriors to advance

Live broadcast, May 13-today, the NBA playoffs Western semi-final G6, the Lakers 122-101 defeated the Warriors, successfully advanced to the Western finals. The Lakers Media posted the ESPN expert group’s prediction of this round of series. 13 of the 15 people were optimistic about the Warriors’s promotion:

0 1 min 1 yr

💥季后赛十佳表现:巴特勒狂轰56分逆天改命 约基奇封神!

2022-23赛季NBA联赛正式落下帷幕,欢迎大家来到本赛季的直播吧赛季盘点,回顾这一赛季,NBA精彩场面层出不穷,众多球星为全世界球迷贡献了一场又一场精彩纷呈的篮球盛宴,接下来请跟随小编来看看本赛季季后赛十佳表现! 10、常规时间绝平+生涯首次双20!詹姆斯爆砍22分20板 NBA季后赛首轮G4,湖人主场加时117-111逆转灰熊,将大比分扩大为3-1。 此役詹姆斯在常规时间上篮命中将比赛拖入加时,随后在加时赛中又创下了生涯首次双20的纪录,关键突破命中帮球队奠定胜局。 他全场比赛18投8中,三分球7中1,7罚5中得到22分20板(5前场板)7助的数据。 常规时间绝平 9、制霸内线!浓眉狂揽生涯新高23板+30分5助4帽 西部半决赛G1,湖人客场117-112险胜勇士拔得头筹。 浓眉出战43分钟,投篮19中11,罚球8中8,砍下30分23篮板5助攻4盖帽,仅1个失误2个犯规,23个篮板也刷新了浓眉季后赛生涯纪录,之前为19个! 这样一来,浓眉成为NBA历史上第二位在季后赛单场至少砍下30分23篮板5助攻4盖帽的球员,此前仅邓肯做到过(2003年)。 8、🚀登峰造极!哈登单核爆砍45+6&准绝杀绿军! 76人绿军G1,76任客场119-115险胜取得系列赛开门红。 本场比赛恩比德缺阵,哈登火力全开,全场比赛30投17中,三分14中7,罚球4中4砍下45分6助攻2抢断,得分追平个人季后赛最高。 比赛最后时刻76人落后1分,哈登弧顶干拔三分命中反超,完成准绝杀! 7、日天!库里狂砍季后赛新高+抢七历史最高50分 NBA季后赛首轮,勇士抢七以120-100战胜国王,大比分4-3晋级次轮。 本场比赛,库里贡献史诗级表现,他38中20,三分18中7,罚球5中3,砍下季后赛生涯新高的50分,另有8篮板6助攻1抢断进账,仅出现1失误。 50分刷新了当时的NBA历史抢七最高分! 6、送别费城!塔图姆狂轰51分破库里抢七得分纪录! NBA季后赛东部半决赛G7,凯尔特人112-88大胜76人,大比分4-3淘汰76人,晋级东决。 塔图姆本场比赛手感爆棚,他28投17中,三分10中6,罚球14中11,砍下51分13篮板5助攻2抢断,没有失误。 51分也是NBA历史抢七最高得分纪录,之前最高是库里本赛季季后赛首轮的50分。 5、历史级中锋!约基奇爆砍53分4篮板11助攻 掘金太阳系列赛G4,掘金最终惜败太阳。 本场比赛,约基奇从头到尾Carry比赛,30投20中,三分4中2,罚球13中11,狂轰职业生涯新高的53分,还有4篮板11助攻进账,刷新个人生涯季后赛单场得分纪录! 此外,约基奇单场53分创下了季后赛历史上中锋第二高分,仅次于张伯伦的56分,他本场通过得分+助攻为球队创造78分,为季后赛历史上中锋球员中最高! 4、惊心动魄!怀特东决0.1秒补篮绝杀拯救绿军! NBA东决G6,凯尔特人凭借怀特的压哨补篮104-103绝杀热火将系列赛拖入抢七。 在比赛第四节最后时刻,热火落后2分,巴特勒三分线外持球造成霍福德犯规,三罚全中,热火反超1分。 比赛最后3秒,凯尔特人边线发球斯玛特三分线外接球出手弹筐而出,怀特天神下凡拍马赶到压哨补篮命中完成绝杀,拯救绿军。 3、孤独Carry!巴特勒爆砍56分创季后赛现役第二高分! NBA季后赛首轮G4,热火119-114击败雄鹿。 吉米-巴特勒本场28投19中,三分8中3,罚球18中15,得到季后赛生涯新高的56分,另有9篮板2助攻1封盖进账,仅出现1失误0犯规。 巴特勒本场的56分是现役季后赛第2高分,历史上仅次于乔丹、贝勒和米切尔,和乔丹、张伯伦、巴克利并列历史第4。 也创造了热火队史季后赛单场最高得分! 2、约基奇穆雷同队同场30+三双 NBA历史首次! NBA总决赛G3,掘金109-94击败热火。 约基奇(32分21板10助)和穆雷(34分10板10助)同队同场砍下30+三双,这是历史首次出现这种情况(常规赛+季后赛)。 1、天神下凡!约基奇季后赛独揽10次三双历史第一 ! 约基奇今年季后赛共有10场比赛拿下三双,他也成为NBA历史单个季后赛首位拿下至少10次三双的球员! 其中在总决赛G3中,约基奇狂轰30分20篮板10助攻超级三双,总决赛历史首人! 此外,本次季后赛约基奇一共得到了600分269篮板190助攻,均为联盟最多,约基奇也成为NBA历史上首位做到这一点的球员。 2022-23赛季总结与盘点


Warriors score 2-4 defeat Lakers end their 2022-23 season

0 1 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast on May 13 news in today’s Western semi-final G6, Warriors lost to the Lakers, and the big score was eliminated by the other side 2-4, thus ending their 2022-23 season. In the regular season this season, the Warriors scored 44-38, ranking sixth in the West; In the first round of the playoffs, they defeated the third King in the West with a big score of 4-3.

0 1 min 2 yrs

KD + Bill + Booker! NBA has scored three seats in the top ten games in the past five seasons.

Live Bar, June 19 news according to the famous Shams report, sources revealed that Wizards traded bill to the sun. According to statistics, among the top 10 players in NBA in the past five seasons, the sun has three players: Durant (27.8), Bill (27.0) and Booker (26.6).

0 1 min 2 yrs

Effective! Du runwang entered the first single section 5 Middle School 3 got 8 points

Live broadcast bar, April 23 -cba playoff, Guangdong falls behind Guangsha 18-19 in the first quarter. In this game, Guangdong player du runwang started the game. He played for 7 minutes in the first quarter. He shot 3 out of 5, including 2 out of 4 out of 3 points, and got 8 points and 2 rebounds. Positive and negative values +3.

0 1 min 2 yrs

According to the rules, do you think Harden should be directly expelled from the crotch?

NBA rules Original text: The penalty standard for first-class evil criminals: there is no necessary physical contact. Penalty standard for second-level evil criminals: unnecessary and excessive physical contact. —— Do you think this ball meets the standard of Grade II evil criminals? Details of basketball rules

0 1 min 2 yrs

Media player: the newly established Liaoning Yisheng will compete in NBL Tibetan wolf men’s basketball to test players in Zhongshan

Live broadcast bar, April 20 according to media reporter @ Mai Suifeng, the newly established Liaoning Yisheng will compete in the NBL league Tibetan wolf. They plan to carry out player trial training in Zhongshan Fire Lion basketball club on April 26-27. According to previous reports, Liaoning Panjin and Hong Kong, China will build teams to participate in NBL in order to strive to join CBA.

0 1 min 2 yrs

The Battle of the peak! Zhao Jiwei 9 notes three points bang 33 points 8 boards 9 help the ruling competition lead the team to advance!

Live broadcast, April 20th news Liaoning won Beijing away from home and advanced to the semi-finals! Zhao Jiwei’s status was directly completed. He made 11 of the 17 shots, 9 of the 14th of the 3 points, bombarded 33 points, 8 rebounds and 9 assists, leading the team to win! In the first quarter, Zhao Jiwei scored 14 points in a single section, and scored 20 points in half. When the last quarter was injured and left, he came back and got 8 points to accept the competition and lead the team to advance! 9 points, 3 points and 33 points are Zhao Jiwei’s playoff career record!

0 1 min 2 yrs

Cole: G1 Lakers play more aggressive G2 we want to be the more desperate team

Live broadcast bar, May 4th news yesterday, the West semi-final G1, Warriors lost to the Lakers at home 112-117, Cole today accepted an interview with The Bay radio program. Speaking of G2 adjustment, Cole said: “There is nothing new. If you lose the game, you must play harder and be a more desperate team, and so on.” “I think we have done a good job in getting the ball into the penalty area, but before you really figure out how to attack, you must know something about Davis and their height arm show. It is for this reason that I think G1 is great. You can feel the game and watch the video to adjust it. “I think they played more aggressive Yesterday. With more energy and aggression, I think we are more likely to stand on the freethrow line.” Cole said.

0 1 min 2 yrs

Sibo: Butler doesn’t want to end up tomorrow and is not sure whether there will be an update on his injury.

Live broadcast on May 1st News NBA playoff Eastern semi-final, Heat 108-101 Nike Knicks, with a total score of 1-0 leading. After the game, spoolstra was interviewed. When talking about Butler, spoolstra said, “it was a sprained ankle. I don’t even know if we can have an update tomorrow. We won’t know until then. He didn’t want to end up, so we let him stay in the game.” Related reading: hard! Butler broke through and was kicked to the right ankle by Hart. He touched his ankle and still insisted on the match.

0 1 min 2 yrs

Lao Li: We must trust each other’s opponents and do better than us in trusting teammates.

Live broadcast on May 6th news NBA playoff Eastern semi-final G3,76 people home court 102-114 defeat the Celtics, the big score 1-2 by the other side opposite. After the game, Doug Rivers, the coach of 76 people, was interviewed by the reporter. Lao Li said: “Our executive power needs to be improved. We must trust each other. Celtics have done better than us in trusting teammates and passing them. This is the difference between the two teams.” In this game, the Celtics team assists 25 times, 76 people, the team assists 21 times.

0 1 min 2 yrs

Sibodu: both Brunson and Randle are ready to play G3

Live broadcast, May 7-3:30 am today, NBA eastern semi-final G3, the Knicks will challenge the heat away. Before the game, Knicks coach sibodu said in an interview that both Brunson and Randle were ready to play. Brunson suffered a foot loss in G2 but still finished the game with an injury; Landel had previously missed G1 due to ankle injury and returned in G2. Related news: Don’t talk about ankle injury! Brunson: I will only say that it is very important to prepare G3 Do you want to push yourself back in G2? Randal: of course, I don’t want to sit on the sidelines and watch the team lose again.
