Live broadcast on May 9th, NBA West semi-final G4, Warriors 101-104 lost to the Lakers, the big score 1-3 behind. After the game, Parkins pushed, “What you have been saying about attack is bullshit. In the final analysis, defense can win the championship. The Lakers only scored 17 points in the last quarter through their own defense. Good night.”
夜上海论坛Live Bar, May 6th news today, NBA Playoffs Round G3, the Sun 121-114 beat the Nuggets, the big score came to 1-2. After the game, Sun guard Booker was interviewed by the reporter. Speaking of his own defense, Booker said: “The early impression of people on me was that I couldn’t defend. At that time, it was very difficult to be in a rebuilt team. I had a great burden on my shoulders. I always thought I was an excellent defender.” In this game, Booker 25 in 20, three points 8 in 5, free throw 2 in 2, get 47 points 6 board 9 Help 3 break 1 cap.
夜上海论坛Live broadcast bar, May 11-NBA officially announced the best lineup of the year, with three rounds: Fox, James, Lillard, Randle and Xiao Sa. The King’s official urged Xiao Sa to be selected, and wrote: “The season averaged 19.1 points, 12.3 rebounds 7.3 assists, the season rebounder, two double Kings (65 times), all stars, the best three matches.”
夜上海论坛Live broadcast bar, May 11-NBA officially announced the best lineup of the year, with three rounds: Fox, James, Lillard, Randle and Xiao Sa.
The King’s official urged Xiao Sa to be selected, and wrote: “The season averaged 19.1 points, 12.3 rebounds 7.3 assists, the season rebounder, two double Kings (65 times), all stars, the best three matches.”
Live Bar, June 14th recently, Wade talked about MVP in Club Shay Shay. Host: I saw your 2008-09 season. You are the only player who got 2000 points, 500 assists, 150 steals and 100 cap points. You were the scoring king in that year, do you think you should take MVP that season? Wade: of course, but I understand why LeBlanc won MVP. They won 67 or 62 games. His data is also very good. I can understand. Host: If you had a regular season MVP, what would your career be like? Wade: it won’t be different. Maybe people will talk more about me. In the 2008-09 season, Wade averaged 30.2 points 5.0 rebounds 7.5 assists 2.2 steals 1.3 cap, James averaged 28.4 points 7.6 rebounds 7.2 assists 1.7 steals 1.1 cap, and the top 3 MVP votes were James, Kobe, wade.
夜上海社区论坛Live Bar, June 14th recently, Wade talked about MVP in Club Shay Shay.
Host: I saw your 2008-09 season. You are the only player who got 2000 points, 500 assists, 150 steals and 100 cap points. You were the scoring king in that year, do you think you should take MVP that season?
Wade: of course, but I understand why LeBlanc won MVP. They won 67 or 62 games. His data is also very good. I can understand.
Host: If you had a regular season MVP, what would your career be like?
Wade: it won’t be different. Maybe people will talk more about me.
In the 2008-09 season, Wade averaged 30.2 points 5.0 rebounds 7.5 assists 2.2 steals 1.3 cap, James averaged 28.4 points 7.6 rebounds 7.2 assists 1.7 steals 1.1 cap, and the top 3 MVP votes were James, Kobe, wade.
Live Bar, June 23 -2023 draft conference, defending champion Nuggets selected Julian Struther with the 29th sign. Strauther was born on April 18, 2002, from the University of gunsaga, height 2 meters 01, weight 95kg, arm stretch 2 meters 06, division point guard. Struther played 37 games in his junior season, with an average of 15.2 points and 6.2 rebounds in 31.2 minutes, 46.9 percent in field goal percentage, 40.8 percent in three points and 77.6 percent in free throws. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NBA draft conference 2023
夜上海论坛社区Live Bar, June 23 -2023 draft conference, defending champion Nuggets selected Julian Struther with the 29th sign.
Strauther was born on April 18, 2002, from the University of gunsaga, height 2 meters 01, weight 95kg, arm stretch 2 meters 06, division point guard.
Struther played 37 games in his junior season, with an average of 15.2 points and 6.2 rebounds in 31.2 minutes, 46.9 percent in field goal percentage, 40.8 percent in three points and 77.6 percent in free throws.
NBA draft conference 2023
Live broadcast bar News on May 9th according to the media person @ ball ring inspector Zhao, Nanjing Tongxi team has reassembled and began to prepare for the new season. In the 2022-23 season, Tongxi scored 17 wins and 25 losses, ranking 14th in the league.
夜上海论坛Live broadcast bar News on May 9th according to the media person @ ball ring inspector Zhao, Nanjing Tongxi team has reassembled and began to prepare for the new season.
In the 2022-23 season, Tongxi scored 17 wins and 25 losses, ranking 14th in the league.
Live Bar may 5th-NBA playoffs, Warriors half-time end 67-56 leading the Lakers. In the first half, Curry suffered from strict defense, but he instigated the attack to help the team. In 15 minutes, he made 5 shots and 3 shots, 1 in 3 points and 1 in 3 points and 1 in free throw 1 contributed 8 points, 2 rebounds, 8 assists and 1 steals, positive and negative values +8.
夜上海论坛Live Bar may 5th-NBA playoffs, Warriors half-time end 67-56 leading the Lakers.
In the first half, Curry suffered from strict defense, but he instigated the attack to help the team. In 15 minutes, he made 5 shots and 3 shots, 1 in 3 points and 1 in 3 points and 1 in free throw 1 contributed 8 points, 2 rebounds, 8 assists and 1 steals, positive and negative values +8.
系列赛前瞻里,我提到了几个关键的胜负手,其中这三条至关重要: 谁会在这场空间博弈中先受不了做出调整? 普尔什么水平? 库里的犯规数字。里夫斯可能是湖人这轮系列赛重要的取胜之匙。 这三条胜负手在G1都有了答案: 勇士是先受不了空间环境的一方,科尔做出调整,用三后卫五小抹平分差,差一点翻盘; 普尔三分11中6拿到21分,送出6助攻,没有失误,打得很好。他的火热状态是勇士用三后卫五小对攻追分的前提。胜负手1和胜负手2,一个利好湖人,一个利好勇士。 关键在第三条胜负手。库里全场3次犯规,没有因为犯规数字提前休息,这场有犯规麻烦的是追梦。里夫斯打得不错,攻防两端各种琐碎贡献不少,但并不是那个“取胜之匙”。看起来,这个胜负手似乎没有发生影响? 并非如此,这个胜负手对这场比赛的影响至关重要,甚至,我认为打破平衡的关键就在这里。 先说一下,为什么我念叨里夫斯这个名字几个月了。 一开始是因为这个球员打得确实好,这种身体天赋一般,靠意识和技术打球的球员,评论员多念叨一下属于职业病。但后来,勇士和湖人分别拿到西部第6和西部第7的排位后,我开始意识到,里夫斯可能会对勇士造成极大伤害——常规赛两队交手的时候,里夫斯就做到了。 按正常思路,科尔会拿库里对位里夫斯。库里可选的对位是里夫斯、拉塞尔、范德比尔特之一,这3人里,拉塞尔进攻戏份最多,而科尔一般不会让库里暴露在防挡拆一线。范德彪基本不参与战术,但他体型比库里大很多,有冲板优势,并且,范德彪作为湖人最拖空间的首发球员,勇士拿内线之一对他,才能最大化利用这个点去协防。库里是勇士首发体型最小的球员,用他对范德彪,协防价值不够。 但科尔的选择是,他先拿库里对位了拉塞尔,这反映出在勇士教练组心中,里夫斯比拉塞尔更危险。科尔可能预判了哈姆的预判——如果库里防里夫斯,哈姆可能会加里夫斯的挡拆戏份给库里压力,与其如此,还不如直接库里防拉塞尔,毕竟拉塞尔造犯规频率比里夫斯低。 然而,拉塞尔这个球员看似侵略性不够,却学有一手“保罗式绝活”,大回环,挂臂撩,都是他的拿手好戏。第一节10分59秒,第三节9分30秒,拉塞尔造了库里两个犯规。 这两个犯规要了亲命了。虽然库里全场只有3次犯规,但是这两个犯规来得太快,分别发生在上下半场开局。并且,下半场拉塞尔那波爆发,还有一次一对一打库里的中距离,这些画面让科尔动摇了。 第一节湖人的第一个暂停,科尔先做了对位调整,他让库里去防范德彪,追梦去防拉塞尔。第三节,勇士的对位更是走马灯一般的来回变化,科尔也一时闹不清怎么对位最合适。最后,他给出的答案是追梦防浓眉,卢尼防范德彪,汤神防拉塞尔,维金斯防詹姆斯,库里防里夫斯。这个对位的效果暂时无法验证,因为追梦很快4犯下去了,勇士之后大量使用多后卫小阵容,盯人难受,用了不少联防。 我认为,科尔让追梦领防拉塞尔的时段是勇士这场最大的败笔。拉塞尔是湖人首发最好的空间点,追梦防他就等于放弃了协防,并且,追梦的领防表现也没多好,勇士这么对位的结果是,既没有防住拉塞尔,也没有利用到范德比尔特这个非空间点,就不能让哈姆动摇,范德比尔特舒舒服服地打了26分钟,且在场时,球队进攻不错。 问题来了——后面怎么办? 变阵,拆开卢尼和追梦? 还是再试试追卢同时打的首发阵容? 我不确定。加空间的水花茶小阵容,好处是进攻解放,但对位难度会更大,不可能从一开始就守联防,体能消耗,犯规数字都是隐患。而大阵容还有两件事可以观察: 一是大阵容进攻是不是还能提升一些。汤神、维金斯有一些对位优势,虽然并不指望他们吃错位打出太高的效率,但浓眉守蹲坑,库里、汤神打挡拆、手递手也能获得投篮机会; 二是勇士大阵容的防守还有改善空间,对位上,执行上,都可以做得更好。库里是不是可以犯规控制得更好一些?库里在季后赛对位过CJ这样的主攻手,如果不是天赋碾压,他是能对的。如果他只能对范德彪,勇士就没法让哈姆在用人上动更多脑筋。而如果他能对湖人的两个后卫,就能保证追梦/卢尼对位浓眉/范德比尔特,提升球队的协防。如果非要把追梦放在一线去领防,也该去对詹姆斯,让维金斯防拉塞尔。 另外,勇士这场的防守细节也有不少问题。比如卢尼、追梦防浓眉的卷切都走了掩护上线,这样防跟不住浓眉冲筐,追梦还因为挤掩护吃了一个让他恼火的犯规。这场比赛,双方罚球数字差距巨大,这个差距并不都是攻筐与投三分的进攻方式区别造成的,勇士还送了多个跳投犯规、挤掩护犯规,还有无谓的篮板球犯规,少一些细节犯错,防守质量也会提升不少。 勇士当然还有调整空间。科尔对于怎么打湖人也做了功课,进攻比防守琢磨得更多。勇士这场投了53次三分,显然是看了湖人之前的比赛,意识到浓眉的护筐难以撼动,主动选择了回应蹲坑的策略。勇士没有五外阵容可摆,科尔知道这轮系列赛贾格林有用,给了时间,并且进了两个三分,但他的综合水平不支持勇士长时间摆他单内线的阵容。勇士打蹲坑的主要手段只能是挡拆、手递手、无球掩护的高难三分,由于勇士拥有这个领域的最强武器,这么打也可行,特别是摆出一些空间比较好的阵容时,掩护和跑动发生在多个方向,湖人也不好防守。 当然,普尔的手感未必能维持,勇士再打出一场水花茶都命中6记三分的比赛不容易,但湖人想维持34中21的近筐准星也不容易。 其实,G1是一场双方都主动“放弃”一些“够不到区域”的比赛: 勇士的防守够不到近筐区域甚至长两分区域。虽然对手近筐命中率高有一些原因是勇士主场采集员的锅,但因为内线矮,对抛投、近中距离确实干扰能力有限,加上外线单防弱点多,防持球手中距离的表现也不太行。浓眉今天在近中距离几乎不丢,勇士换追梦防他或许有些帮助,但更多需要祈祷他不中; 湖人的浓眉沉退护筐也够不到持球投三分,而他们的对手可能是持球投三分能力最强的球队。湖人之所以敢冒这个险给勇士去投,理论支持是布登霍尔泽的算术题——只要完全封锁住篮下,被对手进一些三分也没关系——实践支持是常规赛他们这么防勇士的效果不错。 那就看哪边能在对手够不到的区域回应得更好了。 最后再说一说,这支湖人的核心竞争力是什么。 湖人是这么一套逻辑: 浓眉拥有绝对的护筐统治力,再辅以詹姆斯、范德彪/八村这些大体型前锋帮扶,防守特点很像巅峰雄鹿,领防质量弱一些,但浓眉的机动性比大洛更好。他们有能力守出下限够高的防守,大部分比赛不会打成对轰局; 由于浓眉对内线有巨大威胁,詹姆斯还会吃走对手最好的外线领防人,这让湖人从第三号主攻手开始,拥有了宽松的一对一环境,会面对一般的领防人,对手也很难抽出人手去夹击他们。拉塞尔、里夫斯、施罗德、八村都有中距离能力,这让防守资源并不丰富的球队非常头疼。如果湖人的对手是绿军、快船这种每个点单防都还行,没有特殊保护对象的球队,这种优势的意义就有限。问题是,大部分球队都有单防弱点,并且大部分球队没办法在跟湖人交手时,把进攻水平拉高到普通中距离单打手的“平价效率”够不到的层级,这就显得湖人的一帮副攻手们零碎的抠分非常致命。 水花茶的三分爆发对冲了浓眉的爆发,以及他跟湖人锋线完全封锁的油漆区,最后让勇士吃不消的是湖人那4个副攻手“抠”出来的分数。作为拥有对位优势的勇士副攻手,汤嘴要在类似的回合里给出更严厉的惩罚——对面干同样活的球员有两个是底薪,勇士这两个前全明星,不能比他们做得差太多。
Live Bar, May 11-NBA officials today announced the list of the best team in the regular season this season. The Grizzly star Morant failed to be selected. The failure to be selected for the best lineup this time will make Morant miss the qualification to upgrade his 5-year 0.193 billion-dollar contract to 5-year 0.233 billion-dollar super top-salary contract, directly losing 40 million dollars! The grizzly bear reporter Drew Hill repeatedly analyzed the reason why Morant lost the election. He wrote: “Morant is a super top-level player, but he didn’t get the super top-level salary.” “Obviously, Morant’s appearance rate this season is higher than that of last season (57 games rose to 61 games), although the average score in the game decreased slightly (27.4 points dropped to 26.2 points), however, the average assists in the game increased (6.7 times rose to 8.1 times), and the grizzly bear’s record ranked second in the West. I am sure that some judges considered his off-site events when voting, but both my colleagues and I think Morant’s data is good enough.” Related News >>>The direct loss of Morant’s failure to be selected as the best team contract is as high as 40 million! Winners and losers in the best lineup selection: The Green Army won and lost 40 million Failed to be selected as the best team! Miss the super top salary! Morant Twitter expression continuous hair
夜上海论坛Live Bar, May 11-NBA officials today announced the list of the best team in the regular season this season. The Grizzly star Morant failed to be selected.
The failure to be selected for the best lineup this time will make Morant miss the qualification to upgrade his 5-year 0.193 billion-dollar contract to 5-year 0.233 billion-dollar super top-salary contract, directly losing 40 million dollars!
The grizzly bear reporter Drew Hill repeatedly analyzed the reason why Morant lost the election. He wrote: “Morant is a super top-level player, but he didn’t get the super top-level salary.”
“Obviously, Morant’s appearance rate this season is higher than that of last season (57 games rose to 61 games), although the average score in the game decreased slightly (27.4 points dropped to 26.2 points), however, the average assists in the game increased (6.7 times rose to 8.1 times), and the grizzly bear’s record ranked second in the West. I am sure that some judges considered his off-site events when voting, but both my colleagues and I think Morant’s data is good enough.”
Related News >>>The direct loss of Morant’s failure to be selected as the best team contract is as high as 40 million!
Winners and losers in the best lineup selection: The Green Army won and lost 40 million
Failed to be selected as the best team! Miss the super top salary! Morant Twitter expression continuous hair
Live Bar, June 20 today, Sun Reporter reported that Monty did not like coaching Claude, who forwarded the report on Twitter and responded. Sun reporter: Monty doesn’t like to coach Claude and Ayton. He hopes to use the latter to change Turner. Claude forwarded the report, but he did not refute the authenticity, and responded in all uppercase English: “Really coach? Is this your idea?♂⊙”
夜上海社区论坛Live Bar, June 20 today, Sun Reporter reported that Monty did not like coaching Claude, who forwarded the report on Twitter and responded.
Sun reporter: Monty doesn’t like to coach Claude and Ayton. He hopes to use the latter to change Turner.
Claude forwarded the report, but he did not refute the authenticity, and responded in all uppercase English: “Really coach? Is this your idea?♂⊙”
Live broadcast bar, May 3 -west semi-final G1, Warriors 112-117 lost to the Lakers. In this regard, former ESPN reporter Yuan Fang commented: “share the 10 key points about the game that I have summarized after watching the ball today: “1. The Lakers can be said to be a complete victory. They were a little nervous at the last moment, but they were prepared more fully and implemented better as a whole, and their responses were timely. Of course, part of this full preparation also comes from objectively having more rest time; “2, it is not surprising that the strong eyebrows have such a burst performance. Yogueta can continue to maintain such playing time and performance on the court, the difficulty for the Warriors to defeat the Lakers will increase infinitely. However, it is impossible for heavy eyebrows to play like this on the court. His physical strength cannot be reached theoretically. Today, the fourth quarter has already been hard-headed. It is unrealistic to use heavy eyebrows in a series of six or seven games all the time, this is the hidden danger point that the Lakers need to prepare Plan B in advance, and it is also the opportunity point that Warriors can seize next; “3. The Lakers played a very successful defense against Curry today. Vanderbilt brought Curry a very different experience on the court. In addition, Curry just finished the game 48 hours ago. Don’t say the status, even if the mood has a certain refractory period, after the defensive changes in the first half, it was a little slow and hot, and the whole team’s projection performance was good, so it didn’t take out the attitude of trying to take over the game, but just pushed along the boat; “4. Cole’s last moment is not called pause, which also means that he still lacks a little sense of urgency about this game, otherwise he should stop to arrange one. The big probability is that Cole thinks that the team has a small climax and does not want to stop the rhythm actively. At the same time, he also thinks that it is a small miracle that the ball can be recovered. In the end, whether the player can enter depends on his own performance. A flash of thought, gave Poole a chance to play freely; “5, it must not be all to blame Poole. In fact, without Poole’s performance today, Warriors will fall more wind at half time and eventually catch up with injustice, but it can’t be not to blame Poole, because the player Poole is not sure, there is a serious deviation in his position and cognition. He has strength, but he always treats himself as Curry. His brain and body cannot stop. At the last moment, Warriors can accept Curry throwing from half court, but Poole cannot accept throwing it from there. Therefore, Cole needs to know what it means to accept it as soon as he sees it. The better Poole plays, the better he should change it when he should end up; “6. James played well. Although field goal percentage was very average, he made almost all the right decisions to make his teammates play well, at the same time, he still voted for several shots at different nodes. He handed over the position of Marshal to the thick eyebrow, and the position of pioneer to the double guard. He was still like a god’s needle in the sea, in this case, I want to revise my previous opinion. James obviously does not need to have an average of 35 + games to bring the series into the seven. He has more ways to achieve it, but I still think James will try to take out the offensive desire and performance of taking over the game at some point in the series; “7. It was no surprise that the eighth village base was beaten back to its original shape, but Russell’s desire and effect of fighting and Schroder’s killing really caught the Warriors off guard. On the other hand, the serious lack of Wikins and green on the offensive end is the biggest problem in this game. Peyton was completely empty for three points at least twice and then deflected. Looney was empty in the whole game, in this case, people outside the splash must actively go to Peyton or Luni to pick up the response and grab the shot. The attack desire of the front line itself is not strong, and the state is not good. In the second half, the mentality is not confident due to the threat of heavy eyebrows, so it is gone; “8, the referee’s level in this competition is very high. Everyone should understand my meaning of high referee level. I don’t mean that he is correct in every blow penalty, nor does he have no bias at all. I mean high referee level, it means they can influence the competition without leaving any trace. Today, both sides have some losses and some take advantage of them. Neither team has tried out the challenge nor complained about the referee. It is proved that the referee’s punishment is difficult to make mistakes. However, the referee’s scale will definitely change in the following matches, depending on how the two sides adapt or use it. “9. This game is rare. Both sides played completely different basketball. As I said at the beginning of the second half, both sides did well in their respective fields, next, it depends on who can respond in the field that the other side is good at. Otherwise, the Lakers will score a few three points, or the Warriors will cut a few inside lines, even if it is three or five minutes, it will be enough. As a result, the Lakers scored three points in the third quarter and established a leading edge. The next game will still be like this. The Lakers can’t play a single-digit three-point goal every game, but they still have to shoot more. If no one can stay in the inner line, they must pass breakthroughs, sudden points, anti-running after cover and other ways to strengthen the killing of the inside line; “10. The situation seen today is likely to change completely in the next round. In the same round of series, a team may lose 20 points or win 30 points, for a thrilling victory, it is wrong to think that the Lakers are better than the Warriors. For both sides, this score can only represent this game. Warriors 4: the prediction of 2 has no reason to be shaken.”
夜上海论坛Live broadcast bar, May 3 -west semi-final G1, Warriors 112-117 lost to the Lakers.
In this regard, former ESPN reporter Yuan Fang commented: “share the 10 key points about the game that I have summarized after watching the ball today:
“1. The Lakers can be said to be a complete victory. They were a little nervous at the last moment, but they were prepared more fully and implemented better as a whole, and their responses were timely. Of course, part of this full preparation also comes from objectively having more rest time;
“2, it is not surprising that the strong eyebrows have such a burst performance. Yogueta can continue to maintain such playing time and performance on the court, the difficulty for the Warriors to defeat the Lakers will increase infinitely. However, it is impossible for heavy eyebrows to play like this on the court. His physical strength cannot be reached theoretically. Today, the fourth quarter has already been hard-headed. It is unrealistic to use heavy eyebrows in a series of six or seven games all the time, this is the hidden danger point that the Lakers need to prepare Plan B in advance, and it is also the opportunity point that Warriors can seize next;
“3. The Lakers played a very successful defense against Curry today. Vanderbilt brought Curry a very different experience on the court. In addition, Curry just finished the game 48 hours ago. Don’t say the status, even if the mood has a certain refractory period, after the defensive changes in the first half, it was a little slow and hot, and the whole team’s projection performance was good, so it didn’t take out the attitude of trying to take over the game, but just pushed along the boat;
“4. Cole’s last moment is not called pause, which also means that he still lacks a little sense of urgency about this game, otherwise he should stop to arrange one. The big probability is that Cole thinks that the team has a small climax and does not want to stop the rhythm actively. At the same time, he also thinks that it is a small miracle that the ball can be recovered. In the end, whether the player can enter depends on his own performance. A flash of thought, gave Poole a chance to play freely;
“5, it must not be all to blame Poole. In fact, without Poole’s performance today, Warriors will fall more wind at half time and eventually catch up with injustice, but it can’t be not to blame Poole, because the player Poole is not sure, there is a serious deviation in his position and cognition. He has strength, but he always treats himself as Curry. His brain and body cannot stop. At the last moment, Warriors can accept Curry throwing from half court, but Poole cannot accept throwing it from there. Therefore, Cole needs to know what it means to accept it as soon as he sees it. The better Poole plays, the better he should change it when he should end up;
“6. James played well. Although field goal percentage was very average, he made almost all the right decisions to make his teammates play well, at the same time, he still voted for several shots at different nodes. He handed over the position of Marshal to the thick eyebrow, and the position of pioneer to the double guard. He was still like a god’s needle in the sea, in this case, I want to revise my previous opinion. James obviously does not need to have an average of 35 + games to bring the series into the seven. He has more ways to achieve it, but I still think James will try to take out the offensive desire and performance of taking over the game at some point in the series;
“7. It was no surprise that the eighth village base was beaten back to its original shape, but Russell’s desire and effect of fighting and Schroder’s killing really caught the Warriors off guard. On the other hand, the serious lack of Wikins and green on the offensive end is the biggest problem in this game. Peyton was completely empty for three points at least twice and then deflected. Looney was empty in the whole game, in this case, people outside the splash must actively go to Peyton or Luni to pick up the response and grab the shot. The attack desire of the front line itself is not strong, and the state is not good. In the second half, the mentality is not confident due to the threat of heavy eyebrows, so it is gone;
“8, the referee’s level in this competition is very high. Everyone should understand my meaning of high referee level. I don’t mean that he is correct in every blow penalty, nor does he have no bias at all. I mean high referee level, it means they can influence the competition without leaving any trace. Today, both sides have some losses and some take advantage of them. Neither team has tried out the challenge nor complained about the referee. It is proved that the referee’s punishment is difficult to make mistakes. However, the referee’s scale will definitely change in the following matches, depending on how the two sides adapt or use it.
“9. This game is rare. Both sides played completely different basketball. As I said at the beginning of the second half, both sides did well in their respective fields, next, it depends on who can respond in the field that the other side is good at. Otherwise, the Lakers will score a few three points, or the Warriors will cut a few inside lines, even if it is three or five minutes, it will be enough. As a result, the Lakers scored three points in the third quarter and established a leading edge. The next game will still be like this. The Lakers can’t play a single-digit three-point goal every game, but they still have to shoot more. If no one can stay in the inner line, they must pass breakthroughs, sudden points, anti-running after cover and other ways to strengthen the killing of the inside line;
“10. The situation seen today is likely to change completely in the next round. In the same round of series, a team may lose 20 points or win 30 points, for a thrilling victory, it is wrong to think that the Lakers are better than the Warriors. For both sides, this score can only represent this game. Warriors 4: the prediction of 2 has no reason to be shaken.”
Live broadcast on May 12th, NBA Playoffs Round G6, the sun half 51-81 behind the Nuggets. Booker played for 21 minutes in the first half. He scored 4 out of 12 shots (1 out of 2 in 3 points) and 2 out of 2 free throws. He scored 11 points and 4 assists. He made a mistake and had a positive and negative value of-31. After several consecutive highlights before the series, Booker’s shooting performance in G5 (8 of 19) and the first half of the game dropped.
夜上海论坛Live broadcast on May 12th, NBA Playoffs Round G6, the sun half 51-81 behind the Nuggets.
Booker played for 21 minutes in the first half. He scored 4 out of 12 shots (1 out of 2 in 3 points) and 2 out of 2 free throws. He scored 11 points and 4 assists. He made a mistake and had a positive and negative value of-31.
After several consecutive highlights before the series, Booker’s shooting performance in G5 (8 of 19) and the first half of the game dropped.