Live broadcast on April 20 today, Sun Coach Monty Williams was interviewed by reporters after the team training. Speaking of Durant, Monty said, “he is very modest about his work. As if he was afraid of not doing well, he had been trying hard to prove that he could do well. Then you make up for it with talent.” Related News >>> KD: I don’t want to boast and ask my teammates and coaches to know how they really feel about me.
夜上海论坛Live broadcast bar, April 28-the first round of the NBA playoffs G6 today, the Eagles lost 120-128 to the Celtics at home, and the total score of the series was 2-4 out. After the game, Eagle star Trey Yang talked about the difference between the Green Army’s defense against him in the upper and lower half. Yang said: “At the beginning of the first half, the Celtics played more team defense. When smart cooperated with the defense, I could play the game by immediately dropping the ball and attacking receive the ball, which made me create some space. But in the second half, smart defended me more. When I didn’t take the ball, smart still faced me and kept in touch with me.” In this battle, Trey-Yang was totally different in the upper and lower half. He scored 25 points in the first half of 15 shots and 8 shots, and only 1 in the second half of 13 shots, with 5 points. In the whole game, Trey-Yang played for 40 minutes, scored 9 out of 28 (4 out of 12 in 3) and 8 out of 8 free throws, and got 30 points, 3 rebounds, 10 assists, 1 snatch and 2 caps.
夜上海论坛Live broadcast bar, May 4th, NBA Playoffs G2,76 people away 87-121 lost to Celtics, with a big score of 1-1. In this way, in the series of NBA7 games, the 1-0 lead of the last 15 visiting teams was all tied to 1-1 level! Under such a big premise, tomorrow’s 1-0 leading Lakers will continue to challenge Warriors away at 9:00.
夜上海论坛Live broadcast bar May 4th news CBA semi-final G5, Zhejiang 91-90 wins Shenzhen, thrilling promotion. Counting G4 Zhejiang 93-92 wins Shenzhen, Zhejiang has already won 1 point in two consecutive games. In G4, Cheng Shuai’s three-point pressure whistle was killed. In This G5, Cheng Shuai not only scored 26 points of his new playoff record, but also hit the key 2 points in the final 20 seconds of the game. Cheng Shuai’s G4 pressure whistle killing G5 Cheng Shuai’s layup hit 2 points
夜上海论坛Live broadcast bar May 4th news CBA semi-final G5, Zhejiang 91-90 wins Shenzhen, thrilling promotion. Counting G4 Zhejiang 93-92 wins Shenzhen, Zhejiang has already won 1 point in two consecutive games.
In G4, Cheng Shuai’s three-point pressure whistle was killed. In This G5, Cheng Shuai not only scored 26 points of his new playoff record, but also hit the key 2 points in the final 20 seconds of the game.
Cheng Shuai’s G4 pressure whistle killing
G5 Cheng Shuai’s layup hit 2 points
Live broadcast bar may 13th news CBA finals G3, Liaoning defeated Zhejiang 94-68 at home, leading the big score 3-0. After the game, media person @ Yong Fang Fang wrote in an article: “Yang Ming’s guidance said that there is still the last game of the season. I can’t see it. The eighth consecutive victory in the finals is coming. Congratulations to Liao basket in advance, zhao Ji has a great probability of winning FMVP. If there is an option not to play the fourth game, I think the Zhejiang team will choose.” At 19:35 on the evening of May 15, the finals G4, Liaoning will continue to play Zhejiang at home.
夜上海论坛Live broadcast bar may 13th news CBA finals G3, Liaoning defeated Zhejiang 94-68 at home, leading the big score 3-0.
After the game, media person @ Yong Fang Fang wrote in an article: “Yang Ming’s guidance said that there is still the last game of the season. I can’t see it. The eighth consecutive victory in the finals is coming. Congratulations to Liao basket in advance, zhao Ji has a great probability of winning FMVP. If there is an option not to play the fourth game, I think the Zhejiang team will choose.”
At 19:35 on the evening of May 15, the finals G4, Liaoning will continue to play Zhejiang at home.
Live Bar, June 12th news today, American media Clutch Points show the dynamics. Heat 43-year-old veteran Hasham has played less than 8 hours (7.95 hours) since 2016, but his salary during this period was 14 million dollars (14,692,277). Since the 2016-17 season, Hasham has played 65 regular season games, with the most average playing time in 19-20 seasons (4 games in total, 11 minutes in average).
夜上海社区论坛Live Bar, June 12th news today, American media Clutch Points show the dynamics.
Heat 43-year-old veteran Hasham has played less than 8 hours (7.95 hours) since 2016, but his salary during this period was 14 million dollars (14,692,277).
Since the 2016-17 season, Hasham has played 65 regular season games, with the most average playing time in 19-20 seasons (4 games in total, 11 minutes in average).
Live broadcast, June 13 news the heat today 89-94 lost to the Nuggets, and the total score was 1-4. After the game, Heat defender Lowry was interviewed by the media. “First of all, congratulations to the Denver Nuggets. They played very well. This is a great team. They deserve to win the championship. They really defeated us and were completely fair.” Lowry said, “I think we have done a good job, and our team has a special connection. We are led by one of the best basketball players in the world, who instilled confidence in us. At this moment, we may not really feel how we feel and what we think.” “But as you know, we will look back on the past at some time in the future and say, ‘Hey, this is a great season and a very good performance. But now, I really can’t think about it.” Lorry continued. Lowry played for 34 minutes today, scored 4 in 13 shots, 4 in 9 in 3 points, and scored 12 points, 9 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals 1 cap.
夜上海社区论坛Live broadcast, June 13 news the heat today 89-94 lost to the Nuggets, and the total score was 1-4. After the game, Heat defender Lowry was interviewed by the media.
“First of all, congratulations to the Denver Nuggets. They played very well. This is a great team. They deserve to win the championship. They really defeated us and were completely fair.” Lowry said, “I think we have done a good job, and our team has a special connection. We are led by one of the best basketball players in the world, who instilled confidence in us. At this moment, we may not really feel how we feel and what we think.”
“But as you know, we will look back on the past at some time in the future and say, ‘Hey, this is a great season and a very good performance. But now, I really can’t think about it.” Lorry continued.
Lowry played for 34 minutes today, scored 4 in 13 shots, 4 in 9 in 3 points, and scored 12 points, 9 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals 1 cap.
Live broadcast bar, April 23 -nba playoffs G3 today, the Lakers played at home against the grizzly bear. Ham was interviewed by the media before the game. Speaking of Dillon’s provocative remarks to James, Ham said: “LeBlanc is the ultimate professional player, and he has been like this for the past 20 years, I totally believe that he will stand on the same front with his teammates and put himself in the best position to win the game.” Related News> Dillon talks about spraying James: He is too old and I don’t respect anyone unless he cuts 40 points on my head Dillon called you too old! James: I’m not here to talk about this shit. I’m ready to play
夜上海论坛Live broadcast bar, April 23 -nba playoffs G3 today, the Lakers played at home against the grizzly bear. Ham was interviewed by the media before the game.
Speaking of Dillon’s provocative remarks to James, Ham said: “LeBlanc is the ultimate professional player, and he has been like this for the past 20 years, I totally believe that he will stand on the same front with his teammates and put himself in the best position to win the game.”
Related News> Dillon talks about spraying James: He is too old and I don’t respect anyone unless he cuts 40 points on my head
Dillon called you too old! James: I’m not here to talk about this shit. I’m ready to play
北京时间昨天晚上,男篮世界杯分组抽签结束,中国队抽到B组,和塞尔维亚、波多黎各、南苏丹分在同一个小组。 如果单从小组赛的分组结果来看,中国队的签运不佳,原因我们在昨天的推送里已经解释了——作为中国队最希望拿下的第八档非洲对手,南苏丹的实力远远强过埃及和佛得角,如果再考虑到波多黎各略强于委内瑞拉,这个抽签结果,等于是大大降低了中国队小组直接出线进入淘汰赛的可能性。 如果悲观一点,在不考虑归化的情况下,中国男篮小组赛三场全败的可能性并不算低(这里必须要降低一点期待,形势真的不算很乐观)。 那么,这就可以说中国队一定拿到了一支下签吗? 也不一定。 大家都知道,由于男篮世界杯成绩与奥运会资格直接挂钩,所以中国男篮本次的目标其实并不是小组出线,而是“成为亚洲战绩最好的球队直通奥运会”。 这一点就要求中国队必须盯紧其他小组的亚洲对手,而从目前的抽签形势来看,亚洲球队杀出小组赛的可能性都不高。 首先是日本:作为最惨东道主,他们和澳大利亚、德国、芬兰分在一组——澳大利亚、德国自不必谈,芬兰则是第一个从欧洲区血战中杀出来的球队,日本队就算集齐最强阵容,在组内都毫无优势可言,大概率三战全败。 然后是黎巴嫩、约旦和伊朗三个中东球队:黎巴嫩掉到了另一个死亡之组H组(法国、加拿大、拉脱维亚),约旦在C组也好不到哪去(美国、希腊、新西兰),而伊朗核心哈达迪几乎不可能在男篮世界杯前伤愈归队,要不是预选赛澳大利亚送了一场温暖他们连世界杯都进不去,不管对手是谁已经确定是小组鱼腩。 可以看到,这些亚洲对手的组内基本都是欧美列强,连可以拼一枪的南美对手都欠奉,极大概率全部小组三战皆墨(这真不是瞧不起同洲的兄弟,实力差距对比如此),相对于他们,中国队的签运甚至可以算是好的。 唯一可能在小组赛搞出点事情的就是东道主菲律宾,他们抽到了意大利、多米尼加和安哥拉——以菲律宾的预想来看,击败安哥拉,力拼多米尼加,再碰碰运气打意大利应该是既定目标。 不过预期是预期,从客观的实力推演来看,他们的处境大概也就比中国男足在2002年的情况稍好一些——且不论安哥拉是不是就真的如菲律宾所想随便拿捏,考虑到多米尼加在美洲区预选赛两胜阿根廷,还和加拿大打的难解难分,如果菲律宾不用和当年韩国队同样的手段,要想连赢两场直接晋级淘汰赛,说到底还是小概率事件。 那么,接如何在第二阶段败者组打出更好的表现,成为亚洲战绩最好的球队了,就是中国男篮最需要关注的实质问题。 这一点,其实是2019年中国男篮作为东道主没有仔细考虑,或者说直接忽略了的问题,当时中国男篮抽到A组之后,全部精力放在了如何小组出线上。结果落入败者组之后不得不面对拥有NBA大军的尼日利亚,最后在小分竞争不敌伊朗,遗憾错失奥运会资格。 而从这个角度来看,这次中国队所在的B组其实还算不错,因为隔壁就是菲律宾的A组,假设菲律宾和我们都没有小组出线,那在败者组我们需要面对的对手很可能就是安哥拉和菲律宾——这两个对手反而都是相对比较好打的(根据赛程,败者组的安排是A+B,C+D,E+F,G+H)。 尤其是和菲律宾的可能的败者组对决,对男篮来说真是最关键的比赛,一场当两场用,只要赢下来就大概率能在最终排名上压过对手(如果再战胜南苏丹或者安哥拉哪怕其中一队,拿到2胜,中国男篮基本上就可以确定压住菲律宾了) PS:这就是男篮世界杯赛程黑色幽默的地方,菲律宾认为安哥拉好打,我们觉得也是,而我们觉得南苏丹难对付,到了败者组菲律宾一样头疼。 而再看其他对手,伊朗和黎巴嫩很有可能在败者组相遇,至少有一队能拿到1胜,但第二胜难于登天,而且考虑到同组对手太强,他们的净胜分估计都会很难看。 落入死亡之组的日本在败者组可能反而有一定机会,因为他们在败者组的配对组是F组,首先有软柿子佛得角,另一个对手大概率是委内瑞拉或者格鲁吉亚——所以看小组分组就说日本凉透了这个结论恐怕值得商榷。 约旦情况与日本类似,隔壁组的埃及可以捏一下——但无论是日本还是约旦,拿到2胜都不容易,3胜基本上是天方夜谭。 所以从这个角度来看,在目前的分组情况下,男篮争取世界杯拿到亚洲最佳排名的阻碍其实还是我们自己。只要做好自己,争取拿到2胜(尤其是对菲律宾),力拼3胜,男篮直通奥运会希望还是超过50%的。 PS:以上所有推论,均基于不考虑李凯尔归化的情况做出,如果李凯尔归化完成,那当然要冲他妈的,争取小组直接出线打淘汰赛。 欢迎大家来我们的微信公众号“后厂村体工队”看看,有更多NBA、CBA相关考古、评论和人物内容>> (文/ nihil) 2023年男篮世界杯报道专题
(文/ nihil)
Live Bar June 14 news Nuggets beat the Heat 94-89 at home and won the NBA championship 4-1 with a big score. When talking about yokiki, he said that although his son had been training hard to reach the top level, his mind had always been on the love of horses. Jokiki’s father said, “when he started to grow tall, I began to realize that he could become a basketball player. But at that time, jokiki told me that he wanted to be a rider, so I told him, ‘son, become a basketball player first, and you will become a great rider in the future’.”
夜上海社区论坛Live Bar June 14 news Nuggets beat the Heat 94-89 at home and won the NBA championship 4-1 with a big score.
When talking about yokiki, he said that although his son had been training hard to reach the top level, his mind had always been on the love of horses.
Jokiki’s father said, “when he started to grow tall, I began to realize that he could become a basketball player. But at that time, jokiki told me that he wanted to be a rider, so I told him, ‘son, become a basketball player first, and you will become a great rider in the future’.”
Live Bar, June 18 news according to the famous Stein report, The Lone Ranger and the Eagle have not reached a consensus on the veteran chips in the first round of signing swap. According to previous reports, The Lone Ranger is considering trading the 10th sign down to the middle of the first round to get an experienced rotation player to help Dong cheqi and Owen. Sources said that the Lone Ranger and the eagle had discussed using the 10th sign to replace the 15th sign with John Collins, but the current progress was not smooth. The Lone Ranger suggested that if Collins was replaced with Capella, they will be more willing to consider this deal.
夜上海社区论坛Live Bar, June 18 news according to the famous Stein report, The Lone Ranger and the Eagle have not reached a consensus on the veteran chips in the first round of signing swap.
According to previous reports, The Lone Ranger is considering trading the 10th sign down to the middle of the first round to get an experienced rotation player to help Dong cheqi and Owen.
Sources said that the Lone Ranger and the eagle had discussed using the 10th sign to replace the 15th sign with John Collins, but the current progress was not smooth. The Lone Ranger suggested that if Collins was replaced with Capella, they will be more willing to consider this deal.
Link >>>? Mills’s Twitter account has been banned yesterday said it would be open with Zion’s Love video adult actress: My Love video with Zion is about to be released! ****************************************************************************************************
夜上海社区论坛Link >>>? Mills’s Twitter account has been banned yesterday said it would be open with Zion’s Love video adult actress: My Love video with Zion is about to be released! ****************************************************************************************************
Live broadcast bar, June 18 news the 25th CUBAL first-class men’s basketball national third-level battle, North sports university 84-65 Central South University, won the third place in this competition. After the game, the players of the North sports university waited for the arrival of coach Zhang Chengyi in the dressing room. They were crazy to celebrate when the coach entered the door.
Live broadcast bar, June 18 news the 25th CUBAL first-class men’s basketball national third-level battle, North sports university 84-65 Central South University, won the third place in this competition.
After the game, the players of the North sports university waited for the arrival of coach Zhang Chengyi in the dressing room. They were crazy to celebrate when the coach entered the door.