0 1 min 1 yr


本赛季NBA结束,约基奇带领丹佛掘金击败热火,夺得队史首个总冠军,个人也荣获总决赛MVP,再加上之前的MVP两连,可以说是已经登峰造极。而在即将开始的篮球世界杯上,约老师的塞尔维亚也是夺冠热门,只是让人有些感慨的是,如果前南斯拉夫不解体,他得到的助力、取得的成绩原本可能更多。 图注:约基奇将带领塞尔维亚向冠军发起冲击 前南篮球有多强? 今年的男篮世界杯,一共有32支球队参赛,其中来自前南斯拉夫地区的,就有塞尔维亚、斯洛文尼亚和黑山这三支球队,占据欧洲全部12队的1/4,而前两者都在第二档,因为拥有约基奇和东契奇,也是本届赛事的夺冠热门。 而在男篮世界杯的历史上,包含之前的男篮世锦赛,前南斯拉夫也是头号赢家,一共5次夺冠,和美国男篮并列最多!分别是在1970年(第6届)、1978年(第8届)、1990年(第11届)、1998年(第13届)以及2002年(第14届)——后两冠是南联盟拿到的,FIBA都合并为前南斯拉夫的冠军总数。 尤其是上世纪80年代末90年代初,可以说是前南篮球的巅峰时期,他们先后夺得了1988年奥运会银牌、1989年欧锦赛冠军、1990年世锦赛冠军,阵中更是巨星云集:迪瓦茨、库科奇、彼德洛维奇、拉德加等等,原本是非常有机会在1992年奥运会上挑战美国“梦一队”的,可惜的是在1991年,南斯拉夫解体了。 图注:迪瓦茨(右一)和佩贾(右二) 2002年,是前南的最后一个世锦赛冠军,当时的南联盟依然有着迪瓦茨和佩贾-斯托贾科维奇内外线两大球星,三分王佩贾正值巅峰,还有一直拒绝加入NBA的博迪洛加。1/4决赛面对保罗-皮尔斯、雷吉-米勒、小奥尼尔、迈克尔-芬利领衔的“梦五队”,迪瓦茨“老夫聊发少年狂”,上半场就狂砍16分,最终通过加时以81-78三分险胜美国男篮,再次震惊整个世界篮坛! 2003年,南联盟更名为“塞尔维亚和黑山”,2006年解体为塞尔维亚和黑山两个国家,塞尔维亚主要继承前南篮球的衣钵,2014年世界杯输给美国屈居亚军,2016年奥运会再次负于美国,获得银牌,当时特奥多西奇、博格丹-博格达诺维奇、别利察们还在欧洲打球,没进NBA呢。 约基奇+东契奇,你敢想? 如今的NBA赛场,依然有着众多来自前南地区的球星。名气最大、实力最强的当然还是尼古拉-约基奇,刚刚率领丹佛掘金夺得队史首冠,打出统治级表现荣膺总决赛MVP。 而除了约老师之外,塞尔维亚还有亚特兰大老鹰的博格丹-博格达诺维奇,迈阿密热火的尼古拉-约维奇,雷霆的波库舍夫斯基,以及NBA身材最高之一的博班-马扬诺维奇,绝对是世界杯的夺冠大热门。此外,特奥多西奇等人也曾在NBA效力。 图注:约基奇和东契奇前南双子星 现役NBA的另一位前南的代表球星,则是达拉斯独行侠的东契奇,本赛季他虽然表现不如以往那么出色,但在国际赛场还是神一般的存在,去年欧锦赛场均28.8分7.9篮板7.5助攻!除此之外,还有成为自由球员的德拉季奇,约基奇的掘金队友钱查尔,等等。 黑山的头号球星,是芝加哥公牛的尼古拉-武切维奇,此外还有西蒙诺维奇。而在没有进入今年世界杯的克罗地亚阵中,则有洛杉矶快船的祖巴茨、底特律活塞的博扬-博格达诺维奇、雷霆的萨里奇。波黑也有波特兰开拓者的努尔基奇,等等。 试想一下:如果前南斯拉夫不解体,该有多强大?约基奇和东契奇一内一外,撑起球队;外线是萨里奇、博格丹和博扬。两位MVP级别巨星的个人得分能力就足以carry全队,更何况他们还都能传球组织,形成真正的双核,可以打出极其流畅的进攻,让射手们尽情发挥,三分如雨下。 再加上替补席的武切维奇、努尔基奇、祖巴茨们,这套阵容足以跟NBA的最强阵容掰一掰手腕。 可惜的是,这终究是“试想”,前南斯拉夫已经解体30多年,约基奇和东契奇肯定不会在同一个国家队打球了,若想他们并肩作战,只能看看未来在NBA有没有机会了。

0 1 min 1 yr

The strategy is obvious! Qicai has been using the top 15 in sequence for nearly 4 years, and won coolibali this year.

Live Bar, June 23 -at the 2023 draft conference, the Wizard selected jarace Walker with the 8th sign and exchanged with the Walker 7th sign to get coolibali. According to statistics, in recent years, the flank players selected by wizards in the top 15 are as follows: 2020: afdia (the 9th ranking, the rookie season averaged 6.3 points) 2021: Corey kispend (15th in sequence, the rookie season averaged 8.2 points) 2022: Johnny Davis (the 10th ranking, the rookie season averaged 5.8 points) 2023: coolibali (seventh in sequence) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NBA draft conference 2023

0 1 min 1 yr

Difficult savior! Wikins played the Lakers series with an average of 32.5 minutes, 15 minutes, 5.3 board hit rate of 45%

Live broadcast bar, May 13 -nba Western semi-finals, Warriors lost 2-4 to the Lakers, ending this season’s journey. In this round of series, Warrior player Wikins played 6 games, contributing 15 points and 5 points in the 32.5-minute playing time. 3 rebounds 2.6 assists 0.6 steals, and the three hit rates are 45%, 33% and 78.9% respectively.


Skip: Maybe the playing time of heavy eyebrows should be divided into TT, at least you can trust TT’s hard work.

0 1 min 1 yr

Live Bar, May 5th news in the second round of the playoffs G2, the Lakers fell behind the Warriors in the final quarter and replaced Tristan Thompson. Famous Skip commented: “Maybe the appearance time of heavy eyebrows should be given to TT, at least you can trust his hard work.” The heavy eyebrows 11 middle 5, get 11 points 7 rebounds 4 assists 1 steals 3 cap.

0 1 min 1 yr

42 points 8 board 9 Help 4 break 1 CAP + lore! Skip: Thank you, Harden. Everything can be forgiven.

Live broadcast bar, May 8th-today’s NBA playoffs Eastern semi-final G4,76 people beat the Celtics at home with 116-115 plus hours, and the series score reached 2-2. In this game, Harden made 16 of 23 shots, 6 of 9 points, 4 of 4 free throws, 42 points, 8 rebounds, 9 assists, 4 steals 1 Cap, and finally hit lore three points. Skip even tweeted, “Thank you, James Harden. Everything can be forgiven!”

0 3 min 1 yr

Liao media: Liao basket broke through the adversity and entered the finals Zhao Jiwei worked hard and worked hard

In the series with Zhejiang Guangsha team, Zhao Jiwei may not be the best in Liaoning men’s basketball, but it is definitely the hardest. Especially after Guo Allen was injured, Zhao Jiwei was almost the only stable player in the team and paid a huge physical price in the game. In the last 28 seconds of the game on the 5th, when the Liao basket, which locked the victory, replaced the main player, the exhausted Zhao Jiwei lay down on the trash can beside the court and vomited. This scene was moving. Since Zhejiang Guangsha team has Sun Minghui, the guard with the best performance of CBA this season, Zhao Jiwei undertook heavy defensive tasks in the semi-finals. In the second game of the semi-final, Guo Allen was accidentally injured, which made the backturn of Liao basket suddenly become stretched. In the last four games, Zhao Jiwei played more than 40 minutes in three games. Especially in the third game, Zhao Jiwei only rested at 2 minutes 8 seconds. In this game, Zhao Jiwei appeared at 41 minutes 31 seconds again. Although the field goal percentage was not high under the key care of the other side, only 11 shots and 3 shots were made, he gave 14 assists to his teammates. Under his combing, 6 people in Liao basket scored double. It can be said that Zhao Jiwei played a good role as the “brain” of the team in the key match. In the five semi-finals, Zhao Jiwei was the key care target of Zhejiang Guangsha team, especially after Guo Allen was injured, the other side was very targeted to Zhao Jiwei’s defense. Since Zhejiang Guangsha team often left Zhu Junlong and Zhao Jiaren two No. 3 players on the court, Zhao Jiwei often faced dislocation at both ends of attack and defense, and his shooting was easily disturbed, during the defense, you should also be carried by your opponent, which consumes a lot of physical fitness. However, Zhao Jiwei has always maintained a high morale and concentration throughout the game in this series. Even if the team travels on the edge of elimination, he will be the first to stand up and cheer for the team. Liaoning men’s basketball was able to hit the finals in the adversity where the big score was 1:2 behind, and Zhao Jiwei worked hard to achieve high success.

0 1 min 1 yr

Brownie happy Father’s Day to Lao Zhan: Happy Father’s Day to love your father❤

Live broadcast bar, June 19 today is the father’s day in the United States local time. The two sons of Lakers star James Brownie and Blyth showed photos one after another. I wish my father a happy Father’s Day. Brownie first showed a group photo of a field interview in The Knight 1.0 period, with three❤, then I got a recent training photo and posted a message: “Happy Father’s Day to GOAT, love you dad❤.” Brice posted a family photo and wrote: “Happy Father’s Day❤@ James.”

0 1 min 1 yr

Popular players! Stag signed classical insider drew-TIMI

Live broadcast bar, June 23-nba draft conference in 2023officially ended, and gunsaga insider drew Timmy was regretful. However, the Bucks signed him with a Exhibit 10 contract! Not long ago, Timmy conducted a trial training for the Lakers! Related news: Against the trend! Timmy: Show me the ball. I’m performing at a low position. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NBA draft conference 2023

0 1 min 1 yr

Sun VS Clippers first released: ABCD + Craig weishao Gordon Little Mo Powell zubatz

Live broadcast on April 23 News NBA playoffs first round G4, the sun away game to challenge the Clippers will start at 3:30. The two-way start of this game is as follows: Sun: Paul, Booker, Craig, Durant, Elton Clippers: weishao, Gordon, Powell, Morris, zubatz

0 1 min 1 yr

Data website: today Schroder & heavy eyebrow individual free throws are higher than the Warriors team

Live Bar, May 3rd news today, NBA Playoffs Round G1, Warriors 112-117 lost to the Lakers. After the game, the data website posted the data about free throws on StatMuse: Schroeder 10 free throws 8 free throws for heavy eyebrows Warriors team 6 free throws Related News >>> obvious differences! Warriors shot 50 + three points in the game, but only took free throws for 6 times, the lowest in NBA history!

0 14 min 1 yr

When Tatum announced that he was the best in the world in 14 votes 1

As we all know, there is usually only one purpose for boys to play games, that is, to have a father. Sometimes there is an uncertain principle, that is, you cannot accurately determine whether a game player will be a father or a son at the same time. Most of the interesting NBA series are like this. In 2023, East G6, Philadelphia almost turned over and became a father. They were at the home court, holding the competition point. The new MVP enbide had 2 points in the last 6 minutes freethrow line left, chasing the score to 81 square, this is the last 2 points that embiden got in the game, and it is also the second last Sports battle goal in Philadelphia. As for the last one, it happened in the last 20 seconds of the game, at that time, Philadelphia was already 11 points behind, and Rivers’s guess was verified again-when the guide got the match point of the series, he was likely to lose the match point. Although it has not been carefully counted, this conjecture is probably right. The guidance in this is the coach who has won the most losses in the history and the coach who has been turned the most after leading 3-1, in terms of being turned against the wind, we have not found anyone comparable to it. Rivers, as the coach, led the team to the playoffs for 24 years, and played 32 rounds of series before this round, of which 27 rounds won at least 3 games, in the end, Rivers lost 10 of the duel groups, but you won’t feel much when you see these numbers, only the magic that really acted as “once can but not” in those years, lvkai, Clippers, Clippers, Clippers, Clippers fans will have the kind of pain of skin cutting, and every year they cut on the skin of different parts. But for passers-by fans, Rivers’s fate will eventually become a footnote in his career, even beyond the scope of sadness or other inspirational words, however, it has sublimated to the realm of humor. There is no lack of sadness or motivation in competitive sports, but humor can be met and cannot be sought. However, enbidd is not ready to bear the humor of rivers. No matter how many gaps there are compared with the MVP second in the West, enbidd is indeed holding up the sky under the Philadelphia basket with his knees at least, his frame guard performance was almost the best in the career series. He won a chance for himself to break into the East, he also almost won a chance to ride to Tatum as a father-he faced Tatum twice in 2018 and 2020, winning a total of one game. G6 is the best opportunity. Philadelphia did not show too many signs of losing the game before the game entered the last 4 minutes. Maxi’s snatching succeeded in causing a foul on lvkai clear path. After two free throws, they led by 2 points again. Maxi shouted loudly, and the central stadium of Wells Fargo was boiling, and the momentum was leaning towards 76 people. Before all this happened, lvkai had led by more than 16 points in the first half, but they needed to drag a Tatum with only one point in half. Fan Zhiyi, a famous football critic, once said that it was not easy to get only one point in basketball, but Tatum did it. His teammates probably didn’t expect that until 4 minutes 14 seconds at the end of the game, Tatum lost a full 13 shots in 14 shots. The overwhelmed main general attacked and the 16-point lead was fleeting. Before maxi performed two free throws, the camera was given to Tatum countless times, language artists have already prepared countless texts such as “confused pupil” and “Today’s Tatum is Rashad-Lewis”. They are ready to release them at the first time after the game to snatch the commanding heights of public opinion to see lvkai off. Let’s be frank and put down the utilitarian milk for the time being. Before the start of this series, there were not many people really optimistic that Philadelphia could win. It was not that they were not strong enough, but that the opposite green Kai looked really impeccable, what’s more, enbidd will take two breaks when he comes. Even if he takes these two breaks, we also know that he will not get a 100% healthy knee joint. After Harden stormed and won the first game, many people said that this man would be pulled Later. As expected, Philadelphia had a crisp defeat in the second game, and lost again in the third game. Lvkai had already reached its peak, but you didn’t expect Harden to come back for the second time in a series of matches, and you didn’t expect the Green Kai Club on Tianwang Mountain to be misaligned collectively and cast a competition that was out of nowhere. The next step is the suffering G6, or for Philadelphia fans, it is 43 minutes and 46 seconds of happiness. They believe that the process of too many years has finally come to a new node, the dawn of hope was coming through the window. Then they saw a face filled all the space in this gap. Tatum threw his first three-point goal in this match and stepped back, right at the bottom, right in front of enbede, lvkai exceeded 1 point. Enbide’s jump shot failed. Tatum held the ball and pushed maxi away. He retreated and scored the second three-pointer in a row. 100 seconds later, Green Kai led to 5 points, and Tatum scored the third three-pointer, and the game entered the last 2 minutes. In fact, after these three three-point goals, the game is over. As for the last 38 seconds of the game, Green Kai was still ahead of the 8-point Tatum again facing the three-point goal enbide scored, in addition to making him score in the fourth quarter (16) more than the Philadelphia team (13), there are no other special functions. After enbide went out to cover the last three points of Tatum, he walked two steps towards the middle circle. Looking back, he saw the ball hollow into the bag, two shoulders loose, stopped his steps, and his eyes were dark, A line of two words slipped through this temporary black: Jayson Tatum is still Embiid’s father. After the first three-pointer, Tatum had closed the window, while the last three-pointer left the window with an unnecessary lock, which might have a little taste of declaration: You may call me picture, it doesn’t matter, but do you know picture my last name? Hu. Hu Klias Hu. After the game, Tatum showed his indifference. He announced: “I am the best player in the world, one of the things to say modestly.” At the post-match press conference, he mentioned the declaration again: “I really think so. It is easy to say so when you get 40 or 35 points, but I think you can say this to yourself when you only score one goal, which shows what kind of person you are.” Originally, it was enough for him to finish these words, leaving a blank space for the writers to explain, and the person who told the joke did not need to explain every joke. But now that Tatum said so, we probably knew what he was thinking after the 14th vote of 1. It sounded that he was very satisfied with his state of mind when he was desperate. In fact, Tatum arranged seven of the team’s eight shots in the last 4 minutes, almost all of which were hero balls. The so-called Kobe-style shots at critical moments included the four three points, they are all goals worthy of praise, because they all entered at the most critical moment today, directly playing the Philadelphia players Silly. Why can a person use the rhetoric of desire to be restrained so thoroughly. But one thing, why is it all three-pointer? Why are all the three-point goals scored? When I asked this question, I was actually asking why the players who made more than 40% of the three-point shots in a season had to throw so many three-point goals, then you have to ask him why three-point shot percentage is only 35% and 9 shots per game, then you have to ask what kind of team lvkai relies on-why is a team with three points in the regular season occupying the second highest position in the league, the top three players in the three points hit 35% of Tatum, and Brown and SMAT ranked second and third only hit 3%. When you calculate magic ball happily and educate others about the benefits of throwing more three-point goals, the example you give must not be 33% three-point shot percentage. Then you can understand that the 2022-23 version of lvkai has the best team for a while and looks like a Gemini team to some extent, but they are still a team that relies more on the team. The third defense of lvkai League certainly requires the joint efforts of the team, especially the offensive efficiency when they rank second in the league. As long as the background color of lvkai is still three points, they must rely on the playing of the players on the field. They need Horford, Xiaobai, Brogden and gowei to cast at least 40% of the fixed-point three-point hit rate in each game to support their attack fundamentals. This is also why once the important space of Horford is cold, green Kai can lose G4. Once the players of the whole team are cold, the team dares to lose 12 points in the home court of Tianwang Mountain. However, G6 Brogden and Xiaobai can vote 7 on downtown 11, and they can wait until the last 4 minutes of Tatum. The problem is that now it is the playoffs, the stage of superstar, you have to have a way to get the ball in. Now the team needs Jordan instead of Pippen, not only 32 percent of the three-point shot percentage in a series, but less than 42 percent of the field goal percentage in Pippen. In fact, Tatum has adjusted his distribution of shots in this round of series. From the distribution of shots to hits in the last round, he played more like a regular season, this round of Tatum has increased the frequency of attack frame, but facing enbide’s shrinking inner line, Tatum did not show enough efficiency, whether it was the basket or downtown, his hit rate has dropped by about 4% in this round compared with the first round or regular season. If Horford’s cold hands make Philadelphia’s internal shrinkage tend to aggravate this phenomenon, then of course you want to ask marzula if there is any other adjustment method, if mazula is too young to have any means of adjustment, then ask Tatum, the first five runner-up boss of the mature two consecutive All-Star MVP, whether you have any means of adjustment. This is a question that no one can answer instead of Tatum. Today he is facing the inside line of the combination of enbidd and Tucker. He may need to recall the last round of G6, which was also on the road, how did he cut 46 points against the inside line composed of Daluo and letters? He didn’t say he was the best player in that game. After all, it was too easy to say such a thing after cutting 46 points. Of course, today is different from the past, green Kai will still have SMAT’s roar in addition to the dressing room, and many things may change. For example, after G6 Tatum 14 hit 1, mazula called a pause. When the pause was almost over, he pulled Tatum aside alone. You thought Ma instructor would tell him a tactic, or something like “continue to vote, don’t lower your head, you will always enter”, but coach Ma didn’t. You can never guess that coach pony only said one word to Tatum: “I love you.” When I saw this news, I felt mixed feelings. I felt like waking up from the quilt in a dry and hot summer in a room without air conditioner, there is another kind of person who wants to be treated with Heimlich first aid immediately. In a flash, I missed the summer that might be hotter in 2022 but felt refreshing when I heard those words. It was the special tenderness of Wu ducurno, the former coach of lvkai, to young players during the suspension: “Can you stop playing like a bunch of scallops?” Welcome to our wechat public number “Houchang Village sports team” to see, there are more NBA, CBA related archaeology, comments and character content>> (Text/cat on boiler)
